July 5, 2014
Preparing for the Promised Fake Alien Invasion?
My friends, I thought I would pass on this interesting tidbit from a reader who was paying attention on TV.
Do you suppose the cabal is really going to try to pull off their decades-old plan for the fake alien invasion? Are they so desperate they think this could save them? The poor misguided creatures must consider it their trump card.
My understanding is that the Galactics (star nations) will not allow this bullroar—but heads up.
The last thing we want is for the sleeping ones to fear those who will be our ultimate salvation. Wouldn’t THAT throw a wrench/spanner into things! I wouldn’t put it past them at this stage. I will never believe they would surrender.
It doesn’t sound like this programming is to prepare the masses for benevolent star beings. ~BP
Carlos says…
“Hey, I just wanted to say that some suspicious shows and things are being said in my country’s (Portugal) history channel.
Like 4 weeks ago I was watching an episode of a series that HADN’T HAD A NEW EPISODE FOR MONTHS! And how does this new episode start, after so much time without a new episode? Like this: ”Within 2 weeks mass landings are going to happen. The governments know about this fact.” Sead by Francisco Mourão, president of Expolitica Portugal. I send him an email and he told me that everyone was told to say that, and go with it along the show.
Important: Most of the show they were telling to be in alert mode, and be carefull because they might be malevolent.
Now another show on history channel (that i’m watching right now as I type this) is saying -IN THE MOST CREDIBLE WAY POSSIBLE- that in 1913 the 2nd world war was because of an invasion by destructive martians. This is anecdotal and CLEARLY CABAL, to make us fear an imminent alien contact! They even put witnesses and investigators (Historians and such that i think must be fake) speaking in the show!
Look at the pictures https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=678064795581701&id=100001345611946 “
Thanks to: http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com
Preparing for the Promised Fake Alien Invasion?
My friends, I thought I would pass on this interesting tidbit from a reader who was paying attention on TV.
Do you suppose the cabal is really going to try to pull off their decades-old plan for the fake alien invasion? Are they so desperate they think this could save them? The poor misguided creatures must consider it their trump card.
My understanding is that the Galactics (star nations) will not allow this bullroar—but heads up.
The last thing we want is for the sleeping ones to fear those who will be our ultimate salvation. Wouldn’t THAT throw a wrench/spanner into things! I wouldn’t put it past them at this stage. I will never believe they would surrender.
It doesn’t sound like this programming is to prepare the masses for benevolent star beings. ~BP
Carlos says…
“Hey, I just wanted to say that some suspicious shows and things are being said in my country’s (Portugal) history channel.
Like 4 weeks ago I was watching an episode of a series that HADN’T HAD A NEW EPISODE FOR MONTHS! And how does this new episode start, after so much time without a new episode? Like this: ”Within 2 weeks mass landings are going to happen. The governments know about this fact.” Sead by Francisco Mourão, president of Expolitica Portugal. I send him an email and he told me that everyone was told to say that, and go with it along the show.
Important: Most of the show they were telling to be in alert mode, and be carefull because they might be malevolent.
Now another show on history channel (that i’m watching right now as I type this) is saying -IN THE MOST CREDIBLE WAY POSSIBLE- that in 1913 the 2nd world war was because of an invasion by destructive martians. This is anecdotal and CLEARLY CABAL, to make us fear an imminent alien contact! They even put witnesses and investigators (Historians and such that i think must be fake) speaking in the show!
Look at the pictures https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=678064795581701&id=100001345611946 “
Thanks to: http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com