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The Return of the Masters is Underway – Part 1, 2, 3 & 4

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The Return of the Masters is Underway – Part 1

Posted by Steve Beckow on May 31, 2013 / Comments Off

Category: Uncategorized

The Return of the Masters is Underway – Part 1, 2, 3 & 4 Ascended-Masters-20936Lord Maitreya’s announcement, to be broadcast Monday, Jun 3, 2013 on An Hour with an Angel,
that he is here and will be appearing publicly later this summer is
about as clear an indication that the event known as “the Return of the
Masters” is nearly upon us as there probably can or will be.

We heard Sanat Kumara, planetary logos, announce the Return of the Masters on An Hour with an Angel
on May 28. On that occasion he also addressed our mastery and our
return as the masters that we starseeds are once we’ve ascended.
Because these events are truly epoch-making, here’s that exchange at

Sanat Kumara; Now, there are various
masters, particularly Jesus Sananda and St. Germain, Lao-tzu, St.
Francis, St. Claire, as you well know, (1) who are very involved also in
this reawakening process. …

Steve Beckow: But just before you get to
[your round-up], could you be a little more specific, please, on who the
masters are who are here? Because I personally know of seraphim who are
in incarnation; I know of elohim; I know of the leaders of some
planetary high councils that are here; I know of prophets. So could you
tell us in more detail or specificity who the people are who have come
to participate in form in this Ascension effort, please?

SK: Now, also understand, as I say some
of these names, there are those who choose not to be known, and that
sometimes it is not an aspect [of their being that incarnates], but an
expression of their being.

All of the Apostles as you have known
them are already on the planet, as are most of the disciples that have
walked with Yeshua, including his family — no, excluding the mother, of
course, and excluding Jophiel [who incarnated as Joseph]. …

Saul/Paul, Mohammed — in aspect or
expression; Moses, Abraham, most of the old prophets, as you have known
them; many of the what you would think of as the eastern beings — Djwhal
Khul, St. Germain pops in and out as aspect; Kuthumi, Maitreya — in and
out, not fully anchored as yet. There is a new Buddha already born, and
already in practice, in place. The Blue Tara, Green Tara. An aspect or
an expression of Quan Yin. So they are already present upon the planet.

SB: And the rest of us, so to speak, I’ve
heard it said that we are masterful individuals. What specifically is
meant by “we are masterful individuals”? Are the rest of us Ascension
masters as well, or who are we?

SK: You are yourselves. And that is why I
say that in fact you are underestimating the fullness and the truth of
who you are. (2)

In this series of articles, I’d like to prepare us for Maitreya’s
interview on Monday, June 3, 2013, by looking at what our sources have
said about the Return of the Masters.

In 2008, SaLuSa reassured us that “we know the tasks ahead are
formidable but where your spiritual knowledge is concerned, the Masters
will return to Earth to give you the truth. They will also tell you of
what lies ahead, and how the choice is always yours as to which
direction you go.” (3)

“Before very long the Masters will return
to Earth and, with those already here, will ensure that the false
teachings and historical records are either corrected or removed. The
truth is not just something written into your records, but an energy
that lifts other people up and brings them to a true understanding.” (4)

“When the Masters return you shall learn a
lot more about the higher dimensions, and how you will need to adapt to
the requirements necessary to live within them.” (5)

He referred to the Return of the Masters on many other occasions as well.

“The Masters … wait in readiness to
return to Earth. You might say that the big guns are waiting to appear
to you and that is correct, as the truth will sound more acceptable when
it comes from those who are familiar to you. Jesus and many Angelic
Beings such as Archangel Michael will address you and their words will
carry a powerful energy, that will leave you in no doubt that they come
to you with Love and Light.” (6)

Some are already here.

