Rainclouds Cleanse ~ Water Dragons 17 April 2012
Channel: Karen Doonan
We come to guide and support as the new is ever anchored deeper and deeper. The rains that
are sweeping the human energy system working to clear and cleanse the traumas and
nightmares of aeons. We ask for you to work with the rain, to allow the rainclouds to burst and
to pour the healing energies around you and through you, for through the rain is the new and
all that we ask is that you allow SELF to cleanse.
We are the dragon realms and we work closely with the element of water. The water a long
ago myth for all humans, we watch as the human race recoils in fear of water and ask ALL to
remember a time when they flowed with the water, when they danced in the water and when
they allowed the cleansing and clearing to take place.
hat which is for YOU dear ones will come to you, the worry, the anxiety all working to try to
convince YOU that YOU are not the powerful BEing of light that YOU ARE. We work between
dimensions freeing the parts of SELF encased in shadow and we ask that you begin to learn to
swim, for the tides are turning and the onslaught of emotion is but an ocean to sail. We ask All
to realize that they CAN swim, that drowning is not an option and that swimming to the depths
will reveal treasure that cannot be seen from above the ocean.
We ask for you to swim the tides with us, know that YOU are safe and protected at all times
and all that is cleansed is that which no longer serves. It is not possible to walk in a newly
cleansed world with the energies of the old pouring around you and through you. The muddy
footprints would leave the scars on the earth that are once more beginning to heal. We ask for
you to see your role in the cleansing of mother earth and we ask that you leave clear footprints
of LOVE upon mother earth.
OUr mother hears YOU, she feels your pain yet she knows that the pain will be soothed by
the cleansing clearing waters that are now pouring through your BEing, for in the waterfall of
LOVE that is now cleansing you will find SELF. A SELF long forgotten but always on the edge
of your vision. We ask for those who are now walking through the cleansing rains to reach out
and to show those who dare not enter the cleansing process the joy of release. For it is only in
releasing that you can remember and can embrace. It is not possible to fill an already full
vessel with LOVE, we ask you allow the rains of the cleansing to pour through you to empty
the you that you have been taught you are to allow the remembering of the YOU that YOU
ARE. Do you understand our guidance and our words?
We are the water dragons, we work with human emotions and we now swim with all who are
now allowing SELF to be revealed. The water dragons work with the rainbow dragons for once
the rain has been and cleansed the rainbows appear. There are rainbows walking the planet
earth and we guide for you to look with eyes that are clear to see the rainbows. They are the
stardust that has fallen from the heavens and they work to move the human race into the new
for the new is unfolding yet many are holding on, too afraid to let go, to BE and to surrender.
For only in the surrendering to human emotion can you navigate the oceans of emotion. For
too long those who sought to contain and suppress have kept you imprisoned within your
emotions. The road to freedom is the shoreline that stands in front of you. It is the emotions
that lap gently at your feet calling you to remember. Do you remember how to swim children of
the earth?
he cleansing and clearing process is the journey to SELF, it is voyage taken alone yet with
ALL, do you understand our guidance and our words? For in the swimming is the
strengthening, too long the human race taught it is weak and it is lacking, TRUTH will show
you the splendour of your BEing, the swim revealing the strength of SELF that lives within. We
ask you to step out from the shore and swim with us, through the dimensional portals of SELF
to the realms and the dimensions and timelines where you have stored parts of SELF, for the
journey to wholeness is the collecting and embracing of SELF. Do you understand our
guidance and our words?
We ask that you now attempt to swim in a ocean that looks deep yet sparkles, for beneath the
waves live the realms that are waiting to show you the joy that YOU ARE. We ask for you to
breathe deeply and to plunge into the depths for there YOU reside, for YOU are ALL and ALL
are YOU.
The ocean glistens and sparkles and we ask that you swim in FAITH and TRUST of SELF, the
magic is within, will you let it out to play? We walk with you always for we are in your heart, for
we are YOU and YOU are we. We are the water dragons and we invite you into the depths of
SELF to reveal TRUTH. Simply call to us from the shoreline and we will escort you to the
depths below, we will sparkle and show YOU the magic that is YOU.
