Disclosure 2014 -- US Government Admits UFOs in Press Conference
*WE SHOULD USE A PART OF ANONYMOUS TO HELP ABOUT ALIEN DISCLOSURE ,ASK THE TRUTH FROM THE MILITARY,THERE JUST TOO MUCH EVIDENCE TO NOT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY;don't forget there is 100BILLIONS suns like ours in this galaxy only,and its just one galaxy on billions of billions ........plus all their moons!!Think how things would change if we had confirmation about this once and for all,don't be a sheep and ask YOUR government whats going on,think its not your business,your wrong!
Published on Jan 20, 2014
*WE SHOULD USE A PART OF ANONYMOUS TO HELP ABOUT ALIEN DISCLOSURE ,ASK THE TRUTH FROM THE MILITARY,THERE JUST TOO MUCH EVIDENCE TO NOT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY;don't forget there is 100BILLIONS suns like ours in this galaxy only,and its just one galaxy on billions of billions ........plus all their moons!!Think how things would change if we had confirmation about this once and for all,don't be a sheep and ask YOUR government whats going on,think its not your business,your wrong!
Published on Jan 20, 2014