“The Masters are returning, and some are
already incarnate carrying out their work to bring as many souls as
possible into the Light. You have your ideas as to who they are, but for
the time being they prefer to work unannounced. However, once the major
changes are completed, some Masters will return as names in their own

“St. Germain who is so closely connected
with your evolution has always come and gone as he pleases, and he will
certainly make himself known to you.” (7)

Following disclosure, which we already know Archangel Michael has
said is “underway,” (8) they will declare themselves as part of the
general revelations.

“The Masters of Wisdom … will be coming
to Earth. Indeed some are already with you waiting for their opportunity
to reveal who they are and serve the people.” (9)

Archangel Michael through Debbie Erasmus says that a wave of
wayshowers will come with the Masters. These wayshowers will be those
among us who have ascended early – what i call “the early risers.”

“You are now standing at the cusp of
Ascension in earnest with the opening of the 12.12.12 portal. This
portal signifies the start of the Ascension process because with it will
come a wave of Wayshowers that will infiltrate all the corners of the
Earth who will show those who are meant to ascend their way to

“These Wayshowers are people of high
consciousness and with a high level of understanding of how Ascension
works. These people hold an extraordinary high Light quotient on the
Planet and they are significant in helping Gaia and her people ascend at
this time.

“You will know these Wayshowers when they
are among you by their presence. I say this because it will be
impossible to act as if they are not there. They will have a commanding
presence that will compel you to listen to what they have to say. They
come in unconditional love and will speak to you with words that you
will easily understand.” (10)

The Return of the Masters is one of the important events in our
Ascension. They’ll smooth the Earth’s acceptance of our star family,
reassure the followers of different religions that Ascension is
legitimate and nearly upon us, and watch over the building of a new

It’s we that will build that new society. And they have no
intentions, apparently, of somehow dictating what that new society will
look like or taking the enjoyment of building it away from us. Its shape
is left up to us to decide. But they’ll be available to mentor and
guide us as needed.

Tomorrow we’ll look at the history of the discussion of the masters
return and in following parts of this series we’ll look at the impact of
their return on spirituality and religion and our role as wayshowers
and returning masters as well.

(Continued in Part 2.)


(1) “St. Francis Reveals at Least One of His Later Lives: As Mohandas Gandhi,” http://goldenageofgaia.com/the-2012-scenario/the-masters-return/st-francis-reveals-at-least-one-of-his-later-lives-as-mohandas-gandhi/
To listen to the masters collectively, see Wes Annac’s article today:
“The Ascended Masters – You’ll Find the Mastery We’re Known For,”
channeled through Wes Annac, 30 May, 2013 at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/wes-annac-the-ascended-masters-youll-find-the-mastery-were-known-for/

(2) “Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013, at

(3) SaLuSa, Nov. 24, 2008, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm

(4) SaLuSa, Aug. 27, 2012.

(5) SaLuSa, April 2, 2012.

(6) SaLuSa, March 22, 2010.

(7) SaLuSa, Feb. 8, 2010.

(8) Reading with Archangel Michael and Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 29, 2013.

(9) SaLuSa, Jan. 22, 2010.

(10) “Archangel Michael to Susan S. on Why Different Accounts of Ascension Disagree,” through Linda Dillon, Oct. 30, 2011, at


Last edited by Purpleskyz on Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:02 pm; edited 2 times in total



The Return of the Masters is Underway – Part 2

Posted by Steve Beckow on June 1, 2013 / Comments Off

Category: Uncategorized

The Return of the Masters is Underway – Part 1, 2, 3 & 4 Asm2(Continued from Part 1.)

There has been a lively discussion among afterlife communicators
going back to the 1870s of the event known as the Return of the Masters.
It sometimes is subsumed under discussions of the Second Coming. It
comes from higher-dimensional beings and from ordinary people who have
just passed over and are still communicating with their loved ones or
their former readers.

I can take the discussion back as far as the 1870s, when “Imperator,”
the pseudonym adopted by the prophet Malachi, was speaking through Rev.
Stainton Moses, He discussed the upcoming Return of the Masters to

“Christ has passed into the spheres of
Contemplation; (1) but He may personally return when our work is
completed. But much must be accomplished before the harvest will come,
and the time of sowing and growth will be long.

