Man! I am impressed! You are so informed! I am so glad you have found your niche in the Lightworker realm, Skyz. You have a knack for consistency and you're really good at keeping the rest of us on our proverbial toes. Funny, all the stuff we're really good at and love doing we can't seem to make money doing. Perhaps this is preparing us for the next whatever.
Yes, it's true about hearing words from animals. That's what I said about my dogs. You look at them and words appear in your head, but like you said, we were told we were "imagining things." Raven has told me many things. She pretty much instructs my future. For instance, we thought about selling the inn a few years ago and Starbro and I were sitting outside on the deck discussing this and raven flew right up and landed on the deck, squawked once and flew off. I heard "No." And it's not just me, Starbro was sitting right there. He looked at me and said, "I guess not." So we waited another year and just by accident happened to be out in the same place discussing the same subject, and this time raven flew by our heads very close. She didn't land, just flew by (they are huge you know!) and then came back for a second pass. I heard, "Just in case you didn't get it the first time." Starbro said, "I guess not." So finally (LONG story, sorry) we started talking about it the third time. Raven never came. We kept waiting, no raven. So we thought it was now okay, plus we had several other intuitions about Costa Rica, etc. and so we moved forward with the sale. This is a wildlife sanctuary and even though I "own it" (we know better) I am just the caretaker here.
So a few weeks ago I'm out in the garden thinking about the same old issue and raven came, perched right above me in a tall tree where I could see her, and gave me three messages: that our summer is going to be very good, not as stressful as last year (God, it almost killed me, remember?) and that we would sell the place in September to just the right person who would be sent to us to care for the sanctuary, releasing us from duty at this place and sent to find the new place. We have clues what this might be but no set plans.
SO! It's in writing now, we shall see how accurate raven is! Some people might think it's funny letting a bird tell you what to do but it seems perfectly natural to me and I feel very fortunate to have such knowing, loving guidance.