Greetings and Salutations: POOF SAID; The efforts that have been on going for so long are a sign of progress . The work that has been on-going has been complicated and the needs to rethink and to out think the cabal and others has been essentially the work of a very small minority. . A very small minority. How many people can you actually train to work at the deeper levels of mind. So if those who want to hurry this thing up had been on the marching line as a lot of those with whom I’ve spoken, they would understand that far better. Americans think in terms of decades. Asians think in terms of many generations and more. There is a very wide range of differences in outlook. You will all make it; you will all get where you need to go. It is a much shorter time frame and wait now. Can not speak of dates, this would add to the confusion. As has been said before, get a life. Get on with doing what one has to do and if nothing else get educated. Why is that such a big deal? Power is knowledge…P… ~~~ ZAP SAYS; HI ALL, BREAKING NEWS! THE NEW REPUBLIC IS DOMICILED IN THE UNITED STATES! WILL WONDERS NEVER CEASE. TALKING ABOUT BREAKING NEWS, THIS IS REALLY JUICY. REMEMBER WHEN NESARA FIRST BROKE THE NEWS ABOUT THE LAW THAT WOULD CHANGE THE FACE OF THE WORLD AND THE ECONOMIES, AND GIVE HUMANITY SOME BREATHING ROOM? WELL, NOW WE HAVE A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE “NEW IMPROVED” M1 SHOOTING HIS (VERY YOUNG) MOUTH OFF THAT ELEMENTS OF THE NESARA PROPOSITION WILL BE IMPLEMENTED, AND DEBT WILL BE WIPED OUT, EVERYBODY WILL BE CASHED UP, AND ALL WILL BE MILK AND HONEY. THE INTERNET IS AFLAME WITH THIS NEW REVELATION. MISS PHIPPS IS ORGANIZING A NEW CALL IN CENTER WHERE YOU TOO CAN FILL YOURSELF WITH FASCINATING INFORMATION FOR A NOMINAL CHARGE. MUCH LIKE THE DIAL A DINAR, THIS BRAND NEW SERVICE WE NAMED “DIAL-A-BAG” (DAB), WILL FEATURE THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS: DIAL 1 – FOR INFORMATION ON HOW DEBT WILL BE WIPED OUT WITHOUT THE NEED FOR TOILET PAPER DIAL 2 – FOR HOW TO REGISTER YOURSELF IN QUINTUPLICATE FOR DEBT FORGIVENESS DIAL 3 – FOR LOCATIONS OF DEBT FORGIVENESS TESTING STATIONS DIAL 4 – TO LISTEN TO HOWDY DOODY EXPLAINING WHAT FORGIVENESS REALLY MEANS DIAL 5 – TO FIND OUT WHICH ROOM THE ADMIRAL WENT INTO TODAY DIAL 6 – TO FIND LOCATIONS OF THE SECRET GOLD STASHES DIAL 7 – TO LISTEN TO ACCURATE UNFOUNDED RUMOR OF HOW MUCH MONEY YOU WILL GET DIAL 8 – TO FIND OUT THE TRUE MEANING OF M1 ALL THE WAY TO M16 – BULLETS NOT INCLUDED DIAL 9 - TO DONATE TO M1’S PERSONAL AND PRIVATE AUSTERITY PROGRAM THROUGH BANKER BOB THE DAB SYSTEM IS FULLY FUNCTIONAL, AND WE PROMISE A LITTLE DAB WILL DO YA. CHARGES ARE ONLY TRIPLE OF THE DIAL A DINAR LINES BECAUSE OF THE EXTREME IMPORTANCE OF THE MESSAGES. BANKER BOB WILL BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO PROVIDE FINANCING SCHEMES JUST FOR YOU, TODAY, ONLY, AND REAL SPECIAL 69% COMPOUND INTEREST RATES. ALLOW ME TO PROVIDE A MEASURE OF REALITY HERE. YES, THE PLAN OF THE EXPERTS HAS RESULTED IN A SINGULAR PERSONAGE THAT REPRESENTED ALL THE ROYAL BLOODLINES AND WAS TO BE CONSIDERED THE ONLY AUTHORITY VESTED WITH THE MATRIX WEALTH ON BEHALF OF ALL THE ROYALS FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR HUMANITY. HE WAS TO BE THE BRIGHT LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS THAT WOULD GIVE HOPE FROM FINANCIAL OPPRESSION. HE, ALONG WITH JOHN F. KENNEDY, WAS KILLED FOR THE ATTEMPT. SO WHO TOOK OVER THE POSITION? SO FAR, NO LESS THAN 6 PEOPLE IN THE LAST 5 YEARS HAVE CLAIMED TITLE TO THE POSITION. MOST WERE FAMILY