Everyone Should Read Neil Keenan's Cease and Desist Order
Posted By: CapnGriff
Date: Sunday, 23-Feb-2014 17:00:59
Now before you click over to this page, note that much of the cease and desist order is in small type. That said, it was exciting to read and this should be spread to as many as you can to help those that don't understand our tenous circumstances might understand that what is going is clearly illegal and that some of us are awake to that fact.
Blessings and best regards,
Capn Griff
Neil Keenan's Cease and Desist Order:
Posted By: CapnGriff
Date: Sunday, 23-Feb-2014 17:00:59
Now before you click over to this page, note that much of the cease and desist order is in small type. That said, it was exciting to read and this should be spread to as many as you can to help those that don't understand our tenous circumstances might understand that what is going is clearly illegal and that some of us are awake to that fact.
Blessings and best regards,
Capn Griff
Neil Keenan's Cease and Desist Order: