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Is it possible to apply positive + in favor Newton III Motion Law as a dynamic system in a motor engine

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Is it possible to apply positive + in favor Newton III Motion Law as a dynamic system in a motor engine Large_404736_zbfk6hwwunp_3izeiaqzab_gq

Is it possible to apply positive + in favor Newton III Motion Law as a dynamic system in a Motor Engine Device?

3rd Thermodynamic Law Applicate in a Power-Plant Device. The Reaction at From of the Action. New Torque Power. It’s a simple Plus Formula of the Interaction of the Two Powers: 1/Action, + 2/Reaction = Retrodynamic. / For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 2 Forces in 1 System.

RETRODYNAMIC Effect - Dextrogiro/Action => vs <= Levogiro/Reaction Phenomena Effect. / Rotor/RPM VS InFlow/Way. 3d Thermodynamic Law Applicate in a Power-Plant Device. The Reaction at Front of the Action. New Torque Power. It’s a simple Plus Formula of the Interaction of the Two Powers: 1/Action, + 2/Reaction = Retrodynamic.

"Changing rotation inside a mass makes it possible to change its inertial properties. It is the equation for a jet motion without rejection of any mass.” Albert Einstein.

The logic of creation of an inertial propulsion system is thus: Any motion is rotation ---- Rotation of a matter generates a space-time Torsion ---Torsion of space - time is described by Ricci torsion --- Ricci torsion is an inertial field-----the rest mass of any object is determined by its inertial field---- operating by fields and forces of inertia inside of mass we can create inertial propulsion system which moves according to the equation [m (t) dv/dt =-vdm/dt].

Newton's Third Law of Motion: III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

It is the sum of both (two) Forces - one to other / Are two Forces in one system.

The formula of the Retrodinamic effect is a simple mathematical summation. What is Dextrogiro plus Levogiro, gives the result of the sum, of what is the total, which is the retrodynamic effect. But keeps doing Exponential.

Retrodynamic Effect, are two Forces Actives in one system.  
It's like when the Star Trek Enterprise Spaceship Accelerates into the depth of space but spinning 2Two Opposites Forces (Like the Ying-Yang Concept) on a Central Axis in a Rotary Manner Way. 




“A rotor spinning one Way/DesxtroGiro, and the inside rotor flow Goes VS in the other at front against contrary/LevoGiro"
But the Blades (with the Gear) move in favor at that circumstances. Thats why is possible. The Interaction of two forces to make One.
That Particular Mechanics Technique Goes increasing Two forces in One: Force1/Rotor-DextroGiro VS Force2/inFlow-LevoGiro. front to Front = Retrodynamic.


·RETRODYNAMIC Effect / Some Points of View:

I always explain it well, but another thing is that you don't understand it.
As if it were an everyday question. 

And they don't take it as a disruption, which changes schemes.

Because they really wouldn't even know about it. Being a subject that nobody has ever really dealt with.


And also to you can see it as an encrypted information.
And I know the best translator, for sure.
And they don't take it as a disruption, which changes schemes.
Because they really wouldn't even know about it. Being a subject that nobody has ever really dealt with.
But the concept it's a simple sum, then keep going to increase the phenomenal interaction. 
Let me make a simple caparison: One Turn is One step, OK, Well in this particular case. 
When you do One Turn is One Step, And Then is another turn are gone to be Two Steps.
And in the next turn are gone to be Four steps, And the next Turn are gone to be 8 Steps. Etc...
Really too to be able to explain it, needs to invent a new Mathematical Signal. Brand New.
I Tell You. It’s Like That.


I'm going to explain them perfectly well. We are going to make a comparison that each turn of the Rotor (applied in my case/Gearturbine) is a Step. It's fine. And So now when the rotor rotates with the power of the mechanical drive (Action). And furthermore, it has the internal flow contrary to its rotation (Reaction), but in favor of the individual blade attached to the gear with planetary rotation that activates the Rotor. In such a case they are two forces in a single system.