ELDERS WITH LARGE HERITAGE ACCOUNTS IN THEIR KEEPERSHIP THAT FANCIED THEMSELVES AS THE NEW M1 BECAUSE THEY HAD SO MUCH WEALTH AND COULD DO THE JOB OF M1. SNUFFLES DEAR BOY CHECKED EACH ONE OUT, AND RANG THE GONG SHOW BELL EACH TIME. NOW WE HAVE A CONTENDER AGAIN. AND THIS TIME, YOUTUBE IS THE FORUM TO LET EVERYBODY KNOW ABOUT SUPER DUPER SECRET M1, WHO REALLY IS SUPPOSED TO BE A LITTLE OLDER THAN THE CONTENDER AND HAS A BEARD I HEARD (DIAL 9 ON DAB TO FIND OUT MORE). THE ROYALS WOULD NOT, EVER, REVEAL WHO THE SUCCESSOR IS. LOOK WHAT HAPPENED TO THE OLD ONE. FOR SIMPLE SECURITY REASONS, THAT INFORMATION WOULD NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY, WHICH LEAVES CONTENDERS TO PLAY IN THAT SANDBOX ALL DAY LONG AND CREATE THE CIRCUMSTANCE FOR GREAT HOPE. UNFORTUNATELY, AND MUCH AS I WOULD LIKE IT TO BE TRUE, IT IS NOT TRUE. THE M1 WE DO SEE ON YOUTUBE DOING THE BREAKING NEWS THING, IS A FACE OF SOME ELDER THAT HAS DECIDED TO STEP FORWARD AND TEST THE WATERS, OR IS A DELIBERATE DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN WHOSE REASON ESCAPES ME AT THE MOMENT. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO SUBSTANCE BEHIND THE CLAIM OTHER THAN MAYBE A CAVE OR TEN FULL OF GOLD, BAUBLES, GEMS, TRINKETS AND MASTER ACCOUNTS THAT ACTUALLY ARE PART OF THE MATRIX WEALTH OF HUMANITY, WHICH IS UNDER THE ULTIMATE OVERSIGHT AND CONTROL OF THE GRANDFATHER AND THE ROYALS. WITH THE KNOWLEDGE I HAVE AND THE SECRETS I HAVE BEEN PRIVY TO, I TOO COULD SPIN A PRETTY GOOD TALE OF STUFF UNDER MY CONTROL AND THE BIG PLANS I HAVE TO SAVE HUMANITY FROM THE FINANCIAL MONSTERS CIRCLING AROUND. I COULD PROBABLY GET AWAY WITH IT FOR MAYBE A FEW DAYS/HOURS BEFORE THEY FOUND ME AND SHUT ME DOWN OR KILLED ME. IT IS SAD TO SEE REAL WORDS THAT DO HAVE GREAT MEANING COMING OUT OF THE MOUTH OF A CONTENDER, BUT NOT THE REAL ONE. THE ROYALS WOULD NEVER EVER EXPOSE THIS PERSON BECAUSE OF THE SENSITIVITY AND THE SPECTER OF DEATH AROUND THE CORNER SQUARELY AIMED AT HIM. THE M1 POSITION IS TAKEN BY SOMEBODY THAT IS A HISTORICAL FIGURE. HE IS NOT DEAD EITHER. I WONDER HOW LONG HE WILL BE UP AND RUNNING. HE LIVES IN A COUNTRY WHERE IT IS DIFFICULT TO CORROBORATE ANYTHING, IS FILLED WITH MILITARY GENERALS WHO ARE SELLING ROYAL ASSETS (THAT CAN NOT BE TAKEN LEGALLY OUT OF THE COUNTRY), AND WHERE THE MAIN ATTRACTIONS AT NIGHT ARE 12 YEAR OLD PROFESSIONAL HOSTESSES-ON-A-LEASH CATERING TO RICH AND FAT PEDOPHILES. THE BEAUTY OF THE COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE ARE PUSHED BACK IN FAVOR OF GET RICH QUICK SCHEMES AND SCAMS, AND THE USUAL EXPLOITS THAT KEEPS THEM POOR AND MANAGEABLE. PERHAPS IT IS A HUGE COLLABORATION TO GET PEOPLE EXCITED SO THEY COME VISIT THE COUNTRY AND SPEND TOURIST DOLLARS? (SEE DIAL 6: LOCATIONS OF THE SECRET GOLD STASHES). MAPS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE AIRPORT. IF THEY RUN OUT, THEY CAN REORDER WITH MISS PHIPPS AND GET THEM WITHIN 24 HOURS BY FEDEX. THESE FINE WORKS OF ART ARE SELLING AT THE FABULOUS INTRODUCTORY PRICE OF $199.95 A COPY. DISREGARD THE CRAYON COLORING OUTSIDE THE LINES AS THE PIGS ARE RATHER CLUMSY AT THIS. BUT, HERE’S THE GOOD NEWS: THE MAPS ARE PRINTED ON HEAVY DUTY 24 LB 8.5X11 BRIGHT WHITE PAPER ON THE FINEST UNDER $50 INKJET, AND WILL LAST AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT SPILL WATER ON THE INK OR GET CAUGHT IN THE RAIN. DOES IT RAIN IN THAILAND? FOR AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE OF ONLY $49, WE WILL WATERPROOF THE MAPS WITH SILICONE SHOE SPRAY. ANYBODY THAT HAS BEEN TOUCHED WITH THIS NEW M1 