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NESARA has started and its consequences will reach far …. St. Germain

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NESARA has started and its consequences will reach far …. St. Germain

Sunday, April 13, 2014
through Marc Gamma dated 04.11.2014


Posted on 13 April, 2014 by ContraMary

Originally posted on http://soul4free.wordpress.com/
German Transcript written by Rilana
Translated by Contramary=Evamaria written and posted on Illuminations Now
Source of English Translation :http://consequences will reach far …. St. Germain through Marc Gamma dated 04.11.2014 http://wp.me/p2wHrN-2R4

I am greeting you – this is I, the Ascended Master St.Germain, speaking.

Today I want to submit to you another new message  which is one of Joy and one of Love just alike Archangel Michael has done recently  too.
Now what sort of merry tidings do I have ? That’s exactly what you are thinking ! Much has to be told but I take a short cut here. According to our recent decision – of Michael’s and mine – we shall shorten a bit our future messages and thus all of us have the brevity which is the spice of the wit ….In accordance to such decision we shall compress the most esssential news in all brevity so that you are not compelled to listen in or read too much . There will be more messages coming through to you and we also will increase their intensity however they simply will be shorter. Everything else will be told you in time to come.
More about the topic of today’s message:

I am already known and reputed for talking about NESARA and explaining you its very system … but I am known too for dealing with other subjects too and dominating those – whereby dominating would be in some way not the right expression here . Still  I want to turn to NESARA today and to leave behind and leeways all other topics resp. I’d like to leave these subjects to AAMichael.
You will have noted that there is quite something on the move regarding the banking sector. Many banks are facing more and more problems as they soon will run out of their liquid funds. They will find it more problematic and difficult to raise their funds and to pay back their debts. And in such case, please,  scrutinize sharply what will be the logical consequence thereof – it is very simple: where there is no money – there is no possibility to defer any money too.
It is not possible either to defer air – that is not done at all, and many credits are based on air – simply on nothing – since there is no physical money available at all – backing them – and this sort of nothing – this sort of air – we shall let off now just as we use to do it with a balloon …and if there is no more air left in the balloon what does it look like then ? It has shrunken and shriveled to a tiny thing and then….such will be what the banks will look like – insignificantly shriveled, not sizeable in any way and nothing like it was before  – so what will be further consequences of it ?
Such bank will go broke …bankrupt … as it has NO more liquid funds to run and manage its entire enterprise and apparatus designed to support all cabals and their finely woven intricasies and plays – via corrupting human people, representatives of military and governmental agencies.

Now what will happen in due course then? One after the other banking institution will not dispose of any liquid funds any longer as we are draining all their inside air off them – we shall withdraw all physical money from them and the entire financial market will be laid dry. And what will be the following consequence thereof? Banks will panick as you must know: Banks are borrowing funds – and this from other banks and the latter ones again from different banks too. Such has this so “wonderful” system been established whereby all banks are borrowing money from each other and such is the ever-being turning caroussel in a cycle going on and on and on …

And what are WE doing now?  We are just cutting this cycle into halves – interrupting this vicious cycle and its flow of money thereby.
We are turning off the money tap – which will create some severe problem for all and everybody since if there is no more money with the banks … what will happen then ?
All the banks will be deprived of lending out any more financial funds – credits – to enterprises – to military forces and to the cabals !
You see it is so simple and easy !

This is merely one part of NESARA -  one part necessary to make the system collapse !  Do you understand what I mean ? This will be the beginning – first it will be the banks and in due sequence after the banks  all enterprises dependent on loans of the banks in order to continue with their business will follow sequence too. And if you all ask for how long will this be going on ? And my reply to your question is : It will fail SOON – because if this systems fails and breaks down it will lead down to some “Domino Effect” as well.

And it is the nature of such “Domino Effect” that it will spread in a fast way – you will be the onlookers of the first row and perceive how the individual banks will collapse one after the other one – and also all enterprises dependent on them and – yes – all employees of those banks will face a severe problem since they will no more get paid their wages. And where there are no more wages – there will be no more employees too.  And to what activities will those former emploees resort then ?

You will be amazed about those former employees what they will do. They will step forward and tell of all the dark intrigues in the past. All of those having taken place behind closed and locked doors inside the banks and thus we shall obtain one part of publication of all meetings behind the doors to the effect that all people involved in such systems will be made publique. Put into the open – into the pillory.  Now, not that special one known to you – no – but it will turn out quite a fair pillory. They will be presented and audited and eventually held accountable. Still we do not proceed like you have done it until now …we do it in our way – in some illuminated mode and kind!

And there is still another matter to be dealt with – it is that we soon have to show our colors too whereby I mean that Spirit soon has to show its true colors,  You want to see results – finally – that is what you truly want to see and that*s our wish too. And if you finally note that such results have arrived eventually in your reality – yes, this will build up your confidence in us that everything will go forward as promised. Since you have something concrete really manifested in your reality upon which precise element we may build on furthermore as everything will go on and forward too. Quicker, faster, speedier and we shall experience the very next phase of NESARA:

Well here I recapitulate again everything that I mentioned today:
If one cuts off the head of a snail – the snail will  die. If the money-taps of the banks are cut off  – the whole system will collapse and with it everything being dependent on it. We shall dry out this market place – like swamps are being laid dry. This is considered the Money Market – and without this specific market there will be no more people working for the cabals !

I do not want to point out that all of the banks’ employees are working for the cabals. Not at least ! There are many honorable employees in the banks – which have  to tolerate all “wheelings and dealings” already for a long time since their salaries depended on it.
Still these are the ones which will step out and show there is still quite a different way to proceed along in this business.

Concluding this quite short message here – I advise you to take this my message deep into your heart – integrate it and examine whether I am telling the truth here. Many people still doubt a little – and this includes  my channel too – whether I do speak the truth here..
There are still others too – which attempt to present this channel as some certain person – which he is not – by any means !

I – The Ascended Master St.Germain – I do speak to all of you – please – feel and sense my kind of energetical vibration and take it down into your very hearts and ask your inner heart if this is the truth and nothing but the truth being told by St.Germain.
Please do so and you will become aware that I am speaking the truth wholly and entirely and also that is what my channel does too.
And all of those asserting the contrary  – and there are several – they have to learn a wonderfull lesson since very soon we shall elucidate them on the matter  – and they will wake up and comprehend they will have to learn their lessons accordingly.

I am very keen to observe what kind of  expression their faces will display -  and I am eager too to see that they may not understand the fact how they have been led up the garden path.
They are lightworkers who have stood upright in all weathers and with yearlong experience  -  however they forgot after all that time one imperative matter, namely:  “to listen to their hearts !”

I am the Ascended Master St. Germain and I DO LOVE YOU FROM DEEP OF MY HEART  and I shall return to you again and
invade into your hearts with another wonderful message to you.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:18 AM



NESARA has started and its consequences will reach far …. St. Germain  3209671710 Really!!! Will the real St. Germain PLEASE stand up.  bat boy 




hahaha...  You beat me to it, 1ness.



So St Germaine has crept back in I see. I reckon ST Germaine is actually Yman in disguise!!

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