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Santa Barbara Shooter Psy Op: Broadening the Enemies List

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Santa Barbara Shooter Psy Op: Broadening the Enemies List

  • Conspiracy
  • False Flag Events

May 26, 2014
4 74

Santa Barbara Shooter Psy Op: Broadening the Enemies List Santhoax28_n-650x364-700x392

Sandy Hook, Part II. Rated PG-13
By: Jay
In a tizzy of media fury, the latest supposed mass gunman/internet weirdo serial killer has emerged with a new angle: “Men’s rights” and “misogyny.”  However, the latest installment also follows the classic pattern of the recent psy ops of Cho at Virginia Tech, Anders Breivik, Jared Loughner, James Holmes and Adam Lanza.  It is in this pattern that we see the evident fraud manifest and this pattern, I will argue, is the key to identifying when these events, from Manson to Columbine, from Cho to Rodgers, are real or staged.
The recent boogeyman, Elliot Rodger, is the son of Hunger Games assistant producer Peter Rodger.  Immediately following the shooting that has supposedly left seven dead, liberal media is fingering males, gun owners and masculinity as the problem.  Any website that is visited by anyone or linked by anyone is thereby implicated in mass murder.  Never mind how rational or coherent this dubious association is, the logic-free media was primed and ready to immediately lump all “conservatives,” “men,” “right wingers,” misogynists” and “men’s rights” site visitors all into the same bucket – you’re all American Psycho serial killers!
The pattern that indicates the events are staged or planned are as follows, based on the past big media psy ops:
1. The killer/suspect is associated with the establishment in some relatively high level way.  Loughner was a fan of, and had attended Giffords’ events.  Breivik was associated with bizarre “Knights Templar” and masonic groups, Holmes was involved in advanced mind control programs, and Lanza’s father did have a connection to the Libor rigging scandal.  Now, with Elliot Rodger, there is a connection to high level Hollywood.  In any major media psy op of this nature the actor in the scenario is someone chosen from among the establishment’s own ranks or outer circles, often with some familial connection to military intelligence.
2. The event is ready-made to run on the mainstream media, on the spot, with the narrative already loaded into the teleprompters.  Indeed, within hours, we have heard that the shooter visited men’s rights sites and was trying to work on his “game.”  Since he had apparently failed at this, and at Hollywood, it logically follows that men and sexuality are the root of the evil.   It’s never Hollywood and the culture of death itself or Prozac that are responsible, or course.  Those are non-factors for the establishment media, though almost all the mass killers are on SSRI drugs.
Santa Barbara Shooter Psy Op: Broadening the Enemies List 0
3.  The shooter’s “details” emerge, with a cartoonish, voluminous “Manifesto” that appears out of nowhere “online.”  Laughably, the mainstream propaganda machine parrots endlessly how the innernetz is untrustworthy and cannot be used for gathering alternative news analysis, but when it comes to shooter/terrorist “Manifestos” shady internet sources are never wrong!  They just appear – poof!  Right after the event, prepackaged and politicized to demonize the target group the psy op was intended to attack.  In this case, it was gun owners and masculinity.  In all the previous cases, even though it was not true, the media immediately accused “gun owners,” “video games,” “men/masculinity” (identified and caricatured as misogyny), “conservatives,” “veterans,” “racism,” etc.  Essentially, anyone who is not a gay Marxist or feminist is pure evil.
4. Ready-made gun control legislation was in the works to be immediately trotted out the following day.  In this case, Senator Keen revives gun control legislation following the Elliot Rodger shooting.  Surprise! – Rodger’s father immediately pins the blame on guns!  The Hollywood cult of conformity foams at the mouth to implement the utopian myth of total technocracy, oblivious to reality and nature, as if the inland empire of illusion will be able to mind control the entire populace into accepting the new world order.  Never mind that a socialist technocracy will be an utter nightmare, the Leftist Cult of Mindlessness, run by corporate fascists above them, and international banks above them, never cease to give up their dreams of rewriting all of reality as if it were one of their screenplays.
5.  The shooters are always conspicuously killed, suicided or nowhere to be found (aside from Breivik).  There’s no talking to Holmes, Dorner, Cho, Rodgers, Lanza, etc., because they always shoot themselves or are shot.  Holmes is still around, but you’ll not hear from him, as he was drugged out of his mind.  Following a host of nonsensical, conflicting accounts of what transpired, we can always rest assured the killer will not be able to comment.  Conflicting accounts of what guns were used, how many people were killed, and how it was pulled off, will be ignored and forgotten.  The only thing that will remain in the mainstream media repeat cycle will be the killer’s fetishes and the need for gun control and removing all penises from the earth. It’s all the more ironic and synchronicitous, since I just wrote about Hollwood brainwashing a few days ago.
6. The mainstream media will revel in the bizarre use of twilight language, filled with double meanings, innuendos and clues that fly over the heads of the zombie public.  In this case, there is a play on the title “Hunger Games killer,” given that he was hungry for sex and couldn’t attain it in the market, and lacked “Game,” as lifted from the men’s rights and pickup artist sites.  His hunger was such that since he lacked game, he had to kill guys, even though his ridiculous, cartoonish “Manifesto” said he would kill blondes.  In the twilight language, the killer will be likened to some film or pop culture figure they either did or did not (in reality) have a fascination with.  Columbine boys were like Neo in the Matrix, Holmes was Batman/Joker, Lanza was in some video game, and Elliot Rodgers is now associated with Christian Bale from American Psycho.  Why, it’s almost as if they are…actors following a script.

Thanks to Zen at: http://www.zengardner.com





Eyewitnesses Say Two Men Were in Elliot Rodger’s BMW

Posted on May 27, 2014 by Dean Garrison
Santa Barbara Shooter Psy Op: Broadening the Enemies List Elliot-RodgerAt least two witnesses have alleged that Elliot Rodger had a passenger in his BMW during the shooting. This has been neither confirmed nor denied by law enforcement. 
Michael Vitak, a student from the Czech Republic, told Sanchez what he witnessed.
Guys in a BMW. Maybe they were trying to prove they’re tough,” Vitak said during a live televised interview. Vitak saw them shooting at two girls; one was shot dead, the other was critically hurt.
One woman identified as Sierra told Sanchez she was approached by two men in a black BMW. The driver flashed a small black handgun and asked ‘”Hey, what’s up?”‘ Source: SGT Report
DAHBOO77 was quick to jump on the story and produced the below video:
In additon I found this video which has some of the audio from Michael Vitak’s account.

I don’t really think it is time to call this a “psy-op” or false flag. I can understand those thoughts but I am not ready to go there yet. However, as we saw with Sandy Hook, early reports of multiple persons involved can disappear. Whatever happened with Adam Lanza’s accomplices? There were reports of others as we will all recall.
There are some suggestions that Elliot’s passenger was his “handler.” From what I have seen thus far, Rodger was probably unstable enough to concoct those ideas, and carry out those plans, without much help. But that does not mean this passenger was not in the vehicle, somehow involved, and that an explanation is not due. In addition there are some other questions that need to be answered. One of the most obvious would be…
How did Elliot Rodger overpower and kill three grown men by “stabbing” them to death?
There are many possible explanations but it is a fair question.
Friends and classmates of three victims said Monday they were struggling with the idea that mass killer Elliot Rodger had overpowered and killed three grown men by himself in his Isla Vista apartment without any noise to attract neighbors.
Weihan “David” Wang, 20, and two other UCSB undergraduates, Cheng Yuan “James” Hong, 20, and George Chen, 19, were found stabbed to death in the rental they shared with Rodger, 22. Authorities say he killed the trio before embarking on a shooting rampage that left three more dead and 13 wounded Friday. Source: LA Times
If there was some sort of accomplice involved it would certainly make the story of Elliot Rodger stabbing these three men a little easier to swallow. But again, there are certainly possible explanations. The men could have been drugged, for instance.
You would think that three grown men could overpower a single attacker if they knew that their lives were on the line.
Maybe the biggest question is if we will get a clarification, and…
If we do get an explanation, will it be the truth?
It is very easy to jump on the false flag and conspiracy bandwagon when the extremists on the left immediately make this another 2nd Amendment issue. But remember, the first three victims were stabbed to death.
What does this have to do with the 2nd Amendment?
Are they after our kitchen knives now as well?
This sicko was going to kill people with whatever means necessary. This is obviously not a gun issue.
One of the biggest problems in America is that our government and mainstream media collectively seek to make these stories into 2nd amendment issues without giving us all of the facts. They prey on our emotions.
Without an accurate compilation of the facts how can anyone possibly discuss anything in a rational manner?
So was there really a 2nd man in the BMW?
We might never know the answer to that but when multiple eyewitnesses come forward it is cause enough to question the official narrative.
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