Channel: Karen Doonan
Read Full Article Here: http://www.galacticmessages.com/blog/2012/04/water-dragons-17-april-2012/
Channel: Karen Doonan
We come to guide and support as the new is ever anchored deeper and deeper. The rains that
are sweeping the human energy system working to clear and cleanse the traumas and
nightmares of aeons. We ask for you to work with the rain, to allow the rainclouds to burst and
to pour the healing energies around you and through you, for through the rain is the new and
all that we ask is that you allow SELF to cleanse.
We are the dragon realms and we work closely with the element of water. The water a long
ago myth for all humans, we watch as the human race recoils in fear of water and ask ALL to
remember a time when they flowed with the water, when they danced in the water and when
they allowed the cleansing and clearing to take place.
hat which is for YOU dear ones will come to you, the worry, the anxiety all working to try to
convince YOU that YOU are not the powerful BEing of light that YOU ARE. We work between
dimensions freeing the parts of SELF encased in shadow and we ask that you begin to learn to
swim, for the tides are turning and the onslaught of emotion is but an ocean to sail. We ask All
to realize that they CAN swim, that drowning is not an option and that swimming to the depths
will reveal treasure that cannot be seen from above the ocean.
We ask for you to swim the tides with us, know that YOU are safe and protected at all times
and all that is cleansed is that which no longer serves. It is not possible to walk in a newly
cleansed world with the energies of the old pouring around you and through you. The muddy
footprints would leave the scars on the earth that are once more beginning to heal. We ask for
you to see your role in the cleansing of mother earth and we ask that you leave clear footprints
of LOVE upon mother earth.
OUr mother hears YOU, she feels your pain yet she knows that the pain will be soothed by
the cleansing clearing waters that are now pouring through your BEing, for in the waterfall of
LOVE that is now cleansing you will find SELF. A SELF long forgotten but always on the edge
of your vision. We ask for those who are now walking through the cleansing rains to reach out
and to show those who dare not enter the cleansing process the joy of release. For it is only in
releasing that you can remember and can embrace. It is not possible to fill an already full
vessel with LOVE, we ask you allow the rains of the cleansing to pour through you to empty
the you that you have been taught you are to allow the remembering of the YOU that YOU
ARE. Do you understand our guidance and our words?
We are the water dragons, we work with human emotions and we now swim with all who are
now allowing SELF to be revealed. The water dragons work with the rainbow dragons for once
the rain has been and cleansed the rainbows appear. There are rainbows walking the planet
earth and we guide for you to look with eyes that are clear to see the rainbows. They are the
stardust that has fallen from the heavens and they work to move the human race into the new
for the new is unfolding yet many are holding on, too afraid to let go, to BE and to surrender.
For only in the surrendering to human emotion can you navigate the oceans of emotion. For
too long those who sought to contain and suppress have kept you imprisoned within your
emotions. The road to freedom is the shoreline that stands in front of you. It is the emotions
that lap gently at your feet calling you to remember. Do you remember how to swim children of
the earth?
he cleansing and clearing process is the journey to SELF, it is voyage taken alone yet with
ALL, do you understand our guidance and our words? For in the swimming is the
strengthening, too long the human race taught it is weak and it is lacking, TRUTH will show
you the splendour of your BEing, the swim revealing the strength of SELF that lives within. We
ask you to step out from the shore and swim with us, through the dimensional portals of SELF
to the realms and the dimensions and timelines where you have stored parts of SELF, for the
journey to wholeness is the collecting and embracing of SELF. Do you understand our
guidance and our words?
We ask that you now attempt to swim in a ocean that looks deep yet sparkles, for beneath the
waves live the realms that are waiting to show you the joy that YOU ARE. We ask for you to
breathe deeply and to plunge into the depths for there YOU reside, for YOU are ALL and ALL
are YOU.
The ocean glistens and sparkles and we ask that you swim in FAITH and TRUST of SELF, the
magic is within, will you let it out to play? We walk with you always for we are in your heart, for
we are YOU and YOU are we. We are the water dragons and we invite you into the depths of
SELF to reveal TRUTH. Simply call to us from the shoreline and we will escort you to the
depths below, we will sparkle and show YOU the magic that is YOU.
Channel: Karen Doonan
Read Full Article Here: http://www.galacticmessages.com/blog/2012/04/water-dragons-17-april-2012/