Accepting What Is…
Posted on June 3, 2013 by Visionkeeper
Music to read by below:
I think this illustration has a very important message for us to
consider. Not only is it critical we learn to go with the flow, it is
even more important really to realize whatever happens in our lives is
what was meant to be. It is time to stop trying to force things to be a
certain way and accept them as being the way they are meant to be in the
grand scheme of things. It calls for us to learn how to release control
over life and allow it to do its own thing and trusting it is for the
best. For many their security lies in the control of their life and
giving it up is one of the hardest things to instill in ourselves. It
requires us to be willing to risk! Scary thought. It requires us to be
willing to embrace change. An even scarier thought! Without even
realizing it, look at what cages we have been existing in by our own
creation born out of fear. We talk about how long this journey to the
new world is taking, but look at where we have been! Is it any wonder?
If one looks into the need to control, it becomes obvious it is
created from fear. If we can control our lives and what we interact with
on a daily basis, we can lessen the fear. How have we bought into this
thinking in the first place? How did we learn to just accept fear as
part of our lives? Conditioning over time. But how did these conditions
become reality in the first place? They were born out of our short
comings, our misguided egos, out of our own inability to be love which
all came about from our fall from Grace so very long ago. As we fell and
began to flounder, the evil side of the dark ones saw an opportunity to
take over and control everything. They were clever and manipulated the
people in ways they never even saw coming. We are way down that path
now, but we can, we will and we are, waking up to the truth and taking
back our world and our oneness.
The biggest favor we can do for ourselves right now is to learn how
to just accept what is and not try to make it what we want. Life must
stop being about what we want, living is about wanting what the whole of
us wants. We are not separate little entities in our own little
universes. Learning to accept what is begins our process of wholeness,
because in order to accept what is we are forced to trust. Trust is
paramount in the new world. We have lived so long now not trusting much
of the world around us. When we are unable to trust we are then unable
to truly love what is. Everything is intertwined if we take time to look
closely at the world. If you set out for the day on a mission to do
something but something else intervenes and changes that mission,
accepting that change and just knowing within it was divine intervention
to give you what you really need, this knowing allows you to flow! You
have eliminated the anguish and frustration and all other ego driven
Lack of faith and trust seems to be at the heart of so many of our
problems. It is time we begin to create our own messages to live by and
practice them everyday so we can get back on the correct road to where
we want to go. The only way to break the mind programming going on today
is to think for YOURSELF! Trust yourself that you know best and never
doubt that. Turn off your televisions and stop believing what you are
being told. Open your eyes and look for yourself and come to your own
conclusions. Only you know what you need, so listen to yourself. For far
too long we have allowed corporations and Government to tell us what we
need. No More! Trust and love in yourself but more importantly in the
whole process called life, and be strong.
Blessings to us all,
Thanks to:
Posted on June 3, 2013 by Visionkeeper
Music to read by below:
I think this illustration has a very important message for us to
consider. Not only is it critical we learn to go with the flow, it is
even more important really to realize whatever happens in our lives is
what was meant to be. It is time to stop trying to force things to be a
certain way and accept them as being the way they are meant to be in the
grand scheme of things. It calls for us to learn how to release control
over life and allow it to do its own thing and trusting it is for the
best. For many their security lies in the control of their life and
giving it up is one of the hardest things to instill in ourselves. It
requires us to be willing to risk! Scary thought. It requires us to be
willing to embrace change. An even scarier thought! Without even
realizing it, look at what cages we have been existing in by our own
creation born out of fear. We talk about how long this journey to the
new world is taking, but look at where we have been! Is it any wonder?
If one looks into the need to control, it becomes obvious it is
created from fear. If we can control our lives and what we interact with
on a daily basis, we can lessen the fear. How have we bought into this
thinking in the first place? How did we learn to just accept fear as
part of our lives? Conditioning over time. But how did these conditions
become reality in the first place? They were born out of our short
comings, our misguided egos, out of our own inability to be love which
all came about from our fall from Grace so very long ago. As we fell and
began to flounder, the evil side of the dark ones saw an opportunity to
take over and control everything. They were clever and manipulated the
people in ways they never even saw coming. We are way down that path
now, but we can, we will and we are, waking up to the truth and taking
back our world and our oneness.
The biggest favor we can do for ourselves right now is to learn how
to just accept what is and not try to make it what we want. Life must
stop being about what we want, living is about wanting what the whole of
us wants. We are not separate little entities in our own little
universes. Learning to accept what is begins our process of wholeness,
because in order to accept what is we are forced to trust. Trust is
paramount in the new world. We have lived so long now not trusting much
of the world around us. When we are unable to trust we are then unable
to truly love what is. Everything is intertwined if we take time to look
closely at the world. If you set out for the day on a mission to do
something but something else intervenes and changes that mission,
accepting that change and just knowing within it was divine intervention
to give you what you really need, this knowing allows you to flow! You
have eliminated the anguish and frustration and all other ego driven
Lack of faith and trust seems to be at the heart of so many of our
problems. It is time we begin to create our own messages to live by and
practice them everyday so we can get back on the correct road to where
we want to go. The only way to break the mind programming going on today
is to think for YOURSELF! Trust yourself that you know best and never
doubt that. Turn off your televisions and stop believing what you are
being told. Open your eyes and look for yourself and come to your own
conclusions. Only you know what you need, so listen to yourself. For far
too long we have allowed corporations and Government to tell us what we
need. No More! Trust and love in yourself but more importantly in the
whole process called life, and be strong.
Blessings to us all,
Thanks to: