This is the master crystal key codes of the 4444 anchoring with the proper ONE/1 = UNITY OF THE FULL HEART.
The master number 11 has been utilized as an awakening code for many such as with the 11:11 ~ though the 11 has also been misutilized such as with trauma, emergencies & energy reversals such as with 911 telephone emergency dial number or the 9/11 calendar date bombing of the twin towers.
To be able to C/see/sea the Crystal Codes of the HEART~4th chakra/4th dimension/4th Stargate~ Giza, Egypt anchoring now with the CRYSTAL KEY CODE: 144441 today is such a relief. Whew ! Sweat off my brow !
As many of us are carrying very specific codes, coding or parts of codes………….one of the codes I have been carrying is a code for the reconstruction of the HEART gateway.
I remember from the years 1996 ~ 2009 the digits in my phone number were 32(4-4441). These are simply signals of the numerical codes/turtle codes that one is able to C/see/sea when tuned into certain higher frequency fields within the matrix. The outside reflection of the digits is simply a signal of the codes that are connecting with the multidimensional fields of awareness.
The full CRYSTAL KEY CODES were given via clues in West Africa at ROSE LAKE where the lake water is literally pink. ROSE LAKE is near CAP-VERT (Green) where the latitude coordinates are 14’44’41. It is the higher frequency codes of the ROSE (pink) that infuses the GREEN (HEART CHAKRA) with the amplified LOVE essence of the 4444= 16. Part of these energetic numerical codes/turtle codes sleuthing credit belongs to my dear friend Ariane Oates. If you need a fuller understanding about the Turtle Codes here is a radio program on MultiDimensional Joy Radio to listen to:
Thanks to: http://www.starseeds.net