James Gilliland ~ Happy New Year
Posted January 1, 2014 by laurabruno in Uncategorized. Tagged: 2014 Energy, 2014 Predictions, Boundaries, Chaos, James Gilliland, Navigating the Coming Chaos, New Year, Original Instructions. Leave a Comment
James Gilliland
Happy New Year!
January 1, 2014
May You Be Blessed With Chaos!
Before you get confused as to whether this is a blessing let me explain. When you are engaging higher consciousness and energy and rising up the vibrational continuum chaos comes with the territory. Those who understand cymantics know when you introduce high frequency sound to sand patterns it disrupts the previous pattern which goes into chaos then reforms into a new more intricate evolved pattern. This is what humanity and the Earth is going through. All the ancients foretold about these times and it is cyclic, natural and the forces are cosmic in cause. Little hint about global warming – all the planets are going through transition, atmospheric changes and they don’t have cars on Mars. I have always been a strong supporter of fueless energy. Yet this problem – climate change – is much bigger than auto emissions.
Many ask what is going to happen in 2014. My answer is chaos. How much chaos depends on our decisions individually and collectively – how much we resist change.
There are two things people resist and fear the most – change and the unknown. Change is coming and the unknown is going to be made known. All that was suppressed, covered up, held back, is going to come forward. The power elite, the banksters, the puppet governments and their agencies are going to be real busy cleaning up the mess, doing damage control as their dubious deeds rise to the surface. It is like a black kettle of smelly fish boiling over as the energy increases.
The fueless energy, alternative cures and the exposure of those who suppressed them will come forward as well. The lame stream media will eventually come to the realization the masses are awakening, no longer listening and they have lost all credibility. Ever wonder why they are trying to give away newspapers? Subscriptions are in the toilet. People are turning off their TVs and going to alternative news for the truth. This is bad for business and we all know money talks.
Advertisers pay according to ratings. So they are doomed to eventually tell the truth and it will be sensational. When main stream news came out to film ”Debunk” (the ships) they were in awe when the ships appeared. I debunked the NASA and government debunkers before they even started telling them we are using your data to prove these are not space shuttles, space stations, satellites or known man made objects. They referred to objects landing on Mt Adams, morphing into three objects and leaving with jets chasing them as the space shuttle.
Officialdom at its best. Now who is looking ridiculous? The UFO topic took their ratings to a record-breaking high which the advertisers love. So will end the cover-up because covering UFOs will be driven by profit. ABC, Fox News, History Channel, Paranormal State, Danny Dyer Special, and other coverages are all on the site, http://www.eceti.org. Breakthroughs in alternative energy and healing technology will soon follow not just through alternative media but eventually in the main, “lame” stream media.
We need to pay close attention to the Earth as well as incoming objects from space over the next two years. There will be many leaks as well as disinformation concerning incoming objects. We are getting a lot of help in this arena. Our off-world brothers and sisters have destroyed or diverted may incoming asteroids and comets much to the amazement of many top scientists who headed for the hills leaving the masses uninformed. This is where our own inner sensitivity, our BS meter needs to be set on high. The alignment with Galactic Plane, Alcyon and entering the dark rift will get very exciting. The Earth is already reacting to these energies as well as the Sun which is a major driver for change.
We need to pay even closer attention to the illuminati, their genocidal programs such as HAARP, weather wars, chemtrails, gulf oil spills, corexit toxicity, inoculations, GMOs, and now Fukushima radiation. Research Morgellans disease if you want to know the big picture. It is referred to as Satan’s dream by many physicists.
Know where your water and food are coming from and what is in them. Fresh clean water has already exceeded oil in value which is why the elite are buying up the fresh water around the world. We have to get out of our Pollyanna program, take the blinders off and realize what ever way possible to profit and control the people will be rolled out by these malevolent puppets of the archons which have an agenda of major population reduction and feed off the pain and suffering, the lower frequencies necessary to maintain their world.
Research the archons and ancient references to them. Know there are many levels to the hierarchy when it comes to power and control over the masses. It is time to be brutally honest as to whether we are willingly serving the beast, or turning a blind eye due to a false sense of security. There is no security in engaging in actions that are harmful to humanity and the Earth. There is only universal law and a reaction.
It is time for love in action. Standing firm in your own divinity as well as your own God/Spirit/Creator given rights. Many are spelled out in the Bill of Rights and there is no valid reason for trespassing on those rights. Those who serve in official government capacity took an oath. It is time to revisit that oath and apply it with impeccable integrity and honor. Our forefathers said those who give up freedom for safety are neither free or safe. Those who have abandoned their oath and are in breech of trust will be held accountable in the days to come.
Universal Law is God/Spirit/Creator law. Universal law is pressing hard upon the Earth. As we said before those who are not evolving, aligning with Universal Law and cannot match the new frequencies of Earth will go into chaos and eventually implode. Their temples, empires, and their physical bodies will not endure.
It is time to transcend all cultural and religious boundaries into unity consciousness. Love and Kindness are the first and foremost practice of any enlightened being. Judging, condemning and warring on the other children of God is no longer acceptable.
The war and disease profiteers will see the reactions to their actions. Being lord over the physical does not exempt one from karma and justice from the higher levels of consciousness. These higher levels have fully engaged the Earth. Diversity is just another expression of Source yet we cannot trespass on those who believe differently, have different names and images most of which end up at the same place. As long as those beliefs do not harm humanity or the Earth they are to be honored as another expression of God. There has been more pain, suffering and death due to religion than service, empowerment and assistance in making ones own personal God/Spirit?Creator connection.
I have prayed and meditated with masters from every culture who hold universal law first and foremost in their teachings. I have seen their archetypes, sign posts of transcendence, representations of positive attributes and nature. Each path leads to the same place. We all came from Creator. We all return to the same Creator and we all have our cultural names and images. When the God spark within ignites to the full flame you become all cultures, all names and images.
As Buddha said the whole universe is within. Knowing this how can you harm or take from another? How can you operate outside of universal law without the awareness of consequences?
What is it about Omnipresence we don’t comprehend? Would that not include you, others in all their diversity, all inanimate and animate, all life? Is it not the goal to become one with God? Is it not written there are no divisions in God? Love God/Spirit/Creator with all your heart, honor each individual the whole of life in all its expressions as unique expressions of God/Spirit/Creator. It is really that simple this is Universal Law in a nut shell.
There are also understandings of what happens when we step outside of Universal Law often referred to as Karma or Action/Reaction as spelled out by all the prophets and masters. We have to get back to basics to get through these times. We need to make Love and Kindness our religion, our practice, our way. We are also going to have to set boundaries with those who do not practice Love and Kindness, who act outside of Universal Law.
It was never the plan of the forefathers, those truly in service to God to be governed by predators and parasites where war, disease, injustice, manufactured lack and the enslavement through dependency are common place. This is all unsustainable. It is not in alignment with universal law or the evolution of Earth. It is not frequency specific therefore chaos will ensue as these barbaric ways either transmute or disassemble.
Change and making the unknown known will be unfolding. That which is not evolving will devolve, implode in the quickening. As the 5D grid and Universal Law press hard upon humanity and the Earth there will be a great unraveling. It is time to flow with the process, make any necessary changes and again practice love and kindness in all that you do. This means loving yourself as well and setting any necessary boundaries with those choose a different path.
Be well, Happy New Year.
James Gilliland
Thanks to: http://laurabruno.wordpress.com
Posted January 1, 2014 by laurabruno in Uncategorized. Tagged: 2014 Energy, 2014 Predictions, Boundaries, Chaos, James Gilliland, Navigating the Coming Chaos, New Year, Original Instructions. Leave a Comment
James Gilliland
Happy New Year!
January 1, 2014
May You Be Blessed With Chaos!
Before you get confused as to whether this is a blessing let me explain. When you are engaging higher consciousness and energy and rising up the vibrational continuum chaos comes with the territory. Those who understand cymantics know when you introduce high frequency sound to sand patterns it disrupts the previous pattern which goes into chaos then reforms into a new more intricate evolved pattern. This is what humanity and the Earth is going through. All the ancients foretold about these times and it is cyclic, natural and the forces are cosmic in cause. Little hint about global warming – all the planets are going through transition, atmospheric changes and they don’t have cars on Mars. I have always been a strong supporter of fueless energy. Yet this problem – climate change – is much bigger than auto emissions.
Many ask what is going to happen in 2014. My answer is chaos. How much chaos depends on our decisions individually and collectively – how much we resist change.
There are two things people resist and fear the most – change and the unknown. Change is coming and the unknown is going to be made known. All that was suppressed, covered up, held back, is going to come forward. The power elite, the banksters, the puppet governments and their agencies are going to be real busy cleaning up the mess, doing damage control as their dubious deeds rise to the surface. It is like a black kettle of smelly fish boiling over as the energy increases.
The fueless energy, alternative cures and the exposure of those who suppressed them will come forward as well. The lame stream media will eventually come to the realization the masses are awakening, no longer listening and they have lost all credibility. Ever wonder why they are trying to give away newspapers? Subscriptions are in the toilet. People are turning off their TVs and going to alternative news for the truth. This is bad for business and we all know money talks.
Advertisers pay according to ratings. So they are doomed to eventually tell the truth and it will be sensational. When main stream news came out to film ”Debunk” (the ships) they were in awe when the ships appeared. I debunked the NASA and government debunkers before they even started telling them we are using your data to prove these are not space shuttles, space stations, satellites or known man made objects. They referred to objects landing on Mt Adams, morphing into three objects and leaving with jets chasing them as the space shuttle.
Officialdom at its best. Now who is looking ridiculous? The UFO topic took their ratings to a record-breaking high which the advertisers love. So will end the cover-up because covering UFOs will be driven by profit. ABC, Fox News, History Channel, Paranormal State, Danny Dyer Special, and other coverages are all on the site, http://www.eceti.org. Breakthroughs in alternative energy and healing technology will soon follow not just through alternative media but eventually in the main, “lame” stream media.
