Thoughts from BlackBird136 at TNT Forum Thursday PM
Blackbird136: Guys and Gals:
If anyone cares, here is my take on this China, Iraq and US meeting Tony talked about occurring last night…SORRY SO RAMBLING and LONG:
It has to be about the rate…read the link below, or google Iraq-China-US and you get articles talking about how China has reaped the greatest benefits from the Gulf war as they now are the largest importers of oil in the world and get ½ of Iraq’s output now…
So all this “RENO” stuff with Wells Fargo Bank acting as the escrow agent of China’s purchase of dinar from people/groups with large amounts so they can use the dinar to purchase oil credits at a lower rate may have some legs…
I actually saw some of the contracts (I’m a lawyer), so it being an elaborate hoax is doubtful.
The stuff was real, legal and someone spent a lot of time on preparing it. The thing that struck me odd was the high price that they were paying, at different tier prices from $25 up to $50 depending on how many dinar were pledged;
After the “paymaster” and agents got their cut, and taxes were removed, the dinar sellers were still netting about $10 per dinar…not bad when Guru’s were talking about the RV at anywhere from $.10 to $3.86 and rarely higher…
Well, with all this talk of $25.87 if you negotiate a deal yourself, the contract net rate isn’t looking so good…
So if all this is true, I’d say China was fighting about the rate that was going to show at the CBI, cause if it comes out higher than the $10.00 China’s sellers were to get, I’m betting a lot of contracts would be breached and dinar holders would go with General64, or negotiate a deal themselves…at $25.87 with a ceiling at mayber $35.00, why not…the US of course wants the high rate…
That’s my take on that…
As for the Jack Lew stuff, I listened to the CNBC talk, and that was just a rehash of Lew telling Congress to raise the debt ceiling or the US will be up the creek…
I still point to the Phoenix stuff presented to us first by Bluestar as being the best “smoking gun” for our RV to happen, a cover for where the Trillions of dollars is going to come from for Obama to finish out his term as the “hero”. As a practical matter, the Treasury could just make the Fed to credit the US Treasury $25 trillion fiat bucks electromically since money is made out of thin air and the M3 is not reported.
It made me laugh to hear Christine LeGarde gloss over the $550 trillion in derivatives as if it was a small, but workable problem…that’s cause it’s the PTB way of crediting themselves and minions with trillions, legally…
For those who don’t get it, there is about $22.6 billion in U.S. Government securities, $14.2 billion in EURO denominated foreign currencies and $9.4 billion in yen denominated foreign currencies being held by the Fed of NY in the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF). Together with the $58.7 billion in the Special Drawing Rights of the IMF , the ESF has about $100 billion available to the US Treasury for emergency situations to aid other governments. A loop hole seems to allow those funds to be used for the US Government, if the president and congress agree.
Looking at the financing statements shows that the dinar (if they have any! I pray they do!) must be part of the $14.2 billion Euro denominated foreign currency held in the foreign central banks. If only 7% of that is dinar, then that’s about 1 Trillion dinar that the EFS is holding (again that is just a guess, could be more could be less). I mean what other currencies are they holding besides EUROs in the remaining 93%?
Anyway, the theory is that since there is no exchange rate being shown while the shut down is on, we can have an RV and then those 1.1 Trillion dinar at a revalued price of $25.87 gives the US Treasury $28.5 trillion to help the cause! Even at $3.86, thats $ 3.86 trillion nothing to sneeze at...
So this gives Lew and Obama quite a bit of funds to play around with to fund Obama Care, pay down the debt and run the government…Do you think when it happens that Lew will be telling anyone how much was made on paper? But they need an accounting trail for that and the RV of the EFS held dinar will be the “smoking gun” for why the Obama administration was able to get us back on track..
All IMHO …
I think the RV is here and will happen very, very soon like this week…it may “only” be $3.86 though and probably less than $10.00…personally if its 50 cents I will run to the bank!
