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The Great CON of Man

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1The Great CON of Man Empty The Great CON of Man Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:22 am



The Great CON of Man

1 Comment 10 November 2014
The Great CON of Man Yoda-250x180
Jean Haines has been posting a series of articles by Bradley Loves called ‘ The Great CON of Man – Esoteric’s, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order’
This is a highly recommended series, Bradley has done a great job of explaining the intricacies of this complex matrix we live in, touching on many of the subjects we should all be conscious of. He does include some that go into the realm of the fantastical, however that does not make them any less real.
These articles are a great tool to share with others in the educational/awakening journey.
As at to date there are 11 parts to the article and this post will be updated as/when more are published.
Bradley Loves: The Great CON of Man – Esoteric’s, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order – Part One
Posted on October 26, 2014
The Great “CON” of man is not found within some secret society, or cleverly hidden inside of a
picture, as many would have you believe. Instead, it is the CON that is hidden within just one tiny
word – CONSENT
To explains how this works, notice that “Con” means a negative!
Pro is positive and con is negative. Thus the words: pros and cons.
Following this idea a little more deeply, we get words in the English language like: Contrary,
Contraband, Control, Condescending, Convoluted, Con-man, and finally Consent, standing just
beside its evil twin – Contract.
These words, and many more like them, are all parts of the Great CON of man, which has certainly
led to his downfall. Allow me to explain.
Cosmic Law states that all SOULS when originally created were given complete free will by their
CREATOR. It also states that no created SOUL has more free will than any other created soul.
PRIME CREATOR, the original CREATOR of SOULS, enforces every one of HIS COSMIC LAWS to the letter! Thusly, those who trespass on HIS Cosmic Laws, get “spanked” by the “universal justice system” — in a very unpleasant way. This fact is very well known by those that work with Cosmic Law.
So then, if this is true, how can life on Planet Earth look the way that it does? Surely it seems that there is NO justice here at all. Well, to find out, buckle up your seat belts please…, keep your arms and legs inside this page at all times, and don’t quit reading until you get to the very end!
Two of the most misunderstood words that exist in our entire “world” are: contract, and consent.
They are misunderstood because they do not mean what we think they mean, and they are used in
ways that most could barely fathom.
What if I was to say that these concepts that the words describe, just happen to be the main line
“operating system” of the occult world’s two biggest CONS!
Many enlightened people, myself included, do not really like to use contracts if it can be avoided!
Now WHY would I ever say that? The truth of the matter is quite simple, really. The reason that
enlightened people do not like to use contracts when inter-acting with others is that Contracts are in matter of fact: Magic Spells!
As I pointed out earlier, the word CON, defines a negative. Therefore, a contract, is a negative way
to place restrictions and a “limit” on another living human beings options and choices, shrinking
down their domain of FREE WILL, and then “supernaturally” BINDING them to that limit, by getting a signature from them, which is the “mark” of their consent to that super natural binding!
Let me repeat that. A signature (signet) is the “Mark” of your consent to a supernatural binding!
Your signature is the biblical “mark of the beast”, because it imprisons and enslaves the one who
uses it in a way they don’t understand. (See definition below)
signet. [sig-nit]
1. a small seal, as on a finger ring.
2. a small official seal for legal documents, contracts, etc.
3. an impression made by or as if by a signet.
Most magic spells work on levels that are non-physical. Those men and women that are operating
behind the scenes on the world stage are in truth Practicing Black Occult Magicians!
Some call them the CABAL, and others call them the Illuminati. Whatever they are called, they are
very well trained in such matters and know much about this type of Esoteric knowledge, which was
taught in the mystery schools as a form of dark magic!
Most human beings can not see the elemental level, but the Elementals (invisible beings just outside our frequency range) support language, word communication, and do all sorts of things to hold up the fabric of physical reality which (if one were to understand it deeply) is a MAGNETIC HOLOGRAM!
Within this unseen frequency range there are also very negative beings who are “used” by Dark
Occultists to magically enforce agreements or contracts, so that those that enter them become quite powerless — and more or less enslaved.
So then, there is a super natural side to every contract! Didn’t know that, did you?
As I’ve said, ALL contracts are magic spells and are serious tools of the dark magic masters! The
only real purpose of a contract – the hidden or occult purpose – is to LIMIT and BIND the one who enters into it. Contracts are dark tools because their main purpose besides limiting and binding is to REMOVE FREE WILL, which is a unique and sacred gift of Prime Creator.
