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"RV Intel" From the White Hats Auxiliary Jan. 8 2014

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"RV Intel" From the White Hats Auxiliary Jan. 8 2014

White Hat Auxiliary /Facts   FACT CHECK #89   Posted on January 8, 2014


Today I had the rare pleasure to speak to our informed source. Actually, it would be better to refer to him as THE source, but some modesty is in order. After all, this endeavor is not about any one man, or even about this blog, which is just a humble endeavor to answer the call from the White Hats to spread accurate information about the coming changes.

We take no credit for any of this. None. We just talk to the right people and then report here what we can  so you can stay informed with confidence.

A lot was discussed. I cannot disclose it all, but I can reveal the following. Take this information as from the top, without any doubts.

Tomorrow, a key meeting is taking place to finalize the GCR and all subsequent events that are peripheral thereto.

There is a reason we have not seen an “RV”. It’s simply because they have not gotten to that point yet.

There is no reason to listen to guru’s who tell you, “Well, it was supposed to have happened, but we don’t know why, people are mad, etc.”.

The reason IS known. It is simply that the process just has not gone through the last stage where agreements are signed.

When the agreements are finalized then payments to the first tier are to be done. This places funds into the hands of those responsible for disbursement. This then signals the world that all can now proceed.

That is a general outline of the process. Then you will see your “RV”, the GCR, prosperity programs, etc. set loose as has been described over and over in the past.

Now, many of you have been waiting to hear clarification about posts made on another blog that claimed that the IMF was going to take steps to see that people would not reap the benefits from holding dinar and dong. We thought this was a queer statement to make since it was earlier claimed by the same people that the RV was just not going to happen for these “people” in the first place. If it was not supposed to happen in the first place, then why have to take steps to stop it? The answer to this issue is this: No such steps will be taken against people with dong or dinar.

Next, from this informed source, a warning. When you see the revalue of your dong or dinar, take immediate steps to exchange it, and don’t look back. Do NOT hold on to it and hope for a better rate. Take the rate as it is released.

The new US currency will be metals backed. They will be known as Treasury Reserve Notes. These are what you will receive when you exchange your dinar and dong, receive your prosperity package (if you are in a program), etc.

The USA is going to have to suffer through these changes. There will be a price to pay to get to the promise land in terms of dollar devaluation. Prepare. Don’t take those words lightly. Prepare. Stock food, water, means of protection.

(Note: Both Mr. Willie's and Mr. Hodges Info can be found at the link below in Fact #88  and Fact #87)

The update from Mr. Hodges was “right on the money”, according to my White Hat contact. Mr. Hodges stated, in essence, that we are pretty much there, and in relative terms, we are. It didn’t fall into place on the 1st, but from I was told, that is just picking gnat turds out of pepper. Just hold on a bit longer and let these fine people do their work.

The information from Dr. Willie was extremely accurate. Consider Dr. Willie as a vital source for advice on what is coming and how to protect yourself. Dr. Willie’s warning on dollar devaluation was accurate, as written earlier.

As for a rate for the dinar and dong, I did not even ask because this ground is well trod and no matter what is said now, nobody can guarantee that you will get such rates on that day. So, I think it is best to just wait for it to happen, and then act without delay in exchanging your funds and shoring up your fortress for what may follow.

Don’t be obsessed with rates. You cannot do anything to change them. Just wait for the rate, and then you will know what it will be. I know that is very Nancy Pelosi-ish, but in this case, it’s a prudent tactic for your peace of mind.

Well, at this time I think I have done what I could. I could have asked other key questions, but why bother?

We are so very close that we should just wait a little longer and let the process proceed by which all answers will be given by the events themselves. What better answers to have than the process itself, unfolding and revealing every detail in real time!

Let me say that the magnitude of who I spoke to today hit me hard for the first time. I had to stop and realize who this person was and who they were meeting with tomorrow. You would all recognize the name, but I cannot reveal it.  

Just remember that what you are reading about is going to happen. Be ready. Wait for further information and then act as necessary.

2014 is going to be one for the books.  

WHA    http://whitehatauxiliaries.wordpress.com/

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:23 PM

Herb Lady

Herb Lady

Thanks Yman!



In deed, Yom  "RV Intel" From the White Hats Auxiliary Jan. 8 2014 1598226751 :athuup: 

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