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Thursday, February 27, 2014
Bank Stories

DKB: WY bank story:

A friend of ours of 35+ yrs we got into this went into his small bank.  The banker knowing he held VNN (he had bought some from her) called him into the back when she saw him in the front of the bank.

She had received a memo saying to expect people to come in very soon to exchange their foreign currency.  She had to ask him what this was about.

Which makes me laugh because his info comes from my hubby and I!  The memo said that they would be exchanging at an international rate.

She then bought some VND of her own after he explained it!  She was shocked she hadn't heard about it.  She got the memo yesterday 2/26/14.

The reason I share this is because...


#2 For those that come in here and say that their banker didnt know anything about this and thinks Tony and his intel team is lying to you...they don't know and some are just now finding out!


Oh I forgot she then called all the other employees in and told them.  Knowledge is power!
g8way2k wrote: I wonder how much VNN one would have to hold to be called upon by the bank in which it was purchased?  Then again, the amount may have no bearing as it can very well be a relationship kind of thing.

DKB: Its a relationship thing.  The friend works with the bankers dad.  Most of theirs was bought through that bank.  She pulled up exactly how much he had bought there.

[mort] folks lots going on in the back ground and its all good for us..just hang in there because we will see this anytime now-but if these things aren't done...we will be right back where we started and no one wants that...when we get our money..we want to hang on to it..so be sure this delay is for our good.

PT:   My WF banker said this is imminent on Sat morn. She said she would love to help me once she gets the green light. I asked her about the 800#s and she told me I didn't need to use them to get the high rate. Maybe this is true, maybe not, but she told me the minute this goes off that she will call me right away.

Yekooche:  Thursday's White House Scheduled Event

4:35 pm  Both Obama and Vice President Biden meet with with Treasury Secretary Jack Lew.

(One can only imagine why this formal meeting has been setup

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:00 PM



It's just a fictional made up story that you're posting. Please don't bother to tell me "I don't have to read it" because I chose to, I also chose to say it's just more fluff in a long, long line of fluff.

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