Free will is a powerful and mystical STRENGTH. It is like the power of Hercules. It is a healing
salve for any obstacle you bump into and an immediate cure for any misfortune.
Those who HATE Prime Creator, hate his gift of free will. In the Synagogues of SATAN, FREE WILL is the main target of all of their ritualistic machinations.
However, under Cosmic Law, because it was given to YOU, it can NEVER be taken from you —
except IF you willing give it away!
Enter now both CONTRACT, and CONSENT. Two evil twins which make up the dark CON of man!
How could the dark forces ever defeat such a formidable “super being” known as the Infinite and
Immortal SOUL, endowed with the HERCULEAN super power of FREE WILL which is actually a both a shield of protection, and a direct line to the Creator Himself?
This one problem must have kept the Dark Magicians up for many sleepless nights! However, for
anyone who wishes to BIND and TIE UP all of the completely beautiful and loving soul creations –
GODS own children, they must first Defeat and subdue the greatest power there is, FREEWILL.
Fast-forward to where we are today: many mindless and robotic humans are running to sell, sign
away, or give away both their freedoms and FREEWILL, somehow thinking they don’t “need” them. The Dark Wizards are literally giddy with delight. Think, for instance, about all of the men and women lining up to enter the Military today, where they “contract” by signet, and freely “consent” to give up the right to make any decisions for themselves. With FREEWILL seemingly gone, then other people can “order” that soul into battle and even to its physical death. Wow! — that soul just lost everything, including what was a most precious gift – life itself.
So then, those human beings who do sign contracts, enter into a dark and binding magic spell of
their own free will. Thus, Prime Creator, who oversees Cosmic Justice, canNOT punish those who
have cast the spell, or save you from the spell itself, because YOUR free will was not actually taken
from you. YOU GAVE IT AWAY by choice. (It may have been tricked from you, but that is another
issue to discuss a little later.) The main thing to know right now is that by signing any contract, you give consent to being magically bound in a way you never imagined!
Let’s investigate how this works.
In all contracts, (on the elemental level), which is actually a real frequency or vibratory level, there is WORD MAGIC taking place. There are vibrations and symbols used that actually hinder beings
from going against what they agreed to when they entered into the spell/contract.
How many of us realize the sacred geometry of our alphabet? How many of us understand that placing certain words and phrases in a specific order causes sacred geometry to occur? Hands please?
Well you see, you’d need to be a Black Occult Magician to understand this wouldn’t you? But
certainly those elites at the very top of the World’s Control Structure would never use such tricks on the entire population — or would they?
There are many ways to describe this phenom, but those who use it, call it “word magic”, or
“babble” (babel from the ancient Babylon) and the Lawyers who support the “super natural” dark
magic of contracts by working with them, simply call it: Legalese.
It is very doubtful that ANY lawyer can claim that “deep down” they don’t know what’s happening
here. They may write contracts, and they likely negotiate contracts daily.
They KNOW the specific words to use because they’ve been taught how to write contracts and make them “iron clad” and legally impossible to get out of. They KNOW which special words carry double and even triple meanings, and that the arrangement of the words can be both deceptive and confusing to the reader, which is why they use them.
Now, IF the intent of the contract was NOT to bind, limit, and reduce the signer into having no
other choices, why would the words, “I’ve got an Iron clad contract with him” exist? Think about it.
Most Lawyers know in their hearts that certain people will be harmed by entering into a contract
they’ve designed, and they even talk amongst themselves about legalese, but sadly, because they
think this is all normal (they’ve been told that its normal in Law School), they don’t stop to think
that perhaps they are participating in DARK MAGIC, and helping Wizards to perform magic spells
that bind others’ FREEWILL.
Since most Lawyers are many steps removed from the World’s Top Magicians, they don’t really
understand that these tools are for a much darker purpose than they realize. Still, they must feel in
their gut that what they are doing to others with certain contracts is, at times, harmful. Yet, they
simply ignore their conscience when it talks to them, because the money they get paid to assist in
performing MAGIC SPELLS is very tempting. (NOW you understand why Lawyers get paid so well).
All right. Where could the magic of contracts, and the giving away of consent, which suddenly
seems so dastardly, have come from?
It goes way back in history to a time no one remembers. A time when human beings lived freely
before the fall and the great CON of man took hold of the Earth. The truth is, though, that there has always been a dark force of malevolent beings who feed like vampires off of others. Where these beings actually come from is only speculation; however, they live in frequencies WE DO NOT SEE with our own eyes.