“Ye know
not how great is the work that is being done; how vast the vista that is
being opened. Never before has there been such an outpouring of Divine
Love as now. Silent influences are at work in men’s minds. All over the
world they are being prepared to receive the teaching we are giving you

“Should it be necessary for the
furtherance of this mission, other great Intelligences will return, and
bring their magnetic force to bear upon the earth. At present it is not
needed, as the work is progressing.” (2)

On another occasion, Imperator described his work associated with the spiritual return of the Christ.

Imperator: I have before said that I
derive my mission, and am influenced in my work, by a spirit who has
passed beyond the spheres of work into the higher heaven of
contemplation. Jesus Christ is now arranging His plans for the gathering
in of His people, for the further revelation of the truth, as well as
for the purging away of the erroneous beliefs which have accumulated in
the past.

Stainton Moses: I have heard something of this from other sources. Is this then the return of Christ?

I: It is the spiritual return. There will
be no such physical return as man has dreamed of. This will be the
return to His people, by the voice of His Messengers speaking to those
whose ears are open; even as He Himself said, “He that hath ears to
hear, let him hear; he that is able to receive it, let him receive it.”

SM: Is this message coming to many?

I: Yes, to many it is being made known that God is now specially influencing man at this epoch. We may not say more. (3)

After Imperator, spirit communicator John Heslop, allegedly a
resident of the Christ Sphere, a high spirit plane, hinted at the role
the angels will play in birthing the new world in a communication that
appeared around 1912.

“Angelic beings assist at the birth and
development of these new worlds. They build up the conditions necessary
for the ultimate production of life, though this process may take
millions of years. At first the lowest forms only are produced.
Gradually they rise in capacity till the world is ready for the highest

“It was so in your world and the angels
are still working, as they have been since its inception. Recently they
have begun a further and higher work. As a race you will rise, till in
very truth it will become for you a new heaven and a new earth, wherein
dwelleth righteousness.” (4)

I am led to believe that there are significant numbers of angels
presently incarnated on Earth. It seems each day that we learn of more
people in the body who have angelic backgrounds. (In fact some say that
we all do.)

In a second book, Heslop predicted the Christ’s return accompanied by legions of angels.

“Do not be afraid of the present
conditions of evil and unrest, the Christ is coming, and then everything
will fall into its rightful place. The Christ is coming! Let all the
earth keep silence before Him!

“To those who have attained the Spiritual
vision he is already visible and from every part of the world will they
greet Him and evil and evil-doers will flee away from the Light of His
Presence. Then will He reign upon the earth in Righteousness and Truth.

“Pray continually that the day of His
Coming may be hastened for we here are also working to this end. The joy
and glory of that Reign of Peace will far exceed anything you can dimly

“But I cannot tell you how heavy our work
is just now; there are so many evil forces around your world, which
must be counteracted or transmuted. It is a transition period of vital
moment to all those who dwell on earth and to the many planes and
spheres which impinge upon it.

“Legions of Angels are employed to uplift
and purify so that the Christ may come and reign in your midst. Keep
you faith strong in the Second Coming of the Christ.” (5)

The Return of the Masters, in my opinion, is the event that
corresponds to the Second Coming. A friend of Heslop’s wife, “Stella,”
also worked for the Second Coming from the other side of life.

“My special work on earth just now is in
helping to prepare the way for the Coming again of the Christ and His
Reign of Peace and Love, for He is coming and you are all helping to
make the conditions necessary for His reception.

