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Awaken People from your Sleep!

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1Awaken People from your Sleep! Empty Awaken People from your Sleep! Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:30 am



Awaken People from your Sleep!
13 Oct 2013 Leave a Comment
by Sue Dreamwalker in Awakening in the Sleepless Zone, Earth Changes, Inner Chatter, Mind Body & Spirit, Poems Tags: Awaken, Awareness, Changes, Debt, Earth Mother, Economy, Enlightenment, Fear, Healing, Heart, Light, Mass Consciousness, Peace, poems, Time, transformation.
Awaken People from your Sleep! Time-ticks-on-as-the-earth-watches_thumb2
Awaken in the Sleepless Zone.
I’ve been here before at this hour of the clock
Staring in darkness with mind in its dock
Of recounting the day as we replay our mind tapes
Images play with the shadows miss-shapes
We each need to wake up form our sleepless zone
Get out of your heads and off of your phones
Open your eyes to the Real World at large
And see the truth to this game of charades
Where we mimic and mime as our strings are all pulled
And the adverts co hearse to the falsehood we’re lulled.
Its time to awaken and open your hearts
To the pain we create by our thoughts thrown like Darts
We stab and we torture we kill and we maim.
We may not hold weapons but our thoughts do the same.
Its time of forgiving its time to let go
Of hatred and Anger we unleash like a bow
Our journey is over its almost complete
When will you see through the Lies and deceit.
One message stands out and we each know its theme
Its one based on Love and hope for our dreams
So stop all these nightmares we create with our thoughts
Let go of your worries in which we get caught
And Wake up to your power you hold in your mind
As your hearts beat as one as Peace we each find.
So look deep within to the darkness we each keep
And release it to Love for its wisdom to seek
Rise up with your joy in the Light of your beam
And know we are eternal So follow your Dreams
© Sue Dreamwalker – 2013 All rights reserved.
I wrote this as I tossed within a sleepless night, its words flowed from my pen in my journal. I ask you as you read it to think about the world, and look beyond that which you ‘See’ presented to you…
We are ALL of us going to need to wake up pretty fast to the realities this world is pouring forth as we wake up to its increasingly obnoxious lies and deceits in its portrayal of being integral in its activities for our benefits..
Open your eyes and explore that which we have perceived and dig deeper to uncover the Truth. But understand we are each of us responsible for our actions and our thoughts…
The world is in need of your thoughts, and I ask you to send it your compassion, Your Love, and Healing.
For the World Needs YOU to lift it from itself… As we can all get caught within our own webs of doubts and shadows..
What we think we create…
Help Heal the world.. She is in our Hands ..
Awaken People from your Sleep! Hands_earth_thumb
Thanks to Sue at: http://suedreamwalker.wordpress.com

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