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Australian Billionare Gina Rinehart Calls For Sterilization of The Poor

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Australian Billionare Gina Rinehart Calls For Sterilization of The Poor

May 31, 2013

Australian Billionare Gina Rinehart Calls For Sterilization of The Poor  Gina-169-408x264-e1369580170693-257x161Conservative
billionaire Gina Rinehart called for the sterilization of the poor
today, arguing that the only way to alleviate poverty is to stop the
“underclasses” from multiplying. In a video uploaded to her official
YouTube account, the Australian mining heiress said that income
inequality is caused by differences in intelligence, and eugenics is the
only answer. ”Our nation faces a grave economic crisis as the
combination of a strong Australian dollar and falling commodity prices
sap our ability to compete globally,” she explained, “the only logical
solution to this crisis is to strengthen the quality of our most
precious resource: human capital. ”I believe that any couple making less
than $100,000 a year should be forcibly sterilized through a vasectomy
or fallopian tubal ligation. Those earning more than $100,000 a year
should be encouraged to have as many as 10 or 12 children. ”Only by
eliminating waste and focusing on our brightest, most efficient workers
can we hope to see off our rivals in the emerging world.” More

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Thanks to: http://endtimeheadlines.wordpress.com



She's a fat bitch, her own kids can't stand her and are suing her! She is up to no good dreadful person, she is ugly outside and in!



She's a pig, and she's ignorant, arrogant, and a f'n d-bag- She ought to be shot- Eugenics, right from the mouth of That rotten billionaire bastard Bill Gates, and he's another one that ought to be killed, just like he plans on doing to all of us-That woman is as ugly as a truckload of smashed assholes- grrrr :mooning:



Yes she is terbs she is a dreadful woman! Bill Gates is out here at the moment, can't believe he's a bad guy he looks so nice!!



he is a bad guy nannee... they all are.



I lost my post- Ghosts again, I guess- It was about the many times that Bill Gates said he wants to cull the population, 'because there are too many people for his liking' And his wife stands by his side for this shit- Tell me she isn't brain washed- Maybe they have a hard time getting decent food to eat- Well, they all are what they eat, and they are all poison bastards, I'll tell you that, and them's the facts, and the truth-



Yeah it just blows me away he so softly spoken and nice looking, guess you can't judge a book by it's cover hey!



Whereas someone like Gina Reinhardt I believe in a sniff that she is the devil himself! Isn't perception a strange mechanism?



Perception is only strange when does not follow it.



Every chapter in his book is death to the middle class, and underlings-All the chemtrails in the skies here, and everywhere? He's the one that pays the Navy and the Airforce to dump chemicals on us, never mind these guys are killing their own families by spraying us-They know this, and don't care, because they have been threatened with their lives if they don't do what they are told to do-The chemtrails kill birds, animals, poisons water, and oceans, everything it comes into contact with, destroys farmlands, plants, hay, growing vegetables, and makes some people deathly sick, and it also has been mentioned that over 300 species of animals will be destroyed, to cut down on the food that we are trying to sustain, cows, chickens, pigs, turkeys, etc-



My perception of Bill Gates is that he is a nice man so I wouldn't want to follow that perception though?

And I am poor what does she want to sterilise me? Which would probs be ok at this late stage in my life but not the point. If anyone comes after me with a bloody scalpel they will be getting it right back in their eye!!



I hope this Gina thing plans on eugenics for herself, because she places WAAY at the bottom of the gene heap. These creatures are always with us, the Great Gatsby's of the upper classes. They are pitiful and they know it. They surround themselves with luxury because they are hollow. This one isn't hollow though, she's filled with ugly right up to her snout and no amount of snottiness will help her looks. The good news is, the shriller they get, the closer their fall.



Here Here Raven love every bit of that post!!

terbs thanks for the explanation!


She is just repeating what has been said for many years by the global elite. She sounds alot like Margaret Sanger....Planned parenthood founder.......Just regurgitating the same ole crap....Now...want to see a scary sight. Go find the video of BGates when he donated 1Billion to the UN. The fear in him and his wife is unbelievable....They were told AND shown the truth.....They are now part of the system...REALLY BAD GUYS!

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