Entire Congress Going To Florida
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Published on Oct 24, 2013
It's all of the media that Congress is heading out to Florida for a funeral. Rest assured, there's more going on... IMHO October 24, 2013.
Related links:
The Important $ Funeral of Rep. C.W. Bill Young
Possible False Flag; Congress To Close And Members Flown To Florida
United States Constitution Article 1, Section 5
4. Neither House, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.
Black's Law 9th Edition
jure gestionis (joor-ee jes-chee-oh-nis), n. [Latin "by way of doing business"] A nation's acts that are essentially commercial or private, in contrast to its public or governmental acts. Under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, a foreign country's immunity is limited to claims involving its public acts. The statutory immunity does not extend to claims arising from the private or commercial acts of a foreign state. 28 USCA § 1605. Cf. JURE IMPERII. See COMMERCIAL-ACTIVITY EXCEPTION; RESTRICTIVE PRINCIPLE OF SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY.
October 24, 2013 will bring with it something that has not been heard of since 1921 The entire House and Senate, all of Capitol Hill will close for the funeral of a Representative. However unlike the 1921 Congress Closing, all members are being flown to Florida for the funeral by the United States Air Force.
Not even following the death of Senator Ted Kennedy in recent years has something like this happened. The last time Congress shut down for a funeral was 1921. They were closed for the in-house viewing of the body of the deceased congress member, in the Rotunda, and then went back to work. Other than for presidents, they have never called a full congressional halt to work and never have they been moved or flown to another part of the country.
Even if this does not throw up tremendous warning signs to a community looking at just the “false flag” implications of moving our entire body of government to another US State, it is a tremendous waste of government money. One hour alone on “Air Force One” costs the American Tax Payer approximately $176 Million dollars. We saw the waste report when half of Congress went to the “Clean Energy Summit”. These people will not be driving, but flown from Capitol Hill via Air Force to Florida.
Via the typically liberal Washington Times:
Congress will shut down on Thursday, and leaders have told lawmakers the Defense Department will fly them to Florida for the funeral of Rep. C.W. Bill Young, who died late last week.
Mr. Young was the senior Republican in the chamber, and the move to close down business is a mark of respect for him — though it also means that there will be no floor votes and that many committee meetings have been canceled, cutting short what was already a mostly empty week. The House’s hearing examining the health exchange rollout will continue as planned, however.
After passing a deal to raise the debt ceiling and reopen government, the Senate went on an 11-day vacation. The House was slated to be in Tuesday evening through Thursday but will now just be in for a day and a half, with the chief business a vote on a public works legislation.
House officials told lawmakers to be ready to leave Washington from Joint Base Andrews early Thursday to make the funeral in Largo, Fla., and then plan to return late in the evening.
A Pentagon spokesman couldn’t say how much it will cost to fly the members to Florida for the funeral.
“We are currently evaluating options for support. Because no aircraft has been designated at this time, I can’t provide any additional information on cost,” said Cmdr. Bill Urban.
The move comes the week after Congress took heat for including a $174,000 payment to the widow of multimillionaire Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg, who died earlier this year, leaving an estate estimated at more than $50 million.
Mr. Young’s estimated wealth was far less than Mr. Lautenberg’s, and it’s likely his widow, Beverly, will get a similar death gratuity payment, which is a regular occurrence when members of Congress die in office.~Washington Times
Ladies and gentlemen, something does not look right. With our Army coming out and saying they only have two battalions trained, now moving an entire body of government at tax payer expenses, something is amiss.
Perhaps it is nothing but a tremendous waste of our tax payer money. Perhaps it is a simple paying of respects gone overboard. The sad facts is either way the United States can ill afford this right now.