May 1, 2013
Morgellons Disease: Hidden Truth Exposed A man-made disease that people need to know about. COBRA
confirmed that chemtrails contain nanoworms. He says the Galactics have
mitigated the situation to a great degree but can’t eliminate the
problem completely.
People who suffer from Morgellons disease are NOT delusional no
matter what the CDC or the mainstream press would have you believe.
Take a good look at the first two photos below and ponder why a
person with Morgellons disease would have tissue coming out of their
body with embossed Arabic numbers on it. This photo is real and the
sample has not been altered in any way. It is available for research and
DNA testing.
The perpetrators are not beings from outer space. They live right
here on this planet. This is not the first time that numbered pieces of
tissue have been found by sufferers of this diabolical disease.
An interviewer from MSNBC chose to take selected excerpts from a
phone conversation with me. She manipulated my words in a newspaper
article to make me sound as though I believed that extraterrestrials
were to blame for this disease. Not true….
Typical crust from lesion with embedded fibers and fiber growth.
Read the rest of this fascinating the article and see more photos…Thanks to: