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EXPLOSIVE BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Remains Under Nazi Paperclip Attack as JPMorgan's Derivatives Go Ass Backwards

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Intelligence Briefings

ALL patriot American MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions


Saturday June 1, 2013

U.S. Remains Under Nazi Paperclip Attack as JPMorgan's Derivatives Go Ass Backwards

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the United States of America continues to be under Nazi Paperclip U.S. NSA (National Security Agency) attack.

The aforementioned gangsters are now using Tesla, HAARP, and Scalar technology meteorological weapons of mass destruction to kill the American People.

The treasonous NSA is now being directly confronted by U.S. military flag officers with a major confrontation imminent.

U.S. military flag officers now have overwhelming evidence currently in possession of a U.S. military grand jury in Alexandria, Virginia that the entire U.S. intelligence services are totally corrupt with their loyalty to a foreign state, the crooked banking cartel, which is controlled directly by the Bush-Clinton Nazi Paperclip Crime Family Syndicate.

At this hour, the Nazi Paperclip filth have complete control over the U.S. media. ​The criminal network CNN has now been turned into the weather channel.

The Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, along with the puppet media celebrity stooge Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro, has shredded the U.S. Constitution, destroyed the integrity of our electoral process and allowed a criminal U.S. Federal Reserve-Bank of Israel banking cartel to totally LOOT the U.S. Treasury.

The banking cartel continues to get back door bail outs from the crooked U.S. Federal Reserve, which allows them to write naked options utilizing U.S. Taxpayers' money without real margin to totally rig world financial markets.

Reference: The use of credit default swaps aka temporary line of credit without real cash puts the totally corrupt U.S. Federal Reserve and its Chairman, Ben Shalom Bernanke, in total violation of the Commodity Exchange Act of 1936.

P.S. The U.S. NSA Nazi Paperclip use of weather weapons against the American People is their next step that became operative after their phony war on terror was totally exposed in their FALSE FLAG Boston-Benghazi-911 connected psy op aka "Operation Whack-a-Mole".

P.P.S. At this hour, world financial markets face total meltdown as the euro denominated JPMorgan-Deutsche Bank derivatives have been illegally cross-collateralized with the assistance of the Bank of Japan and are about to go hybrid.

This will lead to the total collapse of worldwide bond and stock markets sending interest rates through the roof.

Note: The new European banking agreement aka Basel III now require full disclosure of banking derivatives before any bank can write new derivatives, accordingly, JPMorgan Chase had to protect their old derivatives by writing new illegal cross-collateralized derivatives with the assistance of the Bank of Japan and the Deutsche Bank.

The carrying charges are now escalating and making the cost of this latest money laundry very expense.

The totally corrupt U.S. Federal Reserve has been enabling this bullshit by buying Japanese bonds and Japanese stock index futures in after hour trading as to circumvent the real trading that takes place on the exchange during regular market hours.

Well respected market veteran, Art Cashman of CNBC, commented on all of this chicanery by claiming that none of this made any sense and could be considered a walnut scheme. Cashman avoided using the word "ponzi scheme", but remember a walnut is a nut.

Note: Even totally corrupt crooked bank-controlled Bloomberg News said they were some what confused by the latest financial craziness and they thought the Federal Reserve was actually working against itself.


We can now divulge that the Nazi German bloodline treasonous Bush Family is now conspiring with the treasonous NSA and the Israeli Mossad to threaten U.S. military Flag Officers, including the Flag Officer from the state of Michigan.

We can now report that the Michigan Flag Officer recently warned daddy Bush that he will personally administer the arrest of their entire Nazi German bloodline along with their co-conspirators, the scumbag Clintons, and personally administer REAL justice with extreme due prejudice.

Reference: The Michigan Flag Officer is directly related to General George McAuliffe, an American Irish Catholic, WWII hero that told the German blood line Nazi filth at the Battle of the Bulge that he would never surrender to the German maggots and told them in legendary words "Nuts"!

Message to the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate:

The American People are going to bring you to justice for all of your criminal activity, including the assassination of U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, who was about to expose the Chechnyan-Al Qaeda-DHS-U.S. State Department funded ponzi scheme aka a phony war on terror that was designed to enslave the American People and enable crooked banks to loot the deposits of average Americans under the disguise of a "national emergency" and martial law.

Lafayette remains at Brandywine as Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated, natural born REAL President of the United States.[b]




I cringe to think that Gore is the real prez....

Although he did invent the internet! :)

Herb Lady

Herb Lady

I haven't read this yet, but regarding the internet - it was explained to me that it was started in the military(?) many years ago - as a way of communicating to other people in the military many miles away. Now other than, I don't know.



Gore is all as bad as the rest of those ginks-Can't trust none of 'em- grrrr

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