Others, who are more attuned, CAN see them, and those who desire their support and service
(DARK MAGICIANS) even make deals with them!
These beings are a parasite of the mind, or a mind “infection”, that first infected reptiles, and used them as hosts or servants in order to create havoc and disharmony, which the parasites then feed off of. These lower emotions are what they use as food.
Next, they began to infect humans, because humans had a far greater range of potential emotions for their use. Those humans who actively worship Satan are deeply infected with this parasite of the mind. Some call the parasite the Archons, or the Shadow Beings, some call them Demons or Flyers, and others Djinn!
Bradley Loves: The Great CON of Man Esoteric’s, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order – Part Two
Posted on October 27, 2014
A few hundred thousand years ago, Some Reptilian/Human hybrids, known as the Anunnaki, came to the Earth, and gave certain living human beings a special DNA upgrade!
Sadly, they lied to them. It was actually a downgrade, and a process which began to disconnect their natural connection to the Great Cosmic Intelligence. Far later on, after that Cosmic Connection was mostly lost, they then gave those severely limited humans the: Ancient Law of Contracts. A system that we on Earth still use today.
The real purpose of giving them the Law of Contracts was to create a “safety bypass” to get around
Cosmic Law, and make certain they did not take a hit from the Universal Justice System for what
they planned to do next to these severely disconnected humans!
Remember, NO ONE can take your FREEWILL from you…, you must give it up willingly, or those
players who make the mistake of over-stepping Cosmic Law are in very deep doodoo with Prime
Thus, a device (the CONTRACT) is necessary to have in place, in order to both record and to
facilitate all of the billions and trillions of “limits” and “bindings” that unsuspecting individuals are
actually “consenting” to.
Real nice of those Anunnaki, eh?
These Reptilian/Human Hybrids, who were/are Ancient, have been around for millions of years, and they are Masters at MIND CONTROL! They are the “original” Black Magicians, who taught in the mystery schools the art of Dark Magic. As stated, their best magic tool is the “contract”, and it is being used to control all of the people on Earth to this very day.
Getting back to their Master Plan – Why would they absolutely HAVE TO HAVE the contract in
place on the Earth? Well, you see, their goal was and is to ENSLAVE human beings for eternity,
and to keep them both as slave laborers and pets, and finally, to use them as a food source. (Both
physically and energetically).
However this “type” of plan is directly opposed to Cosmic Law. And, opposed to Prime Creator
HIMSELF! If done incorrectly, it means PUNISHMENT of a kind that could barely be described.
So then, what to do?
A long term plan was set up, ( a very long term plan ) in the thousands of years, that would first
“disconnect” a small group of human souls from the Cosmic Intelligence. Then, they would be
freely allowed to breed, and then finally, at the appropriate moment, to either kill off, or buy off,
any other humans living on the Earth who still had a sacred connection to the Cosmic Intelligence.
The after result would be that ANY newly incarnating souls upon the Planet would HAVE to use the “discombobulated” human body to incarnate into, (because there were no others available). This type of body was both limited in its ability to connect to the higher frequency, and was also VERY susceptible to mind control. (Which the Anunnaki were quite good at).
Again, these guys were real fun to hang out with – I’m sure.
Adam, was actually the first man created who (by genetic Alteration) was able to survive the fully
discombobulated human body, as opposed to the partially discombobulated human body, that the
Atlantean’s were using.
His creators, the Reptilian/Human Hybrids, were quite fond of Adam and were glad that he had
survived the process of disconnecting almost all of the DNA strands that made up the normal
Universal Human form. Once his genetic Matrix was established, a mate was made for him using
his own DNA and flesh.
Afterward, many hundreds more were made, and they all lived in the care of the Hybrids who, it
just so happens, had a “god complex” and were quite looking forward to being worshipped and
adored by their new pets.
Sadly, Adam’s mate (after speaking with one of the Genesis Scientists), a Hybrid named Enki, and
whose symbol was the serpent, was told that they had been genetically created, and that their so called gods were not really “gods” at all, (He felt sorry for the humans). She ran immediately to tell this to Adam, and soon the whole group was suddenly not “adoring” their Anunnaki creators any
longer. (I mean, would you?)
So, all of the pets (now that they’re totally ruined) get banished by the main Reptile Hybrid named
Enlil, and are forced out of what was most likely a very advanced civilization, and out into the cold, hard wilderness, to survive on their own. (Not very nice “gods” are they?)
According to Z. Sitchen, the city that they were banished from was named “E.din” (Sumerian
spelling) , and was located at the bottom of current day Iraq.