FEVER IS REQUESTED TO CHECK IN TO YOUR NEAREST PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL FOR IMMEDIATE DELOUSING OF THE MIND. THE M1-F CAN DESTROY FAMILIES, CAUSE FORECLOSURES, AND OTHER SERIOUS FINANCIAL AILMENTS IF IT IS BELIEVED. BANKER BOB IS CONCOCTING A REMEDY AND VACCINATION OF THIS TERRIBLE M1-F THAT WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ALL CALLERS ON THE DIAL-A-BAG LINES. NOMINAL FEE OF COURSE. IT WILL BE IN ELECTRONIC PDF FORMAT SO YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT AT EASE WITH ONLY AN ADDITIONAL DOWNLOAD CHARGE (MISS PHIPPS…CANCEL THE CD COPIES – WE CAN CUT THE OVERHEAD LIKE BILL GATES DOES). Dear Zap, Last week I lambasted you for condemning the Sterling people prematurely. You were right, and I was wrong. Please accept my apology.Thank you for what you do. MM IT BECOMES AN AUTOMATIC REACTION TO HAVE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS WHEN WE HEAR SUCH THINGS. WITH ALL THE NEGATIVITY WE ARE SURROUNDED WITH AND POUNDED BY, IT IS AMAZING WE ARE STILL WALKING AND TALKING. THE STERLING FOLKS WERE SUBJECT TO GREAT SCRUTINY, BUT WHEN YOU TELL TRUTH AND BE LEGAL, THERE IS NOT MUCH THAT ANYBODY CAN DO SHORT OF AN EXECUTIVE ORDER. THANKS FOR THE MESSAGE M, IT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. Hello Susan & Zap, Even though I donated last month and intent to this month, I don't expect any special treatment. Never would. And I apologize for this being lengthy, but I feel I have valid information and questions. YOU ARE STILL ON MY LIST THOUGH. I just have to comment on what Jorge Chino said about Dave Schmidt. I don't know this guy (can't say man if he hits "anyone" especially elderly ladies), but have listened to him and in my knowing something feels off. I agree, to help with projects no one should be charged. IF it's a matter of sustaining himself he should only ask for donations and hope to get by like you have. I DO hope you get the recording from Jorge and if you can speak to Michelle Starkey to confirm this allegation. If it is confirmed OR not I urge you to let your readers know for the sake of truth to prevail. In truth there is light! FOLLOW-UP IN PROGRESS. BUT ON THE SUBJECT OF DAVE ET AL, I BEAR NO ILL WILL AND NEVER WILL. PERHAPS THERE IS GOOD REASON FOR WHAT HAPPENED, AS IT IS SORTA OUT OF CHARACTER TO THE MAN I HAVE COME TO KNOW A BIT. I WILL GET IN TOUCH AGAIN WITH DAVE AND HAVE A CHAT. JORGE WILL HAVE TO PROVE UP HERE. I WOULD LOVE TO WORK WITH THE AMBASSADOR AND DAVE (AND OTHERS THAT HAVE UNDERTAKEN THIS MASSIVE TASK) IF ALL IS CORRECT THERE, AND THIS I NEED TO KNOW FOR SURE FOR SURE. THE THING IS, I HAVE RECEIVED MANY NEGATIVE RESPONSES (UNSOLICITED) REGARDING DAVE. BUT THEN LOOK AT ALL THE NEGATIVE RESPONSES (UNSOLICITED) I HAVE GARNERED. IS THERE A DIFFERENCE? BOTH OF US HAVE LEARNED TO ROLL WITH THE PUNCHES, SO ME POSTING SOMETHING LIKE THAT WOULD NOT AFFECT DAVE. JORGE CHINO HAS TO STEP UP AND IF IT IS INCORRECT, THEN HE HAS TO FACE MUSIC. I MAY NOT AGREE WITH THE STANDARD VENTURE CAPITAL APPROACH, BUT IT DOES HAVE ITS MERITS. THE AMBASSADOR AND DAVE FIGURE IT IS A GOOD THING FOR PEOPLE TO HAVE SOME SKIN IN THE GAME, AND I DO AGREE WITH THAT. HOWEVER, THE FAMILY THINKS OTHERWISE OF THAT APPROACH, AND IT MAY HAVE TO BE REVAMPED AND A HAPPY MEDIUM ESTABLISHED. WE SHALL SEE. THE PARADIGM I HAVE CHOSEN TO WORK IS DIFFERENT IN MANY WAYS, BUT ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF PRUDENT BUSINESS PRACTICE ARE STILL PART OF ANY FUNDING SEQUENCE. BOTH HIS AND MY APPROACH WILL WORK IN THE END, AND