We need to pay close attention to the Earth as well as incoming objects from space over the next two years. There will be many leaks as well as disinformation concerning incoming objects. We are getting a lot of help in this arena. Our off-world brothers and sisters have destroyed or diverted may incoming asteroids and comets much to the amazement of many top scientists who headed for the hills leaving the masses uninformed. This is where our own inner sensitivity, our BS meter needs to be set on high. The alignment with Galactic Plane, Alcyon and entering the dark rift will get very exciting. The Earth is already reacting to these energies as well as the Sun which is a major driver for change.
We need to pay even closer attention to the illuminati, their genocidal programs such as HAARP, weather wars, chemtrails, gulf oil spills, corexit toxicity, inoculations, GMOs, and now Fukushima radiation. Research Morgellans disease if you want to know the big picture. It is referred to as Satan’s dream by many physicists.
Know where your water and food are coming from and what is in them. Fresh clean water has already exceeded oil in value which is why the elite are buying up the fresh water around the world. We have to get out of our Pollyanna program, take the blinders off and realize what ever way possible to profit and control the people will be rolled out by these malevolent puppets of the archons which have an agenda of major population reduction and feed off the pain and suffering, the lower frequencies necessary to maintain their world.
Research the archons and ancient references to them. Know there are many levels to the hierarchy when it comes to power and control over the masses. It is time to be brutally honest as to whether we are willingly serving the beast, or turning a blind eye due to a false sense of security. There is no security in engaging in actions that are harmful to humanity and the Earth. There is only universal law and a reaction.
It is time for love in action. Standing firm in your own divinity as well as your own God/Spirit/Creator given rights. Many are spelled out in the Bill of Rights and there is no valid reason for trespassing on those rights. Those who serve in official government capacity took an oath. It is time to revisit that oath and apply it with impeccable integrity and honor. Our forefathers said those who give up freedom for safety are neither free or safe. Those who have abandoned their oath and are in breech of trust will be held accountable in the days to come.
Universal Law is God/Spirit/Creator law. Universal law is pressing hard upon the Earth. As we said before those who are not evolving, aligning with Universal Law and cannot match the new frequencies of Earth will go into chaos and eventually implode. Their temples, empires, and their physical bodies will not endure.
It is time to transcend all cultural and religious boundaries into unity consciousness. Love and Kindness are the first and foremost practice of any enlightened being. Judging, condemning and warring on the other children of God is no longer acceptable.
The war and disease profiteers will see the reactions to their actions. Being lord over the physical does not exempt one from karma and justice from the higher levels of consciousness. These higher levels have fully engaged the Earth. Diversity is just another expression of Source yet we cannot trespass on those who believe differently, have different names and images most of which end up at the same place. As long as those beliefs do not harm humanity or the Earth they are to be honored as another expression of God. There has been more pain, suffering and death due to religion than service, empowerment and assistance in making ones own personal God/Spirit?Creator connection.
I have prayed and meditated with masters from every culture who hold universal law first and foremost in their teachings. I have seen their archetypes, sign posts of transcendence, representations of positive attributes and nature. Each path leads to the same place. We all came from Creator. We all return to the same Creator and we all have our cultural names and images. When the God spark within ignites to the full flame you become all cultures, all names and images.
As Buddha said the whole universe is within. Knowing this how can you harm or take from another? How can you operate outside of universal law without the awareness of consequences?
What is it about Omnipresence we don’t comprehend? Would that not include you, others in all their diversity, all inanimate and animate, all life? Is it not the goal to become one with God? Is it not written there are no divisions in God? Love God/Spirit/Creator with all your heart, honor each individual the whole of life in all its expressions as unique expressions of God/Spirit/Creator. It is really that simple this is Universal Law in a nut shell.
There are also understandings of what happens when we step outside of Universal Law often referred to as Karma or Action/Reaction as spelled out by all the prophets and masters. We have to get back to basics to get through these times. We need to make Love and Kindness our religion, our practice, our way. We are also going to have to set boundaries with those who do not practice Love and Kindness, who act outside of Universal Law.
It was never the plan of the forefathers, those truly in service to God to be governed by predators and parasites where war, disease, injustice, manufactured lack and the enslavement through dependency are common place. This is all unsustainable. It is not in alignment with universal law or the evolution of Earth. It is not frequency specific therefore chaos will ensue as these barbaric ways either transmute or disassemble.
Change and making the unknown known will be unfolding. That which is not evolving will devolve, implode in the quickening. As the 5D grid and Universal Law press hard upon humanity and the Earth there will be a great unraveling. It is time to flow with the process, make any necessary changes and again practice love and kindness in all that you do. This means loving yourself as well and setting any necessary boundaries with those choose a different path.
Be well, Happy New Year.
James Gilliland
Thanks to: http://laurabruno.wordpress.com