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1RV Commentary Empty RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:26 am


RV Commentary
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

With all the financial issues and concerns we all have been confronted with these last few years has been like Rosie O'Donnell stepping on a scale, meaning these problems are too large to even register. Finally, the results of your patience and tanacity all these issues will soon become a part of history. Yesterday, today and tonight have received calls, texts and messages implying we are there. Hopefully, we will see our blessings by tomorrow or at least by the end of this week. Withstanding, that all is able to be implimented by the time constraints labled as "appropriate". The exact nature of what we have been hearing centers around the FIP (Fines, Interest and Penalties), the Omega Funds both being out and the CMKX will be going out in tandem with our Release. Again, let us add that there are magical things happening with WF plus the positioning of the US dollar values all seem to indicate something good. This is the time for all of us to be accountable, no matter what, and to never give up when times are tuff. Just now things are to change, we are on the cusp of a blessed life.

Thought it would only be fitting to add the video below at this very special time in our lives. I trust that we will all maintain a proper perspective toward what is to be bestowed upon us. How often do we find the happiest people in the world do not have the best of everything.......they just make the best of everything!


Watch - Life is like Coffee >>
VIDEO LINK: http://www.flickspire.com/m/LittleeInc/LifeIsLikeCoffee?lsid=e2aef71970c8939d1c1225817f09a471

Copyright © 2010 - 2012 flickspire

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:02 AM

2RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:28 am



OH SNAP!!!! Casting shade on Rosie!!! hahahahaha

3RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:45 am



That's really rude to Rosie O'Donnell! I am beginning to think this dude is a Dinar Dealer he sounds very similar to the rest of the roos! I am probs wrong tho but he is annoying LOL!

4RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:49 am



Don't let this annoy you nannee. It is just more of the same type of info. John MacHaffie works tirelessly on this stuff. I just file it all under the "it could happen" category so it does not piss me off.

5RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:52 am



True that purps and thanks for that! I am tired and irritable today as if you haven't noticed lol and my little boy has been vomitting all arvo! I don't get it, I give him vitamins every day, I make sure he eats well and friggin BAM hes still gets sick!! How do we avoid this? Maybe something for a different thread...

6RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:14 am



Rosie O'fatass is a lint licking 'fur' trader, I never liked her to begin with, she is cocky, rude, and obnoxious, so shoot me- If she ever dies, she will probably drown, and it will be in Ricky Lake-Personally, I think she is nasty, and I'm not the only one that thinks that, either-

Last edited by terbo56 on Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:49 am; edited 1 time in total

7RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:27 am



hahahahahahah holy shit that was a mouthful terbs lol! We havent seen too much of her over here so I wouldn't really know lol!

8RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:43 am



Stop giving the vitamins! We do NOT need supplements if we eat well. The only thing we need is possible during pregnancy. jmho

9RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:46 am



yes I will stop giving the kids the vitamins cause they are not bloody working anyway. My son got onto some all natural ones ummm Alpha Brain is one and then some oil that is 100 times more effective that coconut oil. He reckons he can feel them working already!

What about fish oil for joints and stuff, arthritis? We have our autistic grandson on Omega 3 or something like that, cost a bloody fortune and it seems to be working ok, but then again it could be his awesome teacher too!

10RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:52 am



NanneeRose, maybe you haven't seen much of 'Hosey' O dumbass a lot, because your country doesn't like her either! RV Commentary 3162187677

11RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:53 am



Glucosimine and Condroitin (sp?) are also great for joint lubrication. Fish oil... mercury in most fish might not include this which you might want to avoid.

Sounds like your grandson has a wonderful teacher and that can make ALL the difference in the world. This is very cool!

12RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:54 am



Oh oh.. i said joint lubrication... YIKES!! What was I thinking????

RV Commentary 3162187677

13RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:59 am



Hahahahahahahaha and holy fish patties did you say no to fish oil?! Wow I did not know this! I supposed this is one of the things we can't find out about either is the mercury in fish! I need brain food for Zaccys autism or something like the Omega 3 but without the mercury, any suggestions??

14RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:00 am



They already have a 'joint' lubrication crème, It's called 'KY'-The original joint juice- Gotcha!! RV Commentary 3162187677

15RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:05 am

Herb Lady

Herb Lady

It was rude for him to be that way towards Rosie.

As far as the little on goes, Nannee, look at what he is eating, he could have major food allergies going on. With food allergies what your body can't digest it will mask over with mucous and expell it any way it can. Gluten intolerances can't also mask autism. Record everything he eats, and when and what the stuff coming up looks like, too many refined flours and sugars results in a lot of mucous. If he even so much as burbs garlic, he needs goat milk. small amounts of time to begin with because as soon as it hits the tummy, with the body temperature it will turn to cottage cheese. Goat milk, especially fresh, but go with what you can get, will slowly help to strengthen the digestive system. Eliminate all foods that you find he might have an issue with. Even cow milk. The protein molecules in cow milk are too large and tough for some to digest and then the body masks it over and expels it most often with throwing up.

Vitamins are another issue but work hand in hand with allergies at times. Yes he should be taking vitamins - but whole food vitamins - not the synthetic ones at most places. If he's not taking a whole food vitamin and throwing up everytime he turns around, his body isn't getting everything it needs.

Synthetic vitamins only make your body think it's getting what it needs, but doesn't get at all.

Most whole food vitamins will be found in a health food store and several of them will list those ingredients on the label! Shop around and compare, and until he gets his tummy lined out - don't give gummy vitamins! Too hard in the digestive tract at this time. Try a liquid or other chewable.

16RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:14 am



Prpl & HL - great suggestions!! Coconut oil ilo fish oil; vegetable oils far superior.

333 uses for coconut oil, hubby found yesterday .... :)


Blessings 2 ALL seekers of Truth, Abundance, much More .... ☀

17RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:43 am



anyone know what CMKX means?

18RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:15 pm



greetings and salutations nana,
never forget it is YOUR thoughts that have the power to change the way you think ,or it is YOUR thoughts that keep you confused pissoff and in fear. when a negative thought arises ,and they will arise ,always take control with your thoughts and change that negative perception .that is YOUR power and nobody can take it from you,unless you allow them .


19RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:24 pm



CMKX is just one of the PP's, don't really know what it actually stands for though, sorry.
Thanks for that link on the 'Coconut Oil' RV Commentary 304767837 I've been reading a lot about it lately, as it is purported to aid in mental clarity, like for Alzheimer's patients etc. I've certainly not been diagnosed as such, but sure could use all the help I can get... lol :)

20RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:35 pm



Thanks so much HL I will certainly look into it!

21RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:18 pm


My friend from the phillipines(we work together) told me that about 25 years ago corporate america came in and forced people off of their land(stole it) and planted Coconut trees. Now, corporate america is telling us to eat coconuts......Just saying.....

22RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:52 pm



I got somethin' THEY can eat, right here.............. :mooning:

23RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:54 pm



LOL terbs!!

Ahhhh that's interesting topspin!

24RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:50 pm

Herb Lady

Herb Lady

Huh, took their land, planted coconut trees, and now all of the sudden it's very healthy to eat coconuts, use it's oils, drink the milk, make coconut water to drink as well---- Sounds like a very well thought out plan, propaganda and all - I'd say it worked too!

25RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:13 am



Soooo the Question then becomes, is the propaganda just BS or for real ?? Or have they somehow (GMO) modified those plants ?? or are we just getting paranoid about everything ??
Just a thought... :)

26RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:22 am



ALL of the above as far as I am concerned Marty.

topspin great point. If it being pushed there is a reason. sigh.....

27RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:30 am


Yea, he was angry about the theft of his parents land. He is clued in now and understands why the US does what it does. However, I think coconuts have wonderful properties. The water is a fantastic hydrator. Its just been GMOd and who knows what it does to our genetic makeup. And as for being paranoid, too much factual information confirming whats happening. They WANT you to think your paranoid. These guys are good!

28RV Commentary Empty Re: RV Commentary Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:17 am



Agreed Top, I do think I'm paranoid, but I also think that as things are, it's a good thing.
Better paranoid, than caught and blind sided... I hope. Ignorance is Bliss, If your a happy Zombie. Awake and informed is Life Alive and worth living. IMO :)

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