How We Can Heal The World…..
Posted on July 23, 2014 by Visionkeeper
Music to read by below:
In channel surfing for my weather this morning on TV, I passed by CNN and saw Chris Cuomo doing an interview with a guy working for the Russian papers I think it was. The Russian guy was trying to tell Chris Cuomo that he didn’t have his facts straight about what is really going on over there concerning the shoot down of that plane, because he was relying on his facts he got from YouTube and social media which is how CNN creates its news stories. Chris Cuomo went off interrupting and raising his voice and over talking this guy and in the end went on the attack of this Russian’s character, all because he couldn’t make this Russian guy say “Chris is right and I was wrong”. It frankly was embarrassing to watch. It was disgraceful and insulting! Both parties just needed to respect what the other thought about the situation and accept their views and all would have been well, but ego got in the way.
What stood out to me above all else was a vivid and crystal clear example of where humanity is stuck in our evolutionary process. We cannot seem to detach from our egos! We still have to prove ourselves right, prove others wrong, feel we know best, cast our judgements. It is pitiful to observe ourselves in action. The daily distractions being pumped into societies heads has definitely halted the ability for any self introspection we should be taking in order to grow and heal ourselves. All of the truths we should be facing about ourselves are getting lost in the trivia and dramas exploding daily around the world. It is very unsettling to realize how far we still have to go to turn this train we are on around and get it headed in the right direction. Until everyone is willing to go within and observe themselves honestly and make the supreme effort to change themselves, we shall remain hung up in ego battles that lead nowhere and do great harm to humanity.
It is time we remove ‘I’ from our vocabulary and replace it with ‘US’. The world is so hung up on what ‘I’ wants and needs and deserves above all others. The only ‘I’ we need to be concentrating on right now is the ‘I’ needing to do the work within ourselves to release our egos and begin seeing the world in terms of we are all equal, we are all one, we are not better or worse because we no longer judge others in order to raise ourselves up. These ways of being are what has allowed the corruption to explode out of control and for compassion to become extinct. It is a serious issue that needs addressing and until we do, we will continue to flounder as we are now, loosing others respect and honor. I believe the outrageous atrocities taking place in the world are occurring because humanity is so far gone it needs more and bigger dramas to slap us awake. How much more will we need is the big question? It could all end quickly if people were just willing to do their own work within and get busy doing it.
A great way to begin reconnecting with ourselves is to ask ” What is my life’s purpose?” It is a huge question to answer but to make it easier to discover, all one really needs to do is to look at what is one’s major ‘wound’. Therein lies the answer. Take that wound and create a purpose from it rather than falling prey to it. It is there to give us strength not weakness. If we have a purpose, a reason for being, life takes on a whole new perspective and gives us meaning. If we are happy within and fulfilled by our purpose, there is little or no need for ego! If we wish to save our world and save ourselves, it is time to do our own personal work and add our strength and caring to the world so that it may grow strong and heal.
Blessings to us all,
Posted on July 23, 2014 by Visionkeeper
Music to read by below:
In channel surfing for my weather this morning on TV, I passed by CNN and saw Chris Cuomo doing an interview with a guy working for the Russian papers I think it was. The Russian guy was trying to tell Chris Cuomo that he didn’t have his facts straight about what is really going on over there concerning the shoot down of that plane, because he was relying on his facts he got from YouTube and social media which is how CNN creates its news stories. Chris Cuomo went off interrupting and raising his voice and over talking this guy and in the end went on the attack of this Russian’s character, all because he couldn’t make this Russian guy say “Chris is right and I was wrong”. It frankly was embarrassing to watch. It was disgraceful and insulting! Both parties just needed to respect what the other thought about the situation and accept their views and all would have been well, but ego got in the way.
What stood out to me above all else was a vivid and crystal clear example of where humanity is stuck in our evolutionary process. We cannot seem to detach from our egos! We still have to prove ourselves right, prove others wrong, feel we know best, cast our judgements. It is pitiful to observe ourselves in action. The daily distractions being pumped into societies heads has definitely halted the ability for any self introspection we should be taking in order to grow and heal ourselves. All of the truths we should be facing about ourselves are getting lost in the trivia and dramas exploding daily around the world. It is very unsettling to realize how far we still have to go to turn this train we are on around and get it headed in the right direction. Until everyone is willing to go within and observe themselves honestly and make the supreme effort to change themselves, we shall remain hung up in ego battles that lead nowhere and do great harm to humanity.
It is time we remove ‘I’ from our vocabulary and replace it with ‘US’. The world is so hung up on what ‘I’ wants and needs and deserves above all others. The only ‘I’ we need to be concentrating on right now is the ‘I’ needing to do the work within ourselves to release our egos and begin seeing the world in terms of we are all equal, we are all one, we are not better or worse because we no longer judge others in order to raise ourselves up. These ways of being are what has allowed the corruption to explode out of control and for compassion to become extinct. It is a serious issue that needs addressing and until we do, we will continue to flounder as we are now, loosing others respect and honor. I believe the outrageous atrocities taking place in the world are occurring because humanity is so far gone it needs more and bigger dramas to slap us awake. How much more will we need is the big question? It could all end quickly if people were just willing to do their own work within and get busy doing it.
A great way to begin reconnecting with ourselves is to ask ” What is my life’s purpose?” It is a huge question to answer but to make it easier to discover, all one really needs to do is to look at what is one’s major ‘wound’. Therein lies the answer. Take that wound and create a purpose from it rather than falling prey to it. It is there to give us strength not weakness. If we have a purpose, a reason for being, life takes on a whole new perspective and gives us meaning. If we are happy within and fulfilled by our purpose, there is little or no need for ego! If we wish to save our world and save ourselves, it is time to do our own personal work and add our strength and caring to the world so that it may grow strong and heal.
Blessings to us all,