This final genetic alteration to the current human body form was done AFTER the fall of Atlantis,
sometime between 13,000 years ago, and the beginning of the Sumerian Civilization which started
about 7,000 years ago. So this final (purely genetic) alteration probably occurred (I’m speculating
here) between 9,500 BC to let’s say about 5,000 BC.
There had been many other genetic alterations done to Humans before, (some of they actually
helpful), but none so profound, and none so debilitating as the final one.
Back to the MASTER PLAN of the Black Occult Magicians.
So then, IF they are/were truly going to Enslave the human race for eternity, (and manage to get
away with it) they needed to do it very carefully, and at EVERY STEP of the process, must get the
humans themselves to both ASK FOR, and CONSENT TO, their enslavement. (Thus, Prime Creator, can’t get involved) – (or so they thought).
HMMM, dastardly, I’ll grant you, but that does not sound simple to me.
I mean – who in their “right mind” would would consent to such a thing?
Fast Forward to the present, and look around. The Great CON of man is now in full swing.
If one looks closely, what dark and magical tools, do you see being used by those humans who are
currently running the World?
Contract and Consent!
But the use of both contract and consent goes far deeper, and is far more subtle than most of you
who are reading this could ever have guessed or even imagined. The level of enslavement (mostly
still hidden) is both appalling and breathtaking in its scope. Few, if any, realize how they,
themselves, are aiding and abetting in their own eternal enslavement, by helping the Dark Wizards.
To understand just where the enslavement of mankind stands, we first need to look at the Vatican,
which is one faction of the New World Order.
I was raised in a Catholic tradition…, so let me tell you about the particular magic spells that little children are subjected to in that Church.
Baptism is a magic spell! It is a Coven-ant. The word Coven, refers to witches and warlocks. They
always group in Covens. A coven-ant therefore is an agreement one makes with a Coven.
This particular agreement [Covenant (contract) ], called Baptism, promises the Body, the Mind, and the Soul of a new born child to the Coven, by way of the “Consenting” agreement of the parents.
See the three helpful Definitions below.
COVENANT [kuhv-uh-nuh nt]
1. an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do or not do something specified.
2. Law. an incidental clause in such an agreement.
3. Ecclesiastical. a solemn agreement.
4. The “conditional promises” made to humanity by God, as revealed in Scripture.
5. Law. a formal agreement of legal validity, especially one under seal.
an early English form of action in suits involving sealed contracts.
COVEN [kuhv-uh n, koh-vuh n]
1. an assembly of witches, especially a group of thirteen.
1. a suffix forming adjectives and nouns (pleasant; constant; servant) and productive in English on
this model; -ant, has the general sense of being “characterized by, or serving in the capacity of” that
named by the stem.
So from the Dictionary Definitions above, the word covenant means:
” that which is characterized, or serving in the capacity of a coven “, and is ” an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons.”
So, then a Covenant, IS by definition of the word Covenant, AND, the words: Coven plus -ant, an
agreement with a Coven.
Another magic spell. At 12, the age of speaking for one’s own self, the church must reaffirm its
magical hold on your soul, or spirit, by re-gaining “Consent” – you have to ask for it – to their
Coven. This must come from you personally, since your parents will soon not be able to speak for
you. So, they “re-Confirm” the agreement ( contract) that your parents originally made, but this
time, they get YOU to “consent” (contract), to the Coven personally. Thus, the word conformation,
or (confirmation).
[What you've just done is "agree" to your own enslavement.]
HMMM, maybe it’s more simple than I earlier thought.
Now, for those of you who will rush to defend the “Church”, and may find fault with these
definitions and say: “…these things described are ‘sacraments’, they are not ‘covenants’.
Okay then, for those people, kindly see this definition below. Skipping all of the purely “religious”
and Dogmatic meanings of the word, and getting down to the basic meaning of it originally, we end
up at the 6th level down definition which is:
sacrament [sak-ruh-muh nt]
1. Skipped
2. Skipped
3. Skipped
4. Skipped
5. Skipped
6. an oath; solemn pledge, or agreement.
Further more, if one gets into the origin of the word, one finds this.
1150-1200; Middle English < Medieval Latin: sacrāmentum – obligation, oath, Late Latin: mystery, rite, equivalent to Latin sacrā (re) to devote + -mentum -men
So, in this case, the word sacrament, originally meant: obligation (debt) or oath around the 1100’s
AD, and only LATER changed to reflect the idea it was a mysterious, or religious rite!