Maybe it doesn't have the best translation, but that's something else, that's not the point. But that would in no way be something that could belittle his qualities and technical virtues. And at the end of the day, all the explanations you can have are in the operation of the system. And this could not be easier to appreciate, Summed up in a simple sum. And in this case of 2Two Forces: 1Action + 2Reaction Applied in a single cycle, and thus also a single system.

·A) 1Action VS/+ 2Reaction = ?
·B) 1DestroGiro VS/+ 2Levogiro = ?
·C)1Rotary Move VS/+ 2InFlow Way = ?

Note: ·I use the "VS" Because the dynamic interaction is front to front, that's why.
·And is Added force one to the other, that's why I use the Sume/Plus mathematical symbol.
·A, B, and C are the same situation with a different word, from a different, technical view.

Other Note: If somebody doesn't understand Cut be because of some reason. Not because my responsibility.


I deal with the Requirements of a new mathematical symbol, in order to explain the Retrodynamic Phenomenon Effect, that occurs in an invention that I am developing. It is called the "Retrodynamic Effect" and it is created by having a situation of an axis turning in the opposite direction in a rotating system and in this way a great force is created. And there is currently no mathematical symbol that can explain it.


The Mathematical/Physical Symbol. What is required for the Explanation and Application in the Formula of the Retrodynamic Effect. Which has the quality of being applied in the Gear Turbine Project. What would it be to join the Symbols of ·1- (+) Addition and ·2- (X) Multiplication. It would be a Symbol with 8 Eight Points: 4 four of the symbol of + addition and four of the symbol of X multiplication. This is because it is a sum that continues to repeat the 2 Two forces the Action/RightRotation and the Reaction/Levorotation. The 2 Two Forces uniting, increasing each other into one. And is called “MULTIPLUS”. And in this way increasing its Power considerably. a sum that is multiplied and/or a multiplication that is added. When Active of the Rotor/action of the system and the internal flow/reaction that does it in the opposite way (in favor at the Blades circular move. Thats Why) applying in the individual vane connected next to its partner Gear internally fit in a planetary way internally in the casing, in this way. This is because that is how it works, they are the union and interaction of two forces face to face, front to front and therefore two symbols. DextroGiro and/or LevoGiro. Action And/or Reaction. + and/or X.


It is not a single Force/Action to consider. But rather there are 2 Forces/Action and Reaction. And the interaction of one with/against another. With Opposite Directions, face to face/front to front. One against the other. And this interaction continues to increase progressively. One to other/Action to Reaction. 


More than the question is the answer. Being that traditionally in a conventional system a single total power is considered. In this particular case there are two; action and reaction. And their interaction continues and continues to increase with each other. In such a way it would be that turning the force increases from 1 to 2, from 2 to 4, from 4 to 8, from 8 to 16, from 16 to 32, etc...


The system could not be simpler in its application and operation. Of what it already is. So does His verification. And what has been said here can be seen in the drawings presented. And the dynamics that the direction of the arrows indicates. This is The Rotation of the Rotor and its internal flow. / Dextrogiro VS Levogiro.


It is very simple. It only follows the direction of the internal flow of the Rotor. 
Which is projected into the Receiver with its companion gear rotates in a planetary manner within the casing. The movement of the internal flow is opposite to that of the Rotor. In such a way they are two forces that their interaction is the sum of the two forces in a system.


Latest InFlow Generation: State of the Art Novel InFlow Tech: ·1-Gearturbine Reaction Turbine Rotary Turbo, ·2-Imploturbocompressor Impulse Turbine 1 Compression Step

·1-Gearturbine: Reaction Turbine, ·Rotary-Turbo, Similar System of the Aeolipile ·Heron Steam Device from 10-70 AD, ·With Retrodynamic = DextroGiro/RPM VS LevoGiro/InFlow, + ·Ying Yang Circular Power Type, ·Non Waste Parasitic Power Looses Type, ·8-X,Y Thermodynamic Cycle Way Steps. 

·2-Imploturbocompressor: Impulse Turbine, ·Implo-Ducted, One Moving Part System Excellence Design, · InFlow Goes from Macro-Flow to Micro-Flow by Implosion/And Inverse, ·One Compression Step, ·Circular Dynamic Motion. Implosion Way Type, ·Same Nature of a Hurricane Satellite View.




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