POOFness for JUN 16: "It's time to start believing!"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 16-Jun-2013 18:59:42
Date: Sunday, 16-Jun-2013 18:59:42
In Response To: POOFness for JUN 2: "Time for Plain Talk" ........Newsletter June 2, 2013 (hobie)
Hi, Folks - Received via e-mail: ********************************************************************** -------- Original Message -------- From: 2goforth@Safe-mail.net To: 2goforth@Safe-mail.net Subject: Fwd: It's time to start believing! Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 18:24:55 -0400 "Say You, Say Me" Lyrics/Lionel Richie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7Mi77iqMjA Greetings and Salutations, Thank you for the wonderful reception given to ZAP's contributions over the past several weeks. We are extremely fortunate that ZAP has chosen this forum to share his knowledge and provide such valuable information to us all. Many of you have have asked us to pass along your questions for ZAP to respond. Below are a few questions and answers that you may be extremely interested in. From ZAP..........HI ALL I HAVE RECEIVED A FEW QUESTIONS FROM POOF’S OFFICE, AND ANSWER AS FOLLOWS: Will we really be receiving enough funds from F&P to help make big changes in our society or will it be just enough to put an extra $20 or $30 in the offering plate on Sunday? How about the PP funding? THE F&P ARE REALLY A SMALL PART OF THE OVERALL PLAN UPSTAIRS HAS FOR OUR HUMANITY, AND WILL PROVIDE A BIT MORE THAN $20 ON THE TABLE, BUT IT WILL NOT BE ENOUGH TO BEGIN ANY REAL SIZE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECTS – THE PP FUNDING IS SCHEDULED IN, AND THAT WILL CERTAINLY PROVIDE FOR THE PROJECT SIDE ON A GRAND SCALE When the RV occurs will the economy in the US immediately see the effects like gold dropping back to the $500-$700 range and pricing of retail items in our stores reflect the 60's pricing if not then over what period of time will our economy gradually drop its values and pricing? THIS IS A TOUGH ONE TO CALL, BUT WE DO KNOW THAT WHEN THE RV IS ANNOUNCED, OTHER FACTORS HAVE TO BE IN PLACE TO OFFSET THE MASSIVE INFLUX OF NEW MULTI-MILLIONAIRES AND PREVENT A CHAOTIC CHANGEOVER TO THE NEW BASIL III COMPLIANT SYSTEM – MASSIVE BACKROOM WORK IS BEING DONE IN REGARD OF KEEPING STABILITY IN PLACE WHILE LARGE AMOUNTS ARE BEING SPENT – THE RISE IN THE IMMEDIATE SHORT TERM OF THE ECONOMIES DUE TO THE INITIAL SPENDING THAT WILL OCCUR WILL INEVITABLY DROP OFF – THIS SPIKE IS EXPECTED, AND WILL NOT REALLY AFFECT THE OVERALL STABILITY, BUT WILL KICK-START THE BEGINNING OF THE PROSPERITY MENTALITY – THIS WILL BE FOLLOWED UP WITH THE MASSIVE FUNDINGS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECTS TO ENABLE FIXING OUR BLUE BALL WE CALL HOME AND CLEAN IT UP – THIS IS A CONTINUATION AND EXPANSION OF THE INITIAL “HIT” THAT SETS THE FOUNDATION FOR WHAT IS TO COME – GOODS AND SERVICES WILL STABILIZE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEW MONEY FLOWING, AND OUR HUMANITY WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO ACTUALLY DO LASTING GOOD WITH THE SECOND ROUND OF NEW MONEY FLOWING IN THROUGH THE PROJECTS Even though our funds will be accessed from a "five star trust" what security mechanisms will be in place to assure us that the money will always be safe in our personal account and that no one can steal or otherwise manipulate our funds without our knowledge? It would be very upsetting