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Vitamin K Shot Linked To Leukemia In Children

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Vitamin K Shot Linked To Leukemia In Children
May 4, 2018 Sean Adl-Tabatabai

Vitamin K Shot Linked To Leukemia In Children Vitamin-k-leukemia-678x381

Vitamin K shots given to newborn babies contains 20,000 times the needed dose and increases the risk of a child developing leukemia, according to new research.
Not all babies are at risk for vitamin K deficiency, yet nearly all are recommend the Vitamin K shot by doctors. Those that are at risk include babies born to mothers who used drugs or antibiotics during pregnancy, premature babies, and babies born via cesarean. Also at risk are mothers who had maternity diets low in high vitamin K foods or diets that were low in fat. But for everyone else, their babies will acquire sufficient levels of Vitamin K via the placenta & colostrum- typically within the first week after birth.

For a newborn, the Vitamin K shot- injected into a baby’s bloodstream/deep muscle tissue- is 20,000 times the needed dose. Beyond that insanity, the injection also contains a toxic preservative- Benzyl alcohol- that can be especially harmful to your baby’s delicate, young immune system.
Natural Vitamin Options for Newborns

But there are natural options for babies and mothers:
“…Kale contains the optimal balance of Vitamins A, C, E & K – a powerhouse of antioxidants. In the case of your baby you can puree the vegetable enough to ensure it is palatable. If you have no alternative then choose a supplement that is proven to be 100% natural & organic; but again natural is superior.
Phytonutrients work as antioxidants to disarm free radicals before they can damage DNA and cell membranes. Recent research indicates that the phytonutrients in vegetables like kale work at a much deeper level, signaling our genes to increase production of enzymes involved in detoxification, the cleansing process by which the body eliminates harmful compounds.”
And not only can kale provide Vitamins but it’s also a rich source of organosulfur compounds, which have been shown to reduce the risk of many cancers, including one of the most deadly forms- colon cancer- because they block the growth of cancer cells and induce cancer cell death.
The vegetable, and some others in the cruciferous family:

  • Kale, Collard Greens, Mustard Greens and Turnip Greens have deeply detoxifying properties, cleansing and detoxifying the liver, skin, digestive tract, lungs, and reproductive organs.
  • They are high in calcium, vitamins C, A, E, (including Vitamin K), folate, B6 and zinc.
  • “In addition to its deep cellular cleansing properties, broccoli is high in vitamins C, K and A, all powerful antioxidants for supporting the immune system and detoxifying the skin cells. It is also noted for its calcium content, which is in a more available form than calcium from dairy. Calcium must bind with vitamin C to be fully absorbable, and broccoli provides a high dose of each”, reports the article.

This is important for babies because the body doesn’t easily utilise synthetic vitamins and minerals and the vitamin K administered by hospitals is the synthetic, phytonadione.
But it’s also important because the Vitamin K shot has been linked to leukaemia, including acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (characterized by an increased number of white corpuscles in the blood) and accounts for about 85 percent of childhood leukaemia.


So, in case you’ve never gotten a copy of the Vitamin K Vaccine Package Insert, here it is:
AquaMEPHYTON injection is a yellow, sterile, aqueous colloidal solution of vitamin K1, with a pH of 5.0 to 7.0, available for injection by the intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous routes.
Each milliliter contains: Phytonadione: 2 mg or 10 mg
Inactive ingredients: Polyoxyethylated fatty acid derivative : 70 mg
Dextrose: 37.5 mg
Water for Injection, q.s: 1 mL
Added as preservative: Benzyl alcohol: 0.9%
Benzyl alcohol, which is toxic, is known to cause problems like respiratory failure, vasodilation, hypotension, convulsions, and paralysis.
More from the article:
“However, little is known about the toxic effects or levels of benzyl alcohol in neonates, especially in sick premature infants. Animal toxicity studies show an LD((50)) of approximately 33 ml/kg (300 mg/kg) in rats treated by rapid intravenous infusion with 0.9% benzyl alcohol, although 40 ml/kg (360 mg/kg) by slow intravenous infusion was tolerated without mortality.
Benzyl alcohol is normally oxidized rapidly to benzoic acid, conjugated with glycine in the liver, and excreted as hippuric acid. However, this metabolic pathway may not be well developed in premature infants. The benzyl alcohol may therefore have been metabolized to benzoic acid, which could not be conjugated by the immature liver but accumulated, causing metabolic acidosis.”
Currently, the best way to protect your baby from this shot is to sign the necessary paper-work to “opt out”, via your family doctor, BEFORE your baby is born. And during your time in the hospital, to further protect your child, someone should carry all necessary forms (several copies) at all times. Do not allow your baby to be taken away for any “health” inspections before you’ve handed over those documents.

Thanks to: https://yournewswire.com

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