“Frost Quakes” They Say… Are You Buying It?
January 5, 2014 indianinthemachine2 Leave a comment
“Frost Quakes” They Say… Are You Buying It?
Mysterious Bangs Are Frost Quakes Say Experts: TPTB Can Use Frost Quakes To Trigger The New Madrid!!!
All of a sudden there’s a new term….. FROST QUAKE…. ta da…. voila…. instant new term just whipped up… JUST LIKE THE TERM, ‘FIREBALL SEASON’ a new term just started last year….frost quakes eh?…. Perhaps… but why now? Why ever growing new quake activity? Are the quakes related to Nibiru… perhaps Fireball Season is related to Nibiru too????… Perhaps there’s a big giant new sun in our solar system and most were too distracted to notice?…. It’s looking like fireballs are from Nibiru… startdust from Ison…. folks… intelligence and wisdom do not exist without presence.
Thanks to: http://indianinthemachine.wordpress.com
January 5, 2014 indianinthemachine2 Leave a comment
“Frost Quakes” They Say… Are You Buying It?
Mysterious Bangs Are Frost Quakes Say Experts: TPTB Can Use Frost Quakes To Trigger The New Madrid!!!
All of a sudden there’s a new term….. FROST QUAKE…. ta da…. voila…. instant new term just whipped up… JUST LIKE THE TERM, ‘FIREBALL SEASON’ a new term just started last year….frost quakes eh?…. Perhaps… but why now? Why ever growing new quake activity? Are the quakes related to Nibiru… perhaps Fireball Season is related to Nibiru too????… Perhaps there’s a big giant new sun in our solar system and most were too distracted to notice?…. It’s looking like fireballs are from Nibiru… startdust from Ison…. folks… intelligence and wisdom do not exist without presence.
Thanks to: http://indianinthemachine.wordpress.com