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A Certain Level of Understanding ~ The Ashtar Command 5/23/12

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A Certain Level of Understanding ~ The Ashtar Command 5/23/12

Channeled Through Greg Giles

 A Certain Level of Understanding ~ The Ashtar Command 5/23/12  Balance-and-Harmony

There is a certain level of understanding that the human race has not yet attained. It is
at this level where new idea and concept begin to manifest within your minds,
and thus, within your societies. We, the Ashtar Command, seed worlds with those
of higher consciousness, to bring to these worlds new ideas of expanded
consciousness that will assist these worlds to begin to create systems that are
more in balance with the harmony of a planet and all the beings that live upon
her. This is the case here at this time in your world. Through the tool of incarnation, we have seeded your world
with beings who have brought with them higher
ideals and concepts of social structures, and it is their task to share these
ideas by entering them into the collective consciousness of your society.

Many of these ideas are shunned by your current establishment. These ideas are
ridiculed and they are denied any means of adequate or just mediation or
examination. These advanced concepts are tossed out like the bathwater,
predominately due to the scheming of those in your world who profit greatly
from the old systems, the outdated systems that are in place and have been so
for many long years. These outdated and archaic systems have outlived their
feasibility. They have no place today here in your world, and they have not had
a place here in your world for many years. It is time your society has taken a
great leap ahead that will allow it to at least catch up to where it should
have been many years ago.

We are not here to help catapult your society and your ways of life into the future. We
are here to share with you the gifts that are yours and have been yours for
many centuries of time. These gifts could have been yours long ago, and they
would have prevented so much hardship, struggle and pain for so many of your
world who have suffered so greatly under the oppressive weight of these old
systems of imbalance, injustice and unfairness that have been conceived and
implemented by unscrupulous minds who only understand greed as their motivation
and reason for being. We intend for you to end all this, but it is you as a
collective society who must make this choice. We cannot force our systems and
our ways of life upon you, for we have no right to do this. No one has a right
to force their ways of life on another.

We wish you to understand this very clearly, as so many of your world today attempt greatly
to force their ways of life on another. If all of you could understand that in forcing
your way of life upon another you are violating the laws that govern this
universe, then so many of the problems of your world could be alleviated, as
there will be no one who trespasses onto the will and the life of another. Your
court systems would become relics of your past as they would be no longer
needed, as the sacred rights of another would no longer be violated in any way,
shape or form, if only each of you could learn to honor and respect the sacred
space and lives of another. We wish through our efforts here to demonstrate for
you how important this rule of law is and how all of us within the higher
dimensions of this universe honor and respect this law and the sacred rights of
each and every being throughout.

This is why we do not and cannot implement our systems into your world without your
collective invitation and participation. We feel these systems would be greatly
beneficial to your societies, and we will explain to you in full detail what
these systems involve, what they will take to implement them, what will they
take to run them safely and efficiently, and what benefits each of them will
have for the citizens of your planet. At that time, if the people of your world
collectively give us your permission, we will begin to implement each system
that is agreed upon and welcomed by your people. This is what we will do for
you, and we will not do this without your prior consent.

At this time, we see so many systems that are broken down and systems that should have never
been created in the first place. The list is long, and it is no easy task to
tear each of these systems down while replacing them with a new system that
will very often be far more complex, but at the same time, be far simpler to
oversee and to operate. Some of these systems are very large in scope and are
very complex in nature, and can take years, even decades, to fully implement
into your society.

We have many highly trained technicians, designers and planners in each and every field of
these systems that would be valuable to your society. Allow us, when the time
is right, to explain in detail which systems we feel need to be removed from
your world and which systems we feel require upgrades to the current
methodologies and technologies of their current states. Allowing us to make
these presentations to you is the first step, and we look forward to making
these presentations to you as we are confident many of you will easily see the
virtues of such advancements in the current ways many, if not all, of your
current systems function.

The end product for your society will be systems that do not pollute your air, your seas,
your land or your lungs, and that bring positive results far beyond the current
output of your current systems. Many of these new systems that we will share
with you are self containing and self maintaining, meaning by themselves they
will run efficiently without great amounts of manpower applied into them. We
will explain more about these technologies to you when we can speak more
personally with you and engage with you through our presentations to your
scientists and your city and global planners. At this time, it is better we
focus on the matters at hand that will lead to the opportunities for us to make
these and other presentations to you as well.

As it is said here in your world, we must not put the cart before the horse. First
things first, and we wish for as many of you as possible to focus clearly and
focus solely on each and every individual task that presents itself to you in a
very particular order. It is such a great waste of focal energy to scatter your
thoughts and your energies on so many different areas of attention when this
gets you nowhere. You must focus on one individual task at a time and focus all
your energy on that task and no other, and you will see results so much more
quickly in this way. We see so many of you performing so many tasks at once
throughout your day, and then we see days, weeks and even months go by without
even one of these tasks being completed successfully. We wish for you to
understand greater the power of your focused energy and what results you can
achieve by concentrating on but one task at a time.

We understand that many of you have jobs and families that demand great portions
of your focus and energy, and we understand you have little choice in this
matter. We simply want you to focus on other tasks that may be essential but
that can be aligned in such a way as to allow you to focus on just one of them
at a time. This is what we wish you to focus on today. Focus on aligning the
tasks that need to be accomplished in your life in a straight line, either written
on a piece of paper or in your mind. Choose the chore or the assignment that is
most important to be completed first, and then put out of your mind for now all
the other tasks that are aligned behind it. Block them out of your mind for now
and focus on that one single task and do not remove your focus from this task
until it is successfully completed.

We know you could do this, and we know you will be quite surprised and even at times
astonished at just how quickly and efficiently you can complete each task in
this long line of tasks that need to be accomplished. We wish you great success
in this, and we look forward to seeing great results as we see you apply this
technique to your long list of chores.

We are your Family of Light from the stars.

Article Link Here: http://ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com/2012/05/message-from-ashtar-command-52312.html

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