FUNDING OF PROJECTS WILL OCCUR. BUT I DO KEEP DRILLING…IT IS NO LONGER ABOUT THE MONEY, BUT PEOPLE, SO A DIFFERENT APPROACH THAT EMBRACES THAT PRINCIPLE…WELL YOU GET MY DRIFT. I greatly appreciate you supplying cancer fighting information. I was surprised when last Sunday you mentioned food grade hydrogen peroxide. I've been using it for nearly twenty years and thank God have not had a sick day since. BRAVO. STUFF WORKS WELL. ADDITIONAL OXYGEN IN THE BLOOD SEEMS TO HAVE ASTOUNDING EFFECT ON HEALING. I CAN’T WAIT TO GET TO THE MED TECH THAT IS HANGING AROUND AND READY FOR THE LIGHT OF DAY. You are also correct about using baking soda to alkaline one’s body. I think it's important to let your readers know to only buy the baking soda "without" aluminum in it. Most health food stores sale it. Some also sale the food grade hydrogen peroxide, I always call them first. As much as I appreciate your newsletters and highly respect and admire your zeal and dedication to the projects, I want to stress something. When Poofness was writing them he'd speak to the prosperity programs. I realize the PP's and the global currency revaluation (GCR) is not your forte. I suspect a great number of your readers are more interested in them. Those of us that are also want to do good works with those funds. I see you as the Big Fish doing Major projects and us others as the Small Fish doing Minor projects. Many, as I do, want to work in tandem with you. I AM JUST A FISH LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE, BUT I HAVE DEDICATED MY LIFE TO GETTING THE PROJECTS DONE. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, AND I MAKE NO DISTINCTION OTHER THAN WHAT TYPES OF PROJECTS WILL BE DONE. NO CASINOS. I humbly ask you to include information about the prosperity programs and the global currency revaluation (dinar, dong, zim, etc.). As limited as your knowledge may be of them we will take what we can get! LOL DOING MY BEST. There is concern about the banks being safe. I am glad your project funding will be but will the PP's and GCR funds be IF they happen anytime soon? Maybe that's why some are saying September. Perhaps you can inform us of when the PP's and GCR will fund and IF those funds will be safe? In peace and light, HG WHEN THE FUNDS ARRIVE FROM THE PPP’S AND OTHER PROGRAMS, THEY WILL BE SAFE. THE TAX TREATIES GOVERNING THESE FUNDS ARE PRETTY STRONG, AND THESE FUNDS ARE CLEARED FUNDS AND RECOGNIZED AS SUCH. Here on my yahoo email I have private email exchanges with TruthWarrior44/SarduPendragon/Poof dating back to August of 2002. Prior to that date I didn't save my emails. I have hundreds of email exchanges. HUNDREDS NOT ONE TIME did we ever talk about bond redemptions or projects. AT THE TIME, THE BOND STUFF WAS NOT ON THE RADAR. THIS PHENOMENON STARTED ABOUT 7+ YEARS AGO ONLY. Most of the people I put in this because of my many conversations with Mike and one conversation with Clyde .. put up $1,000 to $3,000. A few, including myself, put in $10,000 to $40,000. One couple, both have passed away now, mortgaged their home and their business and then sold a race horse to put in more than $600,000. I send updates to their grown children. I talked many into buying units for those who couldn't afford it. Since Poof passed away the updates look like they are coming from a different chat board about an entirely different subject. AS PROGRESS IS BEING MADE ON THIS ISSUE THERE IS A 'BLACK-OUT' ON THE SUBJECT. WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO SHARING MORE INTEL AS THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES. EVERYONE