CONFIRMED - Multiple flights in & out of Reno (Private Jets) exchanging ongoing for fat cats. Big contingent of arabs just been processed. WF has banking facilities set up for the private jets to do their exchange business within the hanger in privacy and security.
RUMOR --- And this unconfirmed rumor,maybe BS. Fat cats are getting $40 for the dinar. Bankers want the public to get $3.40. Hmmmmm Interesting!
RUMOR --- Friday on Fox News TV, Fed Reserve Head Bernake said the Fed Reserve will be exiting and merged into the Treasury.
CONFIRMED - Multiple flights in & out of Reno (Private Jets) exchanging ongoing for fat cats. Big contingent of arabs just been processed. WF has banking facilities set up for the private jets to do their exchange business within the hanger in privacy and security.
RUMOR --- And this unconfirmed rumor,maybe BS. Fat cats are getting $40 for the dinar. Bankers want the public to get $3.40. Hmmmmm Interesting!
RUMOR --- Friday on Fox News TV, Fed Reserve Head Bernake said the Fed Reserve will be exiting and merged into the Treasury.