April 17, 2013
Stepping Up the Galactic Contact
On the Collective Imagination radio show last night (April 16th) (before it was cut off after ongoing severe
audio problems) if you jump in at the 15 minute mark you can listen to
the discussion telling us that there has been talk that we need to get
the attention of more people and increase the degree of visibility of
our Galactic families’ ships for the general public.
Those who communicate with the Galactics suggested we use the five tones from the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind (starring the greys, by the way) which shared a very positive message and they were clearly receptive to that idea.
There’s more, and you can use the link below to check in with that.
If you’re not yet a “sightee” there’s a good chance you may be if you
gather at sporting events, etc. and where large numbers of people
congregate because they’re going to create more disclosure with
increased and “closer encounters”, so keep those eyeballs peeled and
trained to the heavens and you, too, may see the ships in upcoming days
in a much more up close and personal way than some faint lights in the
You can also see the “Close Encounters” section of the OPPT website
designed to “hold the space” for our Galactic families making First
Thanks to: http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com
Stepping Up the Galactic Contact
On the Collective Imagination radio show last night (April 16th) (before it was cut off after ongoing severe
audio problems) if you jump in at the 15 minute mark you can listen to
the discussion telling us that there has been talk that we need to get
the attention of more people and increase the degree of visibility of
our Galactic families’ ships for the general public.
Those who communicate with the Galactics suggested we use the five tones from the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind (starring the greys, by the way) which shared a very positive message and they were clearly receptive to that idea.
There’s more, and you can use the link below to check in with that.
If you’re not yet a “sightee” there’s a good chance you may be if you
gather at sporting events, etc. and where large numbers of people
congregate because they’re going to create more disclosure with
increased and “closer encounters”, so keep those eyeballs peeled and
trained to the heavens and you, too, may see the ships in upcoming days
in a much more up close and personal way than some faint lights in the
You can also see the “Close Encounters” section of the OPPT website
designed to “hold the space” for our Galactic families making First
Thanks to: http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com