TEPCO discovers 100-tonne radioactive water leak at Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan
A new leak of 100 tonnes of highly radioactive water has been discovered at Fukushima, the plant’s operator said after it revealed only one of nine thermometers in a crippled reactor was still working. The tank, one of hundreds at the site that are used to store water contaminated during the process of cooling broken reactors, sits about 700 metres from the shore. A spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power says the toxic water is no longer escaping from a storage tank and is likely contained, but the news is a further blow to the company’s already-battered reputation for safety. “As there is no drainage way near the leak, which is in any case far from the ocean, it is unlikely that the water has made its way into the sea,” he said. “However, the water was highly radioactive, with a beta radiation reading at 230 million becquerel per litre.” The contamination level compares with government limits of 100 becquerels per kilogram in food and 10 becquerels per litre in drinking water. More
![TEPCO discovers 100-tonne radioactive water leak at Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan Fukushima-Dai-ichi_2648303b](https://2img.net/h/endtimeheadlines.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Fukushima-Dai-ichi_2648303b.jpg)
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