who was receiving updates from Poof was in the program called "O". Many of the people were in other programs as well but we were mainly Omegans because we purchased units from CH and MK. I forward the updates to everyone and all it does is create more questions that I can't answer. THE MAIN QUESTION IS .. do we now have to have a "project" or business along with a business plan in order to see anything out of this ? As you well know 99.99% of the people are not business oriented people. They have absolutely no idea how to write a business plan or run a business. None. After 23 years we are ALL now Senior Citizens. YES I UNDERSTAND. I TOO AM GETTING ON IN YEARS. ~~~ HOWEVER, TO ADDRESS THE QUESTION, NO, YOU DO NOT NEED A PROJECT TO SEE SOMETHING OUT OF THE "O" MY FOCUS IS PROJECTS, AND IT IS AN ALTERNATIVE PATH THAT CAN BE TAKEN. IF SOMEBODY HAS AN IDEA, AND KNOWS BUSINESS RUDIMENTS, THE BUSINESS PLAN WILL BE DONE BY PROFESSIONALS AT MY EXPENSE TO GET THE PROJECT UP AND RUNNING. WHATEVER I CAN DO TO HELP, I WILL. THEN YOU HIRE MANAGERS CALLED PRESIDENTS AND VICE PRESIDENTS TO RUN THE PROJECT. SHOULD WORK. WAIT FOR MORE INTEL AS IT BECOMES AVAILABLE. I don’t know this man, Schmidt, however I am very objective, so I would caution against believing any attempted character assassination until appropriate discernment & vetting process is completed. In a nutshell, just because someone accuses someone of something, doesn’t mean they actually did it. I’ve heard of many people/light workers, etc. who have been completely maligned, only to find out the incident in question did not even take place. Let’s not forget, this criminal cabal works overtime trying to keep us in fear & despair. I AGREE WITH YOU. BUT THE FAMILY HAS STATED WHAT THEY WANTED ME TO SAY IN RESPECT OF THE AMBASSADOR, AND THE ITEM I REFERRED TO IS PART OF MANY MANY THAT HAVE COME TO MY INBOX. THIS IS JUST ONE THAT NAMES NAMES AND IS WILLING TO BE PUBLISHED. I DO NOT AGREE WITH MANY OF THE ITEMS THAT HAVE SURFACED, BUT HAVE ABSTAINED FROM PUBLISHING UNTIL THIS VERY CLEAR AND UNAMBIGUOUS RESPONSE. THE AUTHORITIES ARE LOOKING INTO THE RED DRAGON MATTER IN A VERY SERIOUS WAY. IF THERE IS ANYTHING AMISS, IT WILL BE FOUND. IF THERE IS NOTHING THERE, THEN ALL IS WELL AND THERE WILL BE A STRONG FUNDING SOURCE. I HOPE IT WILL BE A FUNDING SOURCE. WE NEED MORE TO HANDLE THE LOAD. This was to be addressed by someone in the know as to a more specific time frame for delivery of the "Blessing." If projects are to start around June 24 isn't this from the same pool of money? Susan...are we to "assume" that June 24 is also a target date for the release of packages (PP) to those of us who have them coming? This was not addressed at all in Zap's correspondence today. I know you are on top of this area and would appreciate a response. Thanks, DR MORE INTEL WILL BE SHARED ON THE PP'S WHEN IT BECOMES AVAILABLE, BUT THE PROJECT SIDE IS NOT DEPENDENT ON PP MONEY OR BOND OR DINAR TRANSACTIONS. WHICH IS A GOOD THING. My nephew age 14 years; living in Karachi Pakistan going through chemo from last 2 years but not much improvements now day by day it’s getting worse............ can you please let me know about the alternate treatment you are mentioning in the last two weeks reports. Some of my relative Are MBBS doctor but they need correct info. If you kindly send me the details I will try to conceived them ........I really trust you and really appreciate your help in this matter. Thanks for everything you are doing for the sake of humanity. HI I. YES, THE ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS ARE OXYGEN AND ALKALINE BASED TREATMENTS. ON THE HUMANUS SITE, THEY WILL BE PUBLISHING INFORMATION ON ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS, AND I SUSPECT IT WILL BE A COMPLETE DIVISION DEVOTED SOLELY TO THE ALTERNATIVE HEALTH MEDICINE THAT IS SO PREVALENT NOW. IF YOU FOLLOW UP ON THE LINKS THAT I POSTED IN LAST ZAP REPORT, THAT WILL GIVE YOU A GOOD PRIMER. I WILL SEE WHAT ELSE CAN BE PROVIDED. WE MUST HELP EVERYBODY BUT THE KIDS ARE THE CRITICAL ONES. Sterling currency came thru. They will be back in business. What a cover for the rv. The bad guys are dropping like flies and I am pushing HB's like crazy and asset backed currency. News out of Iraq is a week or more old but they have been showing immediate motion. Name of game is follow the money. would you believe I need a nap. M I NEED A NAP TOO. ONE OF MY BROTHERS THOUGHT AT FIRST IT WAS A CASH GRAB ON THE PART OF THE GOVERNMENT. BUT A COVER FOR THE RV? INTERESTING. I WAS TOLD THE RV CAN BE EXPECTED STARTING TOMORROW. NOW THAT WILL BE INTERESTING. B asked me to fwd this to you. 1. Chinese general Loo in charge of RV - kicked butt and told USA to have all ducks lined up and announced by S at... 2. John Rothschild released USA from contract. 3. Chinese decided to delay bond exchange till O is out 4. Leo Wanta got $24T today and promised to use it for humanitarian causes. 5. Four (4) speeches already recorded for judge Roberts, the pope- (Vatican is backing money for world Bank ), Treas Sec, and O to be played Fri, sat, sun....... 6. Fri FBI plan to raid and close all currency dealers to prevent double dip. 7. Current layaways may be handled by 3rd party exchange company. (I got nervous until I heard that ) 8. Reno SKR dinars returned to owners and exchanged locally. 9. only 5 out of 300 groups to exchange in Reno 10. Admiral got paid today for himself and only a few close friends. ... 11. New Republic expected to be funded $3 Quad Monday. 12. Chinese approved the 5 top position of new Republic a requirement! IS THIS THE 12 STEP PROGRAM? WHERE DO I SIGN UP? THIS ALL SOUNDS IN KEEPING WITH THE FINAL DETAILS OF WHAT IS TO COME, BUT I CAN NOT SAY THIS WAY OR THAT WAY. IF I DO, THE LINES WILL BE RINGING OFF THE HOOK. USE BEST DISCERNMENT. NICE TO SEE THE REPUBLIC GETTING SOME REAL FUNDS TO DO STUFF WITH. LIKE SAVING THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL NASTIES. YUK. I WISH THE GUYS AND GALS THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. BY THE WAY, DID THE ADMIRAL HAVE TO GO IN TO ANY SPECIFIC ROOM TO GET PAID OUT? JUST CURIOUS. SO HERE WE ARE ON THE BRINK AGAIN. I DO HOPE THE RV WILL GET GOING, THE BOND STUFF IS UNDERWAY ALREADY, AND THE CHANGES IN GOVERNMENT STRUCTURES IS WELL UNDERWAY. I SMELL HOPE FOR HUMANITY BEING READY TO BE FULFILLED. A LITTLE BIT MORE, AND IT BREAKS OPEN. IN THE MEANTIME, THE FIGHT GOES ON. I TAKE MY HAT OFF TO ALL THE ONES THAT HAVE SACRIFICED FOR US TO GET TO THIS POINT. SO MANY HAVE DONE SO WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST RECOGNITION AT TIMES. WE WILL HAVE TO WRITE A BOOK OR SOMETHING TO HONOR THEM. THANKS TO ALL SO MUCH THAT HAVE HELPED. WITHOUT YOU, WE WOULD HAVE BEEN HARD PRESSED TO HELP MANY AND SAVE THE FEW I WAS ABLE TO. IN DELECTABLE GRATITUDE. ZAP “GOD IS; I AM; WE ARE” “BE GOOD, BE LEGAL, TELL TRUTH” June 14, 2015 Copyright ZAP 2013-2015 contact Love and Kisses, 'The Office Of Poofness" Susan, ZAP and Staff Thanks to: |
Last edited by PurpleSkyz on Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:14 pm; edited 1 time in total