Just to be perfectly clear, whether the operative device is a Sacrament, or a Covenant, these things
are still “agreements” which are: CONTRACTS! And “why” would anyone NEED to make a
contract with Prime Creator?
In Baptism (baph-o-met-ism)
The parents are the ones who promise the child’s soul over to the Church. Thus, they are promising
the child’s eternal soul to a black magic Coven…(unknowingly) of course, which is why those
“archon infected” reptiles and humans, (Annunaki and their minions), who are currently operating
the worlds governmental systems, (and are skilled black magicians) can LEGALLY claim us as
their property!
In this way, free will has not been thwarted, and Prime Creator (Source) can not get involved.
WHY? You gave your consent to being enslaved through CONTRACT.
Now, I’m going to repeat this again. Maybe it will make more sense to you as we go along. These
dastardly beings must…, they literally must, have your consent on record in order to DO
ANYTHING to you. Period.
If you refuse to consent, (by using your FREEWILL) they are dead in the water, and they KNOW
If you’ve ever happened across any of the writings of Judge Dale, a retired Federal Court Judge, he
states quite emphatically that ALL Judges get their Authority from the Vatican, not the USA
Corporate Government.
Here is a link to his e-book, The Great American Adventure.
Judge Dale also states that the Vatican, through a treaty with Britain somewhere in the distant past, acquired all of Britons assets, and future holdings forever, which is why the USA Corporation, falls directly under Vatican control. This control, is naturally not overt, but quite secret and covert! Thus, the Vatican claims to own the whole Earth, and all the people living on it, which includes your bodies and minds, (things they see as tangible)
The only sticky part in their Master Plan of Human Enslavement, is how to get you to give over to
them your SOUL. Which, without your agreement, they can’t get.
At the very top level, according to Judge Dale, all judges know that their power is magical, and that
IF they overstep the boundary line even just a little bit, and do anything to you without your
consent, Prime Creator would immediately have their neck in a sling.
Thus, Judge Dale says in his writings that no one EVER goes to jail without their consent obtained
first. How that consent is gotten from you, is the both the dastardly trick and the spell!
Bradley Loves: The Great CON of Man – Esoteric’s, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order – Part Three
Many of the “top level” elites controlling world affairs on our planet, have also been infected with the same mind parasites that the Reptilian/Human Hybrids/Anunnaki were, and still ARE infected with. These “soulless” parasites are very careful in their dealings with other humans.
A) Because they don’t wish to be discovered
B) They know that there is a limit to what they can and can’t do before taking a huge hit from Prime Creator.
How, and why do these “mind parasites” who we can’t even see, and who don’t really even have
[human] bodies, know that overstepping the boundary might get them obliterated?
They know it, because they’ve tried it before on other planets. This is the biggest problem for them in using their human hosts to gain control of the Earth. They know for a fact that they can’t just take it, or The REAL GOD, Prime Creator would destroy them instantly. They can only get it “if” the SOULS that Prime Creator made, Give it to them freely.
HMMM, very sneaky.
So how does THAT happen? Easier than you think.
Certain individuals will just stupidly sell their soul (in contract), signed in blood, to the reptilian and human controllers of the world, (who use Satanism as their magical cover) for silly things like…, uh, money and fame and power! (Enslavement achieved!)
Thus, you have Hollywood, and many of the movie Stars, and many of the Music Artists who get
tremendous amounts of money and fame very quickly, just for signing the Contract, and promising
their souls to the parasitical entities.
These entities (which are discarnate spirits) can and sometimes do actually enter into and take
control of the physical bodies of those who have given their consent.
However, eventually the debt must be paid, and thus we get all of the suspicious Hollywood and
Musical deaths and suicides that are far too common in those industries. Now, we are even seeing
Bankers “suicided” by the dozens, and one must wonder if “they too” are paying up the “contract”
they made with demonic forces.
For those who are less shallow, and can not be so easily bought with trinkets, money, or fame, there are other tricks, and RELIGION is the biggest.
Ever since Babylon, Religion has been using Coven-ants to Bind people’s SOULS from leaving the
Earth after physical death.., and forcing them into endlessly re-incarnating here, to serve those
parasitical beings who feed off of human feelings and human emotions.
Why would a loving GOD, Prime Creator ever allow such a thing to occur?
He does NOT allow it, those that are enslaved using FREEWILL to CHOOSE it.
