New Beginnings ~ Hilarion’s Weekly Message 1 April 2012
Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah)
Beloved Ones,
As the long winter months are coming to an end in the Northern
Hemisphere, new beginnings are waiting to unfold. There is a sense of
renewal and rejuvenation in the atmosphere and all around new life is
poised, ready to come forth in its diverse and glorious majesty. This is
the time to plant seeds in preparation for the blossoming of
magnificent abundance from the elemental and plant kingdoms. Together,
in unity and in harmony, new life is created and nurtured and these new
creations of wonder and magic are in their embryonic stages waiting to
unfold in Divine timing.
And so the cycles of the Earth continue in their inexorable march of
life, aided here and there by unusual weather patterns that have not
appeared for many cycles of time. As the kingdoms of Nature awaken from
their dormancy to lift their beings to the Light of the Sun, so too do
many people shake themselves off and begin again to plants their seeds
of dreams and hopes for a better life for themselves and their families,
a way of life that will sustain and nurture all of the finest
attributes of each one in their expression of Divinity. By working in
tune with the movement of the seasons and acknowledging the invisible
helpers who toil with devotion, joy and delight in the manifestation of
the life contained within the seeds, the majesty, beauty and wonder of
all life renewed fills the air.
It is the time for renewal of intentions and goals that were set
perhaps at the beginning of the New Year, to revisit what has been
accomplished, where changes need to be made and corrections take place
in order to renew the commitment made to one’s aspiring Self as you set
out filled with enthusiasm and determination that this year, things
would get done, that it would be different, that the World would be
different by this turn of the wheel of life upon your World. Yet, all
around you, what is reflected back to you is only more of the same old,
same old. But wait! There IS something different. There are birds
appearing in your neighborhood which have not been seen here before. The
eastern bluejays are now a part of the western bluejay family and
living in harmony. There are wild geese that are black and white
swimming in the river that were not spotted here in this area before....
Read Full Article Here:
And Here:
Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah)
Beloved Ones,
As the long winter months are coming to an end in the Northern
Hemisphere, new beginnings are waiting to unfold. There is a sense of
renewal and rejuvenation in the atmosphere and all around new life is
poised, ready to come forth in its diverse and glorious majesty. This is
the time to plant seeds in preparation for the blossoming of
magnificent abundance from the elemental and plant kingdoms. Together,
in unity and in harmony, new life is created and nurtured and these new
creations of wonder and magic are in their embryonic stages waiting to
unfold in Divine timing.
And so the cycles of the Earth continue in their inexorable march of
life, aided here and there by unusual weather patterns that have not
appeared for many cycles of time. As the kingdoms of Nature awaken from
their dormancy to lift their beings to the Light of the Sun, so too do
many people shake themselves off and begin again to plants their seeds
of dreams and hopes for a better life for themselves and their families,
a way of life that will sustain and nurture all of the finest
attributes of each one in their expression of Divinity. By working in
tune with the movement of the seasons and acknowledging the invisible
helpers who toil with devotion, joy and delight in the manifestation of
the life contained within the seeds, the majesty, beauty and wonder of
all life renewed fills the air.
It is the time for renewal of intentions and goals that were set
perhaps at the beginning of the New Year, to revisit what has been
accomplished, where changes need to be made and corrections take place
in order to renew the commitment made to one’s aspiring Self as you set
out filled with enthusiasm and determination that this year, things
would get done, that it would be different, that the World would be
different by this turn of the wheel of life upon your World. Yet, all
around you, what is reflected back to you is only more of the same old,
same old. But wait! There IS something different. There are birds
appearing in your neighborhood which have not been seen here before. The
eastern bluejays are now a part of the western bluejay family and
living in harmony. There are wild geese that are black and white
swimming in the river that were not spotted here in this area before....
Read Full Article Here:
And Here: