News, Rumors, and Humor Monday Night
I just Copied from the chatroom on TNT>>Rubyslady wrote 8m ago I just received txt from my brother who also has VND. He just saw on CNBC that O signed agreement with China today, and tomorrow VNN will open at $6.05 .VNN is already publicly traded, however, they can go public with a select audience of which many probably have it maybe. Just watch and see if it is good news and something positive. Note: We are primarily a news and content aggregator. All posts on this site other than our own posts or bonafide news articles should be considered unfounded rumor and speculation originating from various sources unaffiliated with
I just Copied from the chatroom on TNT>>Rubyslady wrote 8m ago I just received txt from my brother who also has VND. He just saw on CNBC that O signed agreement with China today, and tomorrow VNN will open at $6.05 .VNN is already publicly traded, however, they can go public with a select audience of which many probably have it maybe. Just watch and see if it is good news and something positive. Note: We are primarily a news and content aggregator. All posts on this site other than our own posts or bonafide news articles should be considered unfounded rumor and speculation originating from various sources unaffiliated with