10 Things You and the World need Right Now
- Gilbert Ross
- Higher Living with Purpose
In the previous article I shared with you why I think that the current situation with the covid-19 pandemic opens up many doors of opportunity for change both individually and collectively.
Below are a few pointers many others and myself believe are super important to tick and practice in these current times. Many of you are already doing some or many of them. Keep it up and share the love by sharing this post with your tribe.
#1 Spread hope & calmness:
Everything is and will be fine. Stay safe and stay in your centre of calm#2 More inner reflection:
While at home or momentarily out of a job, take this important time of less distractions to go inside and do some inner reflection#3 Do not judge what is happening:
To stay in your centre of calm and wisdom, you need to stop judging what is happening as good, bad or scary. It just is.#4 Get busy or get Creative:
Use this time to create more, do things you love or things you wanted to do but never had the time. It’s no time for excuses anymore – this is the time for creators#5 Reach out to others everyday:
Message, video-call or phone call, all your loved ones, close friends, even people you don’t usually socialise with that often. It’s time to reach out more especially in this time of physical social distancing#6 Be more grateful every moment:
Take a moment to reflect on your past and present and feel gratitude for your blessings, happy moments, people, lessons, gifts and all the other good things in your life#7 Share your authenticity:
Difficult moments are an opportunity to not only drop the BS and be more authentic and real but more importantly to share that authenticity with others through whatever channel you like. A simple heart to heart conversation will also do magic.#8 Be Kind and compassionate:
This is always a need but even more so in times of crisis and it starts at home. Every difficulty can be overcome more easily through kindness and compassion. Live it.#9 Allow your mind to relax and your body to be active:
Keeping healthy with strong immune system entails these two basic ingredients. Do some simple daily exercise while at home and keep worries off your mind. Meditation is still one of the best tools#10 Stay Fresh:
It’s easy to get all stagnant and idle at home. Yet in times of crisis, there is the biggest opportunity to innovate and start fresh. This is your chance too. Keep fresh by doing and learning new things. Invent, create and share.https://soulhiker.com/10-things-you-and-the-world-need-right-now/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SoulHiker+%28Soul+Hiker%29
Thanks to: https://soulhiker.com