TNT Tony
An email we received in response to this article can be seen below:
Why is it that your website is the only website I see out there trying to destroy TNT Tony??? Regardless of what he’s done in his past, you have no right to ruin this man. I’m sure he’s not the only Guru out there with a lawsuit hanging over their head. (It’s the American way and comes with the territory.) At least he’s trying to give people important information. I’ve truly been blessed and have learned a lot from him. What if TNT Tony is right in what he’s reporting? Shame on you!!! Your website is just as guilt in putting false information out there! Are you being sued? Not yet! Remember whatever you measure out will be measured back to you. You will definitely reap what you sow!!! The best thing you can do is report the truth and stop BASHING TNT Tony or anyone else who don’t agree with you!! It makes you look bad. To me, it shows that you’re jealous of him and wish you could win over listeners. (He does have a large following.) In closing, you’ve lost your credibility with many Dinarians. Regards L
As you can see this is our written response:
Go to Google and search for tony renfrow 14 daily plus scam.
This was his company which scammed millions and you will read hundreds of people defending him like they do with the dinar to then chasing after him once realizing they were scammed.
Up to you what you believe but an MLM scammer does not get involved with conference calls etc for the dinar for the right reasons.
We all want him to be right but economists would measure this opportunity as 1% likelihood of ever happening whereas Tony measures it as 100%. Who are you going to listen to? Well tony of course because he is telling you what you want to hear.
Who should you listen to? An economist trained in finance or a proven scam merchant……wake up and open your eyes to what is really happening here, please for your own sake…
Upon reflection it actually made a lot of sense to share it with you, after all many will be surprised at our actions to go after Anthony Renfrow aka TNT Tony.
If you read the 126 pages of comments you will see that he had many defenders in the beginning but that soon turned when they realized what was happening. This is an exact replica of what is happening with TNT Tony today, the following is turning and TNT is fighting vigorously to keep his position.
If you want to look at this man’s history, please do so:
14 Daily Plus –, 14% Daily – E-Gold: 60 pages of discussion
14 Daily Plus – 66 pages of discussion
An email we received in response to this article can be seen below:
Why is it that your website is the only website I see out there trying to destroy TNT Tony??? Regardless of what he’s done in his past, you have no right to ruin this man. I’m sure he’s not the only Guru out there with a lawsuit hanging over their head. (It’s the American way and comes with the territory.) At least he’s trying to give people important information. I’ve truly been blessed and have learned a lot from him. What if TNT Tony is right in what he’s reporting? Shame on you!!! Your website is just as guilt in putting false information out there! Are you being sued? Not yet! Remember whatever you measure out will be measured back to you. You will definitely reap what you sow!!! The best thing you can do is report the truth and stop BASHING TNT Tony or anyone else who don’t agree with you!! It makes you look bad. To me, it shows that you’re jealous of him and wish you could win over listeners. (He does have a large following.) In closing, you’ve lost your credibility with many Dinarians. Regards L
As you can see this is our written response:
Go to Google and search for tony renfrow 14 daily plus scam.
This was his company which scammed millions and you will read hundreds of people defending him like they do with the dinar to then chasing after him once realizing they were scammed.
Up to you what you believe but an MLM scammer does not get involved with conference calls etc for the dinar for the right reasons.
We all want him to be right but economists would measure this opportunity as 1% likelihood of ever happening whereas Tony measures it as 100%. Who are you going to listen to? Well tony of course because he is telling you what you want to hear.
Who should you listen to? An economist trained in finance or a proven scam merchant……wake up and open your eyes to what is really happening here, please for your own sake…
Upon reflection it actually made a lot of sense to share it with you, after all many will be surprised at our actions to go after Anthony Renfrow aka TNT Tony.
If you read the 126 pages of comments you will see that he had many defenders in the beginning but that soon turned when they realized what was happening. This is an exact replica of what is happening with TNT Tony today, the following is turning and TNT is fighting vigorously to keep his position.
If you want to look at this man’s history, please do so:
14 Daily Plus –, 14% Daily – E-Gold: 60 pages of discussion
14 Daily Plus – 66 pages of discussion