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5G Super-Hotspots: You Better Know Where the “Kill Zones” Are Located

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5G Super-Hotspots: You Better Know Where the “Kill Zones” Are Located

The deployment of 5G continues unabated across the USA in spite of zero mandatory health and safety testing being conducted.

This illegal roll-out is focusing on the largest urban centers and especially high-profile venues that can be used as an advertisement for how ‘awesome’ 5G is [NOT].

It will be these specially chosen venues where smartphone users can play with their own portable Internet of Things (IoT)… at the expense of everyone else in those 5G super-hotspots.

5G Super-Hotspots

5G Super-Hotspots: You Better Know Where the “Kill Zones” Are Located 5G-KILL-GRID-1

KEY POINT: 5G super-hotspots are deliberately targeted venues throughout the largest cities in America where 5G has been amped up considerably. Not only will these hotspots be used to aggressively promote 5G-compatible IT devices, they will also be exploited to test detrimental variations of the technology such as crowd control and psychological manipulation.

There are other reasons why these same venues will be turned into extremely dangerous 5G super-hotspots.

But the primary reason for this eventuality is because the level of 5G technology necessary for the Internet of Things to operate with any degree of success is completely off the charts.

Truly, it’s no small feat to power up the IoT to the point that it functions at the impractically high standards set by the IT, WiFi and Telecom Industries.

The IT scientists and electrical engineers who have designed these slowly evolving 5G networks know that they will not work as engineered.

That’s because of the unique environmental obstacles that exist in every locale where 5G is planned.

The many and diverse technological obstacles are such that a “one size fits all” approach WILL NOT WORK.

What this inevitable predicament translates to is that every locale will require its own customized 5G network configuration.

What this really means is that wherever the 5G hucksters choose to showcase 5G (and IoT), those locales and venues will be transformed into highly ‘radioactive’ 5G super-hotspots.

5G Super-Hotspots: You Better Know Where the “Kill Zones” Are Located IoT-Dangers-snip

5G Oversold Like Nothing Else in History

Now here’s the critical point.

In its current form, 5G networks simply will not perform as falsely advertised.[1]

Therefore, Big Telecom will have egg all over their faces unless they keep their promises; or at least appear to keep them.

The only practical way for these companies to save face is to fire up the 5G energy grid with a vengeance wherever its deployed.

They know that user experience is crucial at the start of the 5G roll-out.

If it fails — and it will — the ultra-hyped 5G rollout will go down as the biggest failure in corporate history.

Given this rapidly evolving context, it’s clear that strategically creating 5G super-hotspots is their only way out of the self-created mess (temporarily, that is).

It’s important to note that in order to deliver the necessary 5G energy to power up the IoT globally, the telecoms will have to transform the world into a veritable microwave oven interspersed by myriad EMF transmitters and receivers (while that’s a very simplistic depiction it’s not far from the truth).

However, it’s those geographic areas purposefully selected to illustrate the fake ‘miracle of 5G and IoT’ that have the most to be very concerned about.

There’s no stopping the selected venues from being morphed into 5G super-hotspots for show. Hence, it’s essential that folks everywhere know where to strictly avoid.

For it’s certain that these 5G super-hotspots will become slow motion-kill zones … and by purposeful design.  As follows:

The Kill Zones USA

While constructing kill zones may not be the primary purpose of the ongoing military deployment of 5G, they are an unavoidable consequence.

Using totally untested technology with such raw power is an extremely perilous enterprise.

Those who are prematurely pushing the 5G paradigm are cognizant of the extreme health risks/dangers and devastating impacts on the environment; yet they proceed anyway.

The uninformed public, then, must be made aware of the location of each and every kill zone (aka 5G super-hotspots) in the country. Not to do so would be similar to the Nazi experiments performed on humans during World War II where many died slow and painful deaths.

For anyone who doubts the sheer intensity of the unsafe and even lethal frequencies associated with an activated 5G energy grid, please view the following video.

Kill Zones

Exactly where are these kill zones located as of May 2019?

The most dangerous kill zones will be located in those cities that have already seen the deployment of 5G full bore.

The following two links contain all the locations currently publicized by the Telecom companies as initial 5G roll-out sites:

  • More cities just added to ATT’s 5G roll-out list for 2019

  • These are the cities with 5G or getting 5G in 2019

As for the specific venues that will be super-hardwired with 5G technology, that is very difficult to pin down.

The only way for citizens to nail down the locations of the 5G super-hotspots is to contact the local Telecom companies and request the extent of the 5G and/or IoT build-out by location.

The more operational the IoT is in any locale, the more intensive the 5G networking that has been installed by necessity.

As a practical way of determining the 5G super-hotspots, the quicker the download and upload speeds registering on a smartphone, the more fully functioning are the various 5G signal ranges.

If latency and connection issues disappear where they previously occurred, this could also be an indication of an efficient 5G power grid in place.

The further residents are from the major metro areas listed in the preceding two links, the less 5G deployment has taken place.

Suburbia poses its own set of problems to a seamless deployment of 5G as do the rural areas where service will be quite spotty, if existent at all, for the foreseeable future.

5G Super-Hotspots: You Better Know Where the “Kill Zones” Are Located 5g-and-wireless-a-deliberate-fraud


There is a great likelihood that this patently unlawful deployment of 5G will be stopped dead in its tracks.

Communities across the nation are rising in protest — fierce protest — to shut it down.

Many are organizing locally and nationally to confront the collusive law-breaking by government and corporations in the conduct of the roll-out.

However, in spite of these vital developments, it’s still imperative that each individual aggressively oppose the 5G roll-out wherever they live.

In the meantime, we can consider the current life-saving technological obstacles as a God-given grace period to shut down 5G once and for all.

20,000 Satellites for 5G to be Launched Sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth

Here’s a downloadable flyer that can be printed for mass distribution: STOP 5G Campaign Flyer

Bottom line: Anyone who understands the profound yet often subtle harm to bio-organisms inflicted by microwave radiation knows that each 5G microwave tower by itself constitutes a 5G super-hotspots.

When you add the significantly higher electromagnetic frequency ranges that are utilized in the 5th generation of digital cellular networks, it’s evident that wherever the transmitting equipment is situated will become a slo-mo “kill zone”.

Let’s all terminate 5G, before it terminates US.

Source: Stateofthenation2012.com / Reference: [1] They’re totally lying about the 5G roll-out!

Thanks to: http://humansarefree.com

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