“He is never far from the soul that loves
Him and to such He frequently shows Himself. But what you are longing
for is – His Visibility to all – so that everyone must see and
acknowledge Him. When the time is ripe, that is coming too, for never
did the earth so need Him as it does now. This is the ‘end of the time’
spoken of in the New Testament, so pray and pray that these days may be
shortened, as we too pray for you here.” (6)

Melcihzedek told us some time ago that:

“These are the end times that have been
prophesied many times in many ages past and now these times are upon
you. You who read this are Ones who chose to be here in order to anchor
the Light upon the Planet in preparation for these times.” (7)

The spirit guide known as White Eagle made a passing reference to the
spiritual hierarchy returning to guide the Earth. The spiritual
hierarchy is also known as the White Brotherhood and would be a synonym
for the ascended masters.

“A rapid development is taking place now,
although man may be largely unconscious of it. In a little while the
human race will be uplifted by its own effort and the effort of the
[spirit] hierarchies.

“There is also great spiritual activity
in outer space, a penetration of the mists of Earth by the angelic life.
Man must learn to be receptive to these radiations from outer space. He
must prepare himself by gentle, good thought, by abolishing all that is
cruel, unseemly, ungoldly, to receive visitors from other worlds,
physical, etheric and spiritual.

“Moreover he has to become aware not only
of the life in outer space and in other planets, but also of the
conscious life in all nature, and his own relationship to it in every
kingdom.” (8)

The spirit guide known as Silver Birch also showed his awareness of
the Masters’ return. He began by discussing the “new dispensation.”

“When Spirit brings forth its new dispensation, there will be a revolution mightier than all the revolutions of war and blood.

“It will be a revolution of the soul and,
all over the world, people will claim what is their due – the right to
enjoy to the full the liberties of the spirit. Away will go every
restriction which has put fetters on them.” (9)

There is much work for this divine force to do.

“In all [Earth’s] countries a mighty
force of the spirit will be felt, for there is a great work to be done
to counteract the selfishness and the ignorance of your world. … Plenty
of workers have come to take their stand at your side. … When you think
of those whose names you know, try to realise the countless host of the
unknown, who serve without any desire to be known or recognised but who
give their power to be used.” (10)

(Continued in Part 3.)



The Return of the Masters is Underway – Part 3

Posted by Steve Beckow on June 1, 2013 / Comments Off

Category: Uncategorized

The Return of the Masters is Underway – Part 1, 2, 3 & 4 Ascended-Masters-44(Continued from Part 2.)

Spiritual adept Beinsa Douno also foretold the coming of the masters
of all the great spiritual traditions to serve what he called “the New

“All saints, adepts and Masters from time
immemorial will come. Their mighty spirit will direct all awakened
souls throughout the earth and all of these together will establish
perfect order and harmony in the world.

“After they finish their task, they will
withdraw and will leave humanity to live and work under the new
conditions. Thus, the communication between the visible and the
invisible worlds will be restored.” (11)

Father Andrew Glazewski, a much-loved Polish priest, mystic, scientist and musician, reported from the spirit realms:

“The plan for which we must prepare … has
been called the Second Coming. But it is not in the least like the
original Coming of Christ. This will happen at first slowly, and all
over the world people will appear possessing great dynamic force and

“They will
not command. They will keep in step with all of you in all the different
walks of life, but slowly, gently, they will impress the love ray, and
their gentle influence will be felt and guarded. Take this into your
conscious mind and hold yourself alert to meeting, as you may well do,
one of these advanced beings.

“The earth is ripe for this event and
there are an increasing number of awakened ones now in the body. See
that the number grows and do not lose heart because of the apparent
futility of your efforts.” (12)

Arthur Ford made a cryptic comment about Masters who had incarnated.

“As you know, several of the people who
were associated with Jesus during His life have now reincarnated. They
don’t advertise it, but these people are genuine.” (13)

I personally know a disciple of Jesus who would have been in
incarnation when Arthur Ford spoke. He doesn’t want to be identified. I
know of several people who associated with Jesus who are in the body,
several prophets, etc. So Ford’s comments don’t seem out of place to me.