FREE WILL is a very tricky proposition, and the Human hosts of these parasites know every little
in and out about which rules they can exploit BEFORE taking a huge hit from GOD, the REAL
For instance, (getting back to the writings of Judge Dale), When you go into a Court Room, you are
entering into a Magic Show. The Judge, (who wears Black on purpose) does so to show you that he
or she practices Black Magic. It is the symbol required by Cosmic Law, or they would be in deep
Priests also wear black to show you they practice black magic…it is required. And so, even under
their colorful robes at mass, they are wearing black underneath.
Judges (according) to Judge Dale, are in fact High Priests. They obtain MAGICAL AUTHORITY
from both contracts and spells. If you don’t know exactly…, word for word, what to say to them,
you will place yourself under their authority by your own consent, by inadvertently “contracting”
for something you don’t want.
That you don’t know this, or have never been told this, is by design.
You are not supposed to know what to say in court, so that they can trick you into giving them your
consent to their authority (which really does not exist).
The whole court appearance is nothing more than a dog and pony show designed to get ONE
THING from you while you are there. Your Signature (Signet), and your CONSENT.
Yes, and certainly they will use intimidation, but many who end up there spent their lives watching
sporting events on TV, and not in educating themselves about what is going on, so by their choices
to not read anything, they are now in trouble!
Back to the Master Plan,
Remember, those mind parasites who are living inside those “human hosts” that run the world have one goal…, to get your SOUL, and to steal the Earth from the humans who live here.
And again, recapping old territory, how exactly they can get our consent to the whole “program”
without giving it all away, is their biggest problem.
Humans may be stupid.., but we’re not THAT stupid. If the ENTIRE plan were laid out in plain
sight, where everyone could see it, most would immediately stop consenting.
HMMM, even more dastardly tactics are needed.
Thus, very cleverly, they created a legal fiction, that represents You, and could consent for you, if
you did not. This legal fiction is called: the Strawman, or the Legal Name, or the ALL CAPS name,
or what I like to call: the fake name.
Now follow me on this since it’s VERY important. Because the Strawman is a “governmentally
created fictional entity”- your actual name written in all capital letters – then the government legally OWNS that entity that they created!
YOU don’t own it or control it…, it’s NOT yours, and Never will be, BECAUSE IT ISN’T YOU!
Cosmic Law states that whatever you create is yours! The Black Occult Magicians running things,
know this. The magic trick, or the spell, they are casting, is to get you to believe that the fake name that they created, and that they own, is YOU!
This is an Ancient CON, called bait and switch.
If you look closely, you’ll see that the Powers that Be, have placed the fake name (ALL CAPS) into
every part of your life, and baited you into using it, (by your consent).
The magic here is very subtle, but here’s how it works. Since you are using the fake name all the time, then you must be “agreeing” (super exaggerated – Dr. Evil – Air Quotes added here for emphasis ) that the fake name is actually you. But wait, I’ve told you that the government owns that fake name! So then, by their logic, and your consent, the government must OWN YOU TOO!
Is this too simple an example? Let’s try another.
Remember, This is dark magic!
By “agreeing” (super exaggerated Air quotes) to use a fictional name that the government created (a name that is not yours) although it is similar (ALL CAPITALIZED), you are then agreeing to BE that name. But wait…, that name is a fiction. So…, then – you must be agreeing (by using that name) to BE A FICTION by your consent.
Admiralty courts are corporate courts (basically every court in the entire world). They only deal
with corporations and fictions. How is it possible then, that they can even have you (a living and
breathing real actual human) in the court room legally?
They can’t. But…, Oh wait…, that’s right, you agreed to be a fiction.
So their claim, even before you say a word, is that you are NOT REAL!
Now we are really getting into the world of weird and weirder. These people who run the world are
not THIS crazy…, are they?
If you’ve watched the television lately, and listened to what any of these world leaders say, can you
agree that they’re INSANE?
So naturally, in their psychopathic, insane, and parasitically infested mind, YOU are only a fiction,
and are not really there!
They’re killing real people with their wars, they are killing fictions!
“Unless” (air quotes) you tell them that you are NOT the fake name, AND you tell them that you
are a real living being, and that they don’t have any authority over you…, which they don’t.
However, know that before you speak, they are both “assuming”, and “presuming” you are not real.
When you do speak up, Don’t be surprised if they use every means of intimidation to get you to
back down.
These Judges (many who are in the know) are not in this business to just let you go free. Sadly, here again, for the money, they’ve sold out, and are consenting to the agenda of Global Enslavement.
So, now you know the rest of the story. It’s all dark magic! And YOU are consenting to it daily.