God Bless
Blackbird136: Guys and Gals:
If anyone cares, here is my take on this China, Iraq and US meeting Tony talked about occurring last night…SORRY SO RAMBLING and LONG:
It has to be about the rate…read the link below, or google Iraq-China-US and you get articles talking about how China has reaped the greatest benefits from the Gulf war as they now are the largest importers of oil in the world and get ½ of Iraq’s output now…
So all this “RENO” stuff with Wells Fargo Bank acting as the escrow agent of China’s purchase of dinar from people/groups with large amounts so they can use the dinar to purchase oil credits at a lower rate may have some legs…
I actually saw some of the contracts (I’m a lawyer), so it being an elaborate hoax is doubtful.
The stuff was real, legal and someone spent a lot of time on preparing it. The thing that struck me odd was the high price that they were paying, at different tier prices from $25 up to $50 depending on how many dinar were pledged;
After the “paymaster” and agents got their cut, and taxes were removed, the dinar sellers were still netting about $10 per dinar…not bad when Guru’s were talking about the RV at anywhere from $.10 to $3.86 and rarely higher…
Well, with all this talk of $25.87 if you negotiate a deal yourself, the contract net rate isn’t looking so good…
So if all this is true, I’d say China was fighting about the rate that was going to show at the CBI, cause if it comes out higher than the $10.00 China’s sellers were to get, I’m betting a lot of contracts would be breached and dinar holders would go with General64, or negotiate a deal themselves…at $25.87 with a ceiling at mayber $35.00, why not…the US of course wants the high rate…
That’s my take on that…
As for the Jack Lew stuff, I listened to the CNBC talk, and that was just a rehash of Lew telling Congress to raise the debt ceiling or the US will be up the creek…
I still point to the Phoenix stuff presented to us first by Bluestar as being the best “smoking gun” for our RV to happen, a cover for where the Trillions of dollars is going to come from for Obama to finish out his term as the “hero”. As a practical matter, the Treasury could just make the Fed to credit the US Treasury $25 trillion fiat bucks electromically since money is made out of thin air and the M3 is not reported.
It made me laugh to hear Christine LeGarde gloss over the $550 trillion in derivatives as if it was a small, but workable problem…that’s cause it’s the PTB way of crediting themselves and minions with trillions, legally…
For those who don’t get it, there is about $22.6 billion in U.S. Government securities, $14.2 billion in EURO denominated foreign currencies and $9.4 billion in yen denominated foreign currencies being held by the Fed of NY in the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF). Together with the $58.7 billion in the Special Drawing Rights of the IMF , the ESF has about $100 billion available to the US Treasury for emergency situations to aid other governments. A loop hole seems to allow those funds to be used for the US Government, if the president and congress agree.
Looking at the financing statements shows that the dinar (if they have any! I pray they do!) must be part of the $14.2 billion Euro denominated foreign currency held in the foreign central banks. If only 7% of that is dinar, then that’s about 1 Trillion dinar that the EFS is holding (again that is just a guess, could be more could be less). I mean what other currencies are they holding besides EUROs in the remaining 93%?
Anyway, the theory is that since there is no exchange rate being shown while the shut down is on, we can have an RV and then those 1.1 Trillion dinar at a revalued price of $25.87 gives the US Treasury $28.5 trillion to help the cause! Even at $3.86, thats $ 3.86 trillion nothing to sneeze at...
So this gives Lew and Obama quite a bit of funds to play around with to fund Obama Care, pay down the debt and run the government…Do you think when it happens that Lew will be telling anyone how much was made on paper? But they need an accounting trail for that and the RV of the EFS held dinar will be the “smoking gun” for why the Obama administration was able to get us back on track..
All IMHO …
I think the RV is here and will happen very, very soon like this week…it may “only” be $3.86 though and probably less than $10.00…personally if its 50 cents I will run to the bank!
God Bless