On another occasion, he explained why so many people were claiming to
have an illustrious background or derivation. However we now know that
many people claiming unusual backgrounds are in fact here to help with

“The reason you’re seeing so many second
comings of Jesus, second comings of Buddha, and even the rise of black
magic and Satanism is because humanity is vaguely aware that something
big is going to happen. When someone says, ‘Oh, I’m Mary Magdalene’ or
‘I’m Jesus,’ this is just a very strange response to genuine impelling

“Humanity is tuning in, more or less
consciously, to these particular forces coming from within, from the
inner planes, at this time. This is one of the reasons why there is such
a rise in the interest in psychic phenomena, after all – because we are
all making ready for the reappearance of the Christ. Jesus only had one
harbinger, but the Christ of the New Age is going to have several
million harbingers.

“As you know, several of the people who
were associated with Jesus during His life have now reincarnated. They
don’t advertise it, but these people are genuine.” (14)

On still another occasion, Ford wrote:

“Whenever there has been an avatar, there
has been a lifting of the vibration of the whole human race. You can
look for that and much more. The physical plane is rapidly moving into
the fourth dimension. Part of the avatar’s work is to raise the
consciousness of the planet so that this particular transition can be
made. That is the first thing that will happen.

“You’re going to be noticing within your
lifetimes that some things are not working quite like they used to, and
this will be an indication that this transition is happening.

“At the same time there will be an
increasing awareness of some of the inhabitants of the inner side of
life – entities such as elves, angels, and spooks. This will be another
indication of what is happening.

“The major work of the coming avatar is
to lay the foundation for a truly spiritual civilization based on a
clarification of ancient wisdom and a new revelation. He will guide us
up the next evolutionary step for mankind, which is basically what every
avatar comes to do. …

“I don’t think he will be working through
the framework of traditional Christianity any more than Jesus Christ
worked through the traditional framework of Judaism. He will probably
have his beginnings there, because that will be the predominant religion
of whatever community he is in.

“However, I’m sure he will go beyond it.
We forget that Buddha began in the Hindu religion and broke through the
traditional framework for that and created something new, too.” (15)

At least two avatars are here at present: Mata Amritanandamayi and
Mother Meera. Maitreya’s return could conceivably be included among
avatars (certainly Jesus was seen by Sri Ramakrishna as an avatar and
Maitreya comes with equal stature).

Sanat Kumara recently mentioned a long list of returned Masters that included such elders of Judaism as Moses and Abraham. (16)

Benjamin Creme had been awaiting and more recently has been
announcing the return of Maitreya, the world teacher, along with others,
for decades. Maitreya, in the interview on an upcoming Hour with an Angel,
called Creme a good friend and loyal supporter and Archangel Michael
told me that Creme’s writings on Maitreya were reliable. Creme’s Share
site says:

“Many now expect the return of their
awaited Teacher, whether they call him the Christ, Messiah, the fifth
Buddha, Krishna, or the Imam Mahdi. Millions now know that the Teacher
who fulfils all these expectations is already living among us.

“Maitreya, the World Teacher, has not
come alone, but with a group of wise Teachers who have long guided
humanity from behind the scenes. They are returning to the everyday
world to help us solve our most critical global problems. Maitreya is
not a religious leader, but an educator in the broadest sense. He can
only guide; we have to act to save our world.

“He is here to inspire us to create a new
age based on sharing and justice, freedom and peace, so that all may
have the basic necessities of life: food, shelter, healthcare, and
education, in a world free from want and war.

“His open mission in the world has begun.
As Maitreya himself has said: ‘Soon, now very soon, you will see my
face and hear my words.’” (17)

So many have been the harbingers of the Masters’ return. It isn’t as
if there is not a long historical record of people predicting the events
that we’re seeing unfold before our eyes now. Along with the abundance
program and Disclosure, the Masters’ Return is one of the major events
designed to prepare us for Ascension. That event appears to be
happening, if not now, then in the very near future.

