Wednesday Afternoon Dinar Chatter
#3of5sisters] So where do we stand today? [redhead1] Papa Bear has told us the only intel we need to know - Okie makes the announcement - we get the email - 2 things - that is it - all other details cannot be verified (imo)
okrocks] Christine Lagarde 4/10 transcript:
Mamasan: Is Legarde talking to us ... "There's a bit more to do and please don't give up now" IMF Chief: Economic Restructuring Fatigue Biggest Risk in Euro Crisis -TV
Published April 10, 2013Dow Jones Newswires. The biggest risk to fixing the euro zone's crisis is growing political fatigue in governments and voters tired of painful economic restructuring, the head of the International Monetary Fund said Wednesday.
"There's a bit more to do and please don't give up now," IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said in a CBS This Morning interview.
[heartfelt] I just got back from my bank and had asked for the WM that I once spoke to months ago. The manager told me he had been called into an urgent training meeting. Don't know if it relates or not but of course everything is RV related lol maybe he was called in urgently because another trainer was sick
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04/10/2013 6:39pm
RV process was stopped as it was initiating Monday night. Wont say what was the problem other than another greedy banker. Problem was resolved quickly. Tier 1 - Sovereigns have cashed. Tier 2 PP and Whales underway. Whales have 45 days to CE. Then tier 2. Will Tier 2 begin CE part way through the Tier 2. Hard to say. Not all whales have been contacted yet and given their appointment. Just travel instructions is all. There is a street rate and there will be a bank rate negotiated previously. Whales cannot go back and buy more dinars. Whales had to submit their quantities prior to the start of the RV. This has happened...everyone must wait their turn.
Roger B
04/10/2013 9:45pm
According to 12th man he has talked over the phone with a man who have cashed just recently and this is consistent with what Semaphore writes about Sovereigns have cashed in.
Next is for example CEOs and others like Whales. This is underway and I expect some more intel tonite from 12th man about this.
After that the international release will go down and everybody and his brother can cash in at Wells Fargo and possibly Chase.
So we the people have to wait patiently for this blessing.
#3of5sisters] So where do we stand today? [redhead1] Papa Bear has told us the only intel we need to know - Okie makes the announcement - we get the email - 2 things - that is it - all other details cannot be verified (imo)
okrocks] Christine Lagarde 4/10 transcript:
Mamasan: Is Legarde talking to us ... "There's a bit more to do and please don't give up now" IMF Chief: Economic Restructuring Fatigue Biggest Risk in Euro Crisis -TV
Published April 10, 2013Dow Jones Newswires. The biggest risk to fixing the euro zone's crisis is growing political fatigue in governments and voters tired of painful economic restructuring, the head of the International Monetary Fund said Wednesday.
"There's a bit more to do and please don't give up now," IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said in a CBS This Morning interview.
[heartfelt] I just got back from my bank and had asked for the WM that I once spoke to months ago. The manager told me he had been called into an urgent training meeting. Don't know if it relates or not but of course everything is RV related lol maybe he was called in urgently because another trainer was sick
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04/10/2013 6:39pm
RV process was stopped as it was initiating Monday night. Wont say what was the problem other than another greedy banker. Problem was resolved quickly. Tier 1 - Sovereigns have cashed. Tier 2 PP and Whales underway. Whales have 45 days to CE. Then tier 2. Will Tier 2 begin CE part way through the Tier 2. Hard to say. Not all whales have been contacted yet and given their appointment. Just travel instructions is all. There is a street rate and there will be a bank rate negotiated previously. Whales cannot go back and buy more dinars. Whales had to submit their quantities prior to the start of the RV. This has happened...everyone must wait their turn.
Roger B
04/10/2013 9:45pm
According to 12th man he has talked over the phone with a man who have cashed just recently and this is consistent with what Semaphore writes about Sovereigns have cashed in.
Next is for example CEOs and others like Whales. This is underway and I expect some more intel tonite from 12th man about this.
After that the international release will go down and everybody and his brother can cash in at Wells Fargo and possibly Chase.
So we the people have to wait patiently for this blessing.