to go to pay for an item and find no funds were available in the account. THIS FEAR IS PREDOMINANT IN MANY – THE AMOUNT OF FUNDS IN THE BANKS WILL BE EXTRAORDINARY, AND BLOCKS AND FREEZES OF FUNDS, NO MATTER HOW LARGE, WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST – BEFORE (AND AS IT IS NOW FOR THE MOMENT), THE BANKERS WERE TAKING AS MUCH AS THEY COULD IN ANY WAY THEY COULD (UNDER ORDERS) – NOW THAT THE CABAL IS PRETTY WELL GONE, THE FUNDS THAT WILL BE IN THE ACCOUNTS WILL BE BASIL III COMPLIANT, AND UNTOUCHABLE UNLESS YOU WANT TO BUY A CONTAINERS OF AK-47S AND START A WAR…THEN YOU CAN KISS THE MONEY GOODBYE – IN ESSENCE, IF THE MONEY IS NOT SPENT FOR THE RIGHT REASONS, THEN EXPECT SANCTIONS – IF SPENT TO HELP, NOT HARM, THEN SPEND AWAY – TURNS OUT THERE IS MUCH MORE MONEY TO BE MADE IN PEACE THAN IN WAR IF DONE RIGHT We understand our funds will be protected in a "five star trust." Can you shed some light on how we will access these funds, as a signatory of the trust or will the funds transfer to us personally upon access or some other way? THE FIVE STAR TRUST IS AN ACTUAL TRUST DESIGNED FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR HUMANITY – IT WAS MISUSED FOR A WHILE, BUT THAT HAS BEEN PRETTY WELL TAKEN CARE OF – THE USA HAS MUCH AT STAKE THROUGH THIS TRUST, AS IT WILL BE ONE OF THE MAJOR FORCES DRIVING THE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECTS – ANYBODY THAT WISHES TO HELP OTHERS WILL HAVE FUNDS ALLOCATED TO THEM FOR THIS PURPOSE, AND AGAIN, THIS MONEY WILL BE FREELY SPENDABLE – YOU WILL HAVE IT IN YOUR PERSONAL OR CORPORATE ACCOUNT FOR YOUR SIGNATORY We have been told our funds will be accessed from a "five star trust." If we set up multiple accounts within the same bank as we receive or if we transfer funds out of the original receiving account to other accounts nationally or internationally will these new accounts be afforded the same "five star trust" protection? YES If we have friends and family members who were either skeptical or felt this to be an unlawful adventure in the beginning here in the US is there an opportunity for them to become involved at this late date in the pay out? Some of these people also want to be involved in changing our planet through an established project. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT OF THESE FUNDS – ANYBODY CAN AVAIL THEMSELVES OF THESE FUNDS – THE ONLY CRITERIA IS YOUR INTENT AND WILLINGNESS TO HELP OUR HUMANITY WHETHER THROUGH A MAJOR INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT, OR A MOM AND POP CORNER STORE IN A NEIGHBORHOOD THAT NEEDS ONE looking forward, can you enlighten us on some of the specific changes and benefits we will see from the new "Republic" and how soon shall we see it come to pass? I WILL BE ABLE TO ANSWER THAT SOON ENOUGH, SINCE IF I ANSWER THIS NOW, IT WILL PROVIDE ENOUGH DIRECTION DURING THIS SENSITIVE TRANSITION TIME FOR ATTEMPTS TO STOP IT FROM HAPPENING TO OCCUR (THEY ARE STILL ATTEMPTING) – I CAN SAY THIS MUCH THOUGH: THE SPECIFITY OF MAJOR CHANGES INCLUDES THE METHODOLOGY OF SPENDING MONEY FOR THE RIGHT REASONS – GONE WILL BE THE DAYS OF AID SHIPMENTS BEING STOLEN FOR THE BENEFIT OF CONTAINERS OF SINGLE MALT SCOTCH AND GUNS – GONE WILL BE HIJACKING OF FUNDS DESTINED FOR FOOD AND SHELTER AND MEDICAL – GONE WILL BE THE PAYOFFS TO “APPOINT” (NOT ELECT) OUR OFFICIALS THAT REPRESENT US – AND SO ON…ALL THE THINGS HUMANITY WANTS WILL BE AFFORDED