Eagle1 » October 9th, 2013, 4:28 pm • [Post 266] Good Afternoon, Family:
Well, here we go again! Despite all of our best efforts to communicate accurately, something just seems to fall through the cracks, and we see what appears to be interference on the part of others whose interests are self-serving.
Some folks have questioned whether or not I'm being deliberately lied to and deceived because of the number of people who either listen to me or read my posts in order to effect the spread of disinformation.
Let me say up front that I trust implicitly the individuals who supply me with intel.
They have no reason to lie. They pass on as much as they are allowed to without breaching their own non-disclosure agreements.
My contacts come from within the banking system, within the IMF and within various Federal agencies. In some cases they make it clear that there is certain information they convey which is not for public consumption for security reasons.Well, here we go again! Despite all of our best efforts to communicate accurately, something just seems to fall through the cracks, and we see what appears to be interference on the part of others whose interests are self-serving.
Some folks have questioned whether or not I'm being deliberately lied to and deceived because of the number of people who either listen to me or read my posts in order to effect the spread of disinformation.
Let me say up front that I trust implicitly the individuals who supply me with intel.
They have no reason to lie. They pass on as much as they are allowed to without breaching their own non-disclosure agreements.
If I am to keep the level of confidence and integrity with my sources I have no choice but to honor those requests.
That said, we fully expected to see the GCR live today on bank screens. We know without question that the GCR has been implemented globally and that new rates for the currencies are already available within the various exchanges and banking systems.
We also have indisputable proof in the form of certain behind-the-scenes transactions which have been completed which could not have been implemented without the GCR and the revaluing of the pivot gold-backed currencies.
So what's the delay in seeing everything on the bank screens so we can begin our exchange? I asked that question of one of my sources this morning and the way I put the question was, "Who or what is gumming up the works?"
The answer was pretty quick and to the point. "No one is gumming up the works! Everything is following a methodical and systematic procedure.
When there have been unresolved issues at certain stages, everything has paused momentarily while those issues are resolved, and the process resumes."
We saw the finish of the final project yesterday (and have documented proof) necessary before the GCR could go live, and the expectation was that we would see things today.
One senior bank official stated unequivocally yesterday that we would see the new rates on bank screens today. Well, today isn't over yet! So what's happening?
One of the "pauses" in this process occurred yesterday when certain individuals privy to the completion leaked sensitive information in violation of their non-disclosure agreements.
Because of who and where those individuals were, they were arrested this morning and a new set of protocols issued for the final release.
A very confidential and secretive meeting has been underway during the past 24-48 hours between some of the principals of the GCR as a precursor to the G-20 Summit which begins tomorrow.
My sources report a high level of confidence that we could see the release immediately following that meeting.
There is a remote chance we could still see things pop late today on bank screens, but it seems far more likely that we wait and watch for tomorrow.
We have known for some time of a tacit gentleman's agreement between the Iraqi Central Bank and Kuwait that Iraq would not release the IQD/IQN at a rate to exceed that of Kuwait (currently at $3.53), but that will not prevent Iraq's currency from exceeding the value of the KWD in the days, weeks and months ahead.
Administrative screens currently show the VND/VNN at $.45 and the IDR/IDN at $1.07. At the same time, those same screens show the level of the IQN at several cents below that of the KWD.
Will we see this thing tonight? Will we see it tomorrow? Will we see it this week? Honestly, I have a high level of confidence that this is our week and that this ride is finally coming to an end! That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it! :heeheehee:
We continue to decree and declare, "Thy Kingdom come, Lord -- here, now, in our nation and with the GCR -- even as it already exists in Heaven!" Blessings on you. Eagle1