The Carved Stone Balls of Scotland: Who made them and Why? By Jeff Nisbet
- Posted by Dragon Chimes OV Admin on March 1, 2015 at 3:26 in Ancient Civilizations, Technologies Lost to Modern Day Earth
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This article is dedicated to my father, for reasons that will become obvious, and to Robert Brydon, FSAScot,who passed along his own torch of inquiry on May 21, 2014.
Only about 400 of Scotland's 4,000-year-old carved stone balls have been found.They are of fairly uniform size, with the diameters of most measuring around 2.75 inches. Fitting nicely within the cupped hand, theyare made from a variety of stone -- from soft sandstones to hard granitics. The numbers of projections or knobs range from between threeand 160, with six knobs being by far the most common. They display varying degrees of workmanship. Afew, like the remarkable Towie Stone, display beautifully intricate carvings,while others are unadorned. All but five of the stones have been found in Scotland, with the majority discovered in the Aberdeenshire area.
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