In our next article in this series, we’ll look at the impact on religion of the Masters return.

(Continued in part 4.)


(1) The significance of passing to the Sphere of Contemplation is
that Jesus has passed to an exalted sphere from which communication with
the Earth is less common and less likely. But that is, I think, a
statement that applies to an ongoing communication with Earth, and not
to a special time, such as the Masters’ return.

(2) Spirit leader Imperator in Stainton Moses, More Spirit Teachings. Electronically published by Meilach.com at http://www.meilach.com/spiritual/books/morest/mspteach.htm, 13-4.

(3) Spirit leader Imperator in Stainton Moses, Spirit Teachings. London: Spiritualist Press, n.d. (Prior to 1883), 109-10

(4) John Heslop to his wife, F. Heslop in Speaking Across the Border-Line. Being Letters from a Husband in Spirit Life to His Wife on Earth. London: Charles Taylor, 9th ed., n.d., 136-7.

(5) John Heslop to his wife, F. Heslop, medium, Further Messages Across the Border-Line. A Continuation of “Speaking Across the Border-Line.” London: Charles Taylor, n.d. , 82-4.

(6) “Stella,” FMABL, 112.

(7) Mechizedek, through Marlene Swetlishoff, March 14, 2012, at http://www.therainbowscribe.com.

(8) White Eagle, Wisdom from White Eagle. Through Grace Cooke. Liss: 1983; c1967.

(9) Silver Birch, Teachings of Silver Birch. Wisdom from the World Beyond. Ed. A.W. Austen. London: Spiritualist Press, 1962; c1938, 26.

(10) Silver Birch, Silver Birch Anthology. Ed. Wm. Naylor. London: Spiritualist Press, 1974; c1955, 40.

(11) “The Great Universal Brotherhood,” Way of the Good, at http://www.beinsadouno.org/en/node/1105.

(12) Father Andrew Glazewski in Cynthia Sandys and Rosamund Lehmann, The Awakening Letters. Jersey: Neville Spearman, 1978, 95.

(13) Arthur Ford in Robert Leichtman, The Psychic Perspective. Columbus: Ariel, 1978, 103-4.

(14) Arthur Ford, PP, 103-4.

(15) Arthur Ford in PP, 104-5.

(16) “Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/sanat-kumara-many-of-you-have-already-ascended-and-straddle-dimensions/.

(17) “Maitreya the World Teacher steps forward,” at http://www.share-international.org/.

Thanks to: http://goldenageofgaia.com

Herb Lady

Herb Lady

Thanks Purpleskyz!



The Return of the Masters is Underway – Part 4

Posted by Steve Beckow on June 2, 2013 / Comments Off

Category: Uncategorized

The Return of the Masters is Underway – Part 1, 2, 3 & 4 Religion-22(Continued from Part 3.)

One of the reasons the masters are coming is to take the religions of the world and restore them to the truth.

My personal interpretation is that “religion” refers to an organized
system of beliefs that explains the relationship between humanity and
God. “Spirituality,” however, is less organized and concerns itself more
with how to achieve the purpose of life; that is, to solve the eternal
mystery of who we are at our essence to help us to realize God.

The masters come to restore the truth of spirituality. Their
teachings will transcend the different religions and in most cases make
them obsolete.

SaLuSa’s colleague, Atmos of Sirius, describes the Masters as “great
Beings coming to Earth as teachers of the Truth.” (1) SaLuSa tells us
that the Masters come at the behest of the White Brotherhood, who are in
charge of Ascension: “The White Brotherhood has sent many Masters to
spread the truth, and present you with the facts concerning Ascension.”
(2)In June of 2008, St. Germain revealed
that “for almost the last century [these] more highly evolved souls have
entered … Earth, and they have since played their part in bringing even
more Light to you. It is all part of the Plan for Man that is now
revealing your true selves, and showing you the way home.” (3)

The Masters have no intention of bringing their truth into line with existing religions but vice versa, SaLuSa tells us.