RATHER THAN THE FULFILLMENT OF MAD DREAMS OF FANATICS WITH DOGMA ON THE BRAIN – HOW SOON?...WELL…PUT IT THIS WAY “BASIL III” IS A PRE-REQUISITE…. IN OTHER NEWS, THE OLD MAN OF CHINA HIMSELF IS PREPARING THE NEXT STEP IN THE GLOBAL FUNDING RELEASES, AS THE FIRST PART WAS ALREADY DONE WITH SOME PRELIMINARY TRILLIONS RELEASED INTO THE SYSTEM FOR THE REDEMPTION OF HISTORIC ASSETS. THE REQUIREMENT OF GETTING RID OF THESE HISTORIC ASSETS IS OF EXTREME IMPORTANCE TO ALL OF US AND THE INSTALLATION OF THE NEW BASIL III COMPLIANT SYSTEM. WITHOUT THE CURRENCIES OF THE WORLD BEING SUPPORTED BY METAL, NOTHING WILL CHANGE, SO THE REDEMPTIONS MUST TAKE PLACE (AT MINIMUM GET STARTED) BEFORE THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF BASIL III. THE WORLD LEADERS ARE FULLY SUPPORTIVE OF THIS, AND OBAMA HIMSELF HAS ALREADY SIGNED OFF ON THIS WITH PRESIDENT XI. MUCH IS BEING DONE IN THE BACKGROUND FOR THE BENEFIT OF US ALL, AND CONTRARY TO RUMOR, OBAMA IS SUPPORTING THIS CHANGEOVER AS FIRSTLY, IT IS INEVITABLE, AND SECONDLY, THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE. NOT DOING IT REVEALS TOO MUCH OF WHO IS REALLY BEHIND. SO WE CAN EXPECT THESE CHANGES TO OCCUR RATHER QUICKLY NOW DESPITE THE OTHER SIDE NOT WANTING THEM TO TAKE PLACE. RELAX AND BREATHE A BIT AND KNOW ALL IS IN PLACE FOR WHAT IS TO COME, AND THIS IS NOT A FIVE MINUTE PROCESS. AND AS FOR THE OTHER SIDE, SORRY GUYS, BUT HUMANITY WINS THIS TIME AROUND. GOD BLESS. IN LOVE AND LIGHT IN OUR SERVICE ZAP NOTE: I WRITE IN ALL CAPS TO PREVENT MISCONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN CAPITALIZED WORDS – I AM NOT SHOUTING, AND IT IS DONE DELIBERATELY – THANKS FOR UNDERSTANDING, AND SORRY IF IT IS HARDER TO READ… Poof says....."Time to think like a child again, imagine the possibilities, try what the adults say can't be done. Bye bye, fred and barney, we're going to George Jetson's neighborhood, sans his boss. The technology is already here and ready. People ask me 'when', how fast? As quick as you're ready to move on it. Back up help is already available. The cast offs from the past will be flicked out of your way so, they only thing stopping you will be you. Let the left and right hemispheres of the brain merge and work as one, it's an act of personal will. They actually teach this up in the himalayas. A miracle is no more than letting nature go with it's own flow, understanding that thoughts are things. Uncluttering the mind of crappy thoughts, as a lady said one time, a quiet mind is a divine mind. Forests worth of paper work have been processed to close out the past world, I extend my gratitude to those who got on that grindstone and never stopped until the job was done, even while we all bitched about how long it was taking and swearing to god, it would never happen. Thank you for your perseverance. Oh can't forget how many folks swore up and down you all were lying and hoarding everything for yourselves, forgive them they know not what they say or do." HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all of the fathers out there! Remember to give your father a big hug today and everyday for that matter. Tell him how much you appreciate him. Being a Father or a Mother is a tough job, but let's face it where would we be without them? Thank you for your prayers and condolences. Consultations upon request until the doorbell rings. Love and Kisses, Susan & Staff From the Office of Poofness ===== --hobie |