Karen Hudes explosive video
Please do listen.... to Karen Hudes IN this explosive 17 minute VIDEO interview knows and publicly reveals the names of the real "World Controllers" previously hidden behind the up-front Rothschild, Rockefellers, Bush family and media mis-information Jesuits, the huge amount of money assasinated President Kennedy left in trust in GOLD and U.S. Bonds in Hawaii for our USA citizens before getting killed, etc. etc. etc. etc....You will be astonished. This is again another video you will feel driven to share with family, friends,neighbors,and everyone possible. IMAGINE how fast the now "last of" the cabal "World Controllers" would be disenfranchised of all their quadrillion of stolen weath and even yet vast soulless immense worldwide politcial, economic and governments control IF a really MASS amount of folks on Earth hear and share what Karen fearlessly reveals in this video.
- Posted by Magdalena on February 9, 2014 at 10:16pm
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Please do listen.... to Karen Hudes IN this explosive 17 minute VIDEO interview knows and publicly reveals the names of the real "World Controllers" previously hidden behind the up-front Rothschild, Rockefellers, Bush family and media mis-information Jesuits, the huge amount of money assasinated President Kennedy left in trust in GOLD and U.S. Bonds in Hawaii for our USA citizens before getting killed, etc. etc. etc. etc....You will be astonished. This is again another video you will feel driven to share with family, friends,neighbors,and everyone possible. IMAGINE how fast the now "last of" the cabal "World Controllers" would be disenfranchised of all their quadrillion of stolen weath and even yet vast soulless immense worldwide politcial, economic and governments control IF a really MASS amount of folks on Earth hear and share what Karen fearlessly reveals in this video.