“The different religions will have to
bring their teachings into line with the truth about your origin and the
true purpose of life. They will however, continue to exist all of the
time that they are needed, by those who are unable to accept changes.”

The current generation, the Arcturian Group says, are ready to to correct religion’s faulty stewardship.

“You who are reading this are coming out from this umbrella of
falseness. You are awakening to the truth of your identity and are now
ready to take back the power you in your ignorance gave to the many (not
all) loud and ego-driven voices of government, churches, media, etc.
etc. Trust your intuition on all matters. If any teaching rings of
separation and duality, then know it is of the old energy. You are one,
and that is a never changing truth.” (5)

SaLuSa predicts that the Masters’ revelations will end divisiveness and bring people together.

“Once it is accepted that you are All
One, and you remove religious differences and beliefs that are not
aligned to the truth, you will blossom and find your true path.” (6)

“As the truth is revealed it will … bring
people together as far as their understanding of what God is, or is
not. The truth will no longer be able stand side by side with that which
is false, and you will find that many teachers have had their words
changed to suit the ambitions of those who desired to control you.
Indeed, they have also made additions to support their own
interpretations.” (7)

The worst parts of religion will be discarded in favor of spirituality, Matthew tells us.

“It will not be quite like religions
being ‘totally discarded and replaced by universal laws in the Golden
Age.’ When the truths come forth…, people whose consciousness has risen
beyond the constraints of third density will adhere to the spiritual
aspects of their respective religions and the devised, controlling
aspects will fall by the wayside.” (8)

SaLuSa tells us that a belief in God is the starting point for the
understanding of anything profound in the universe. He describes the
foundational beliefs of a new spirituality.

“The starting point is a belief in God
whatever name you use and acceptance that God is All That Is, and is the
fountain of Love and Light. Nothing can exist except that it has its
existence within the energy of God, which is why you should respect all
life forms.” (9)

“He/She is not [made] in the image of
Man, or an individual as you would understand it. God is the very
essence, the energy that everything has its existence within. God is
Love and all powerful and is the Father/Mother of all life. We
acknowledge the Source and give due gratitude for all that we have, the
most precious being life itself.” (10)

It isn’t that one religious teaching is better than another, SaLuSa
says: “No one teaching is really better than another, although some have
a more accurate explanation for God.” (11) But the truth revealed will
set our feet firmly on a productive path.

So the returning Masters will release spirituality from religion and
set our feet on the path Home – that is, the path to God or more
specifically the path to the realization of our Oneness with God.

We can expect people to draw together when religions are no longer
being used as tools to divide us. And the rise of more truthful accounts
of the nature of reality and of God will cause our spirituality to

While the Masters will accomplish much more than just the extraction
of spirituality from religion, there is no higher purpose that I’m aware
of than returning truth to our ways of worship and self-discovery.

Thus the Masters are returning, including the world teacher,
Maitreya, a new buddha, and incarnations of angels, archangels, and the
ascended masters of the White Brotherhood.

But one more group of ascended masters will also be returning and
that is us. Tomorrow we’ll look at the ascended masters that we are.

(Continued in Part 5.)


(1) Atmos of Sirius, Oct. 13, 2008, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.

(2) SaLuSa, Sept. 9, 2009, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.

(3) St. Germain, June 25, 2008, at http://www.lightworkers.org/content/35619/from-st-germain-through-mike-quinsey-25-june-2008.

(4) SaLuSa, Feb. 13, 2012.

(5) The Arcturian Group, Aug. 16, 2011, at http://www.onenessofall.com/

(6) SaLuSa, May 18, 2012.

(7) SaLuSa, Aug. 17, 2012.

(8) Matthew’s Message, Mar. 1, 2012, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.

(9) SaLuSa, July 25, 2011.

(10) SaLuSa, Aug. 17, 2012.

(11) Loc. cit.

thanks to: http://goldenageofgaia.com

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