Every time you sign something, you consent.
Every time you use a credit or debit card you consent.
Every time you use a Drivers License you consent.
Every time you use a Passport, you consent.
Every time you fill in paperwork using your Social Security number, you consent. All forms, and
paperwork, rentals, and leases, insurances are both contracts and consents to BE the fake name.
The only thing you can do, is to “deny” that your name all capitalized is you! Period, end of story,
or you are in dire trouble.
If you even breath a possibility that your name all capitalized is you (which it isn’t) then you will be held accountable for every legal statute, state, city and federal law ever written.
Most people don’t know that these laws ONLY APPLY to the very fictional names, that the
government created.
So…….., get ready for more Dark Magic………..
What they are doing here, is not limiting us as living beings, OR, even taking away our free will –
which they are NOT allowed to do (by Cosmic Law)
Instead – (drum roll for this one) – they are limiting and making laws ONLY for the fake names,
which they themselves created and that they legally own, which they can and are allowed to do
(without having lightning bolts cast at them), by Cosmic Law.
Truly sick isn’t it?
The TRICK, or the MAGIC SPELL, perpetrated upon the entire population of the planet, is to get
every living being to “claim” (of their own free will) to BE that fake name that is owned by the
Corporate Governments.
If you do, they can punish you, — by your consent!
Tadaa! And the Magician takes a bow!
Again, the fake name, is the one in ALL CAPS.
Now, very few people know how to deny their fake name.
Here is a website specifically designed for learning how to deny it.
[url=http://the-one-network.org/the-great-con-of-man/ http://kateofgaia.wordpress.com] http://kateofgaia.wordpress.com[/url]
Bradley Loves: The Great CON of Man – Esoteric’s, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order – Part Four
Posted on October 28, 2014 by Jean
Think about this.
When human children first go to school, they are taught the alphabet, (letters of sacred geometry), and then taught how to “SPELL”, using that geometry. Can this be accidental?
They are taught the correct “spelling” of certain words (to make sure that the geometry of the letters is arranged for the most beneficial effect), and then taught to “CAST” those “spell” ings into sentences, phrases, and ideas which will later entrap their minds, by using those “spell” ings.
Is this too simple to understand? “Word Magic”, is taught to everyone, and only the higher adepts
learn how to defend themselves from its constant use.
Advanced races, those NOT enslaved, use telepathy for communication. They telepathically “project” ideas into your mind, not words. Word Magic, “speech” is reserved for races who are enslaved to other beings, since the the use of sound vibration, and sacred geometry, used incorrectly could most certainly entrap them.
Ask yourself, who gave us our current day languages? Could it have been the Reptilian/Human
Hybrids? What would have been their goal in “gifting” us with certain words to use?
One last little bit from Judge Dale, and then I highly recommend reading his E-book, which is 126 pages of pure wisdom.
Even though the fake name was first placed on things like the Birth Certificate, and the Passport,
How could they get people to WANT TO BE the fake name early on, and then consent to it daily.
Answer: Offer them money.
The Social Security Act started offering people money as a reward for “signing” up with the
Corporate Government and thus starting to USE the ALL CAPS name more and more, just to get
free money. This is only one of the ways the trap was set. (And it really was a trap). As indicated,
the fake name is placed on the Birth Certificate, the Passport, the Drivers License, the credit card,
the debit card, the doctors records, the dental records, etc…
However, if you state emphatically in a courtroom that you are NOT the all caps name, (and know
what you are talking about) they have to let you go!
No court can ever have a real living and breathing human being standing in it. Only fictions are
allowed. So naturally they “presume” every person in the court is not real.
Our whole legal system is a total fraud, and a total sham!
All Judges will end up demonically corrupt. I’m certain that many of them are not actually aware of this at first, however, they are specifically trained in Word Magic, and are told how they MUST say certain things in a certain order, and to get a certain response repeated back to them, otherwise they (the judge) will be in dire trouble. Sadly, many of them never ask why.
In practical terms here, Ask yourself how they can throw a person into prison for having in their
possession only an ounce of marijuana? This, by the way, is merely a plant created by GOD for
crying out loud, and, has existed for probably millions of years and grows harmlessly in the ground.
How could it possibly be outlawed? Have you ever heard of anything so stupid in all your life? Who
could think in their demented minds that picking up a plant, and just holding it, could be a crime?
The Truth is, they actually can’t! Prime Creator would obliterate them where they stand if they did it in a way that removed any of your FREEWILL. So they, in the greatest tradition of Satan, learned to trick, bedazzle, and fool you into consenting.
