Actually, although he is a bit all over the place, he is correct. As I have posted,and many of us know, 911, Sandy Hook, Boston, Tx fertilizer plant, all false flags. Just as I was told it would happen, the destruction of our wonderful country is hyping up. We are now going at a once every month, or even less that these false flag operations are occuring. Please know we do have help and some of these could have been much worse. The're powers on our side. What I also know is that troops are in place for martial law, troops not necessarily from this country. I have seen them and talked to them......This is personal experience. I have been confronted by them, I have been told to shut up or I will die. I have even been told how I will die. I get visits every month to let me know they are watching. I have had plain clothes undercover folks posted on the corner of my property at night and I have chased them, only to see them hop in police cars and be taken away. But you know what, Im not scared. I know the truth and know where all of this leads. I have said more here than I probably should have, as I know that some are fear based and this posting will upset you. But the bottom line is dont be scared, be aware. Know the truth so that when you see it, you will recognize it and with that recognition you can make the best decisions for the safety of your loved ones. Sometimes, silence is your friend.....God bless all.....