According to Cosmic Law, they CAN punish the fake name (that you are using) all they want,
(because they own it). And sadly, if you are foolish enough to admit to being that fake name,
well…, I guess YOU are then consenting to being punished – aren’t YOU?
Sure, this is fairly convoluted, and very sinister, however, according to the rules of Dark Magic, and Cosmic Law, you are “technically” being given a choice. And, if there IS a choice, then your free will is not taken, is it?
So this, becomes the CON! And, the loophole that these Dark Magicians are exploiting all over the Earth. They use fear, intimidation, mind control, television, video games, and school teachers to train you to believe that you should just trust them, and always give your consent when asked. Because that’s the way it is. Dark, dark, dark MAGIC!
Can you NOW understand why you NEED FREEWILL? Only a very sick soul gives its freedoms away to others.
Each time you enter a Courtroom, the Judge calls a name that sounds like yours. The Judge (without you realizing it) is actually only calling the ALL CAPS name! Of course, how would you know that, just by hearing it? Both names sound identical. Is this tricky or what? So, if you stand up and answer to that, you’ve just claimed to BE a fiction, and they can do whatever they want to a fiction.
Yes, this is quite dastardly…, and Judge Dale claims that the moment he was finally told what was
really happening, he quit the bench!
Notice that they (Judges) are not told right away the scam that they are helping to perpetrate, but
instead they trained very carefully in “word magic”, and told that IF they deviate from the all
important “script” even just one word, the case gets thrown out. They MUST say specific words, in
specific order, at certain steps, to obtain your consent magically without you being aware of what’s
Now, for the ones who DO know, and have NOT yet quit the bench…, there is a special dark place
where each and every one one you will end up!
I will not hide my serious disgust for each and every one of you! My contempt for your participation in this scam is Cosmic!
You have knowingly committed treason against living SOULS by trickery with full knowledge of it.
Since you individually are not as powerful as the Dark Magicians who know how to protect
themselves, it is very likely you will all be severely punished after your physical death!
And I for one will not shed a single tear. For your information, Prime Creator is not as powerless as
the Dark Magicians are hoping.
Now, equally as sad in this affair is that few, if any, of the street cops, and basic enforcers of the law, know about ANY of this stuff. They are the low level grunts with limited intelligence, and have a strong desire to control others, which is why they gravitate toward “enforcement” jobs.
They are “trained” to do certain things, in certain ways, and say certain things, in a certain order, before they drag human beings into the court without being told that it’s all a sham. They think that they really do have a right to hurt you. They’ve been lied to, which is why (they) are not held immediately accountable for what they do by Prime Creator.
Even as he was being crucified, the one known as Jesus (not his real name) said out loud – “Father
forgive them, for they know not what they do”. Why did he say this? He said it because the Roman
Guards who were killing him were ordered to do it, AND, they honestly believed in that authority.
They were basically ignorant of Cosmic Law. This does not excuse them, or their behavior, and they most certainly will have to repay the debt they owe.
(I do believe for the record here, that the one commonly known as Jesus actually existed. I do think that his basic teachings of LOVE were sound, I simply DO NOT believe the Catholic or any other church for that matter, adequately represents him).
It is my opinion that most cops will be terrified when they see the extreme punishment they are in
for, after attacking countless souls, who were in truth, minding their own business, and doing
nothing wrong. The same thing goes for all the basically ignorant, and very brain washed street cops all across the planet. They hurt people every single day, thinking that they have the authority and the right to do so, when that is the farthest thing from the truth there is!
Fortunately, some of them are finally waking up now, and realizing that if ANY soul says they are
not the fake name…, they have no authority over that person. They’ve been informed of the scam,
and are no longer hurting those that “inform” them they are they are not the legal name on their ID.
Just a quick aside here, for those sickos who think that this is a legal permit to go out and do
anything you want to hurt others, it is not!
Cosmic Law states that you must: Do no harm!
If you are harming another being or their property, you have no magical protection, regardless of
what you say, so be careful.
The Remedy, The Cure, AND The Construct, Which Overcomes ALL the Negative: Declaration!
Are you ready for this? It’s actually far more simple than you thought.
Start thinking about Police, Judges, Priests, and Politicians, in terms of Magic!
They are magical enforcers. They are: “Contract” enforcers. They are “Consent” enforcers.
Why are they able to do what they do which such venom? Remember that all contracts, and all
consent given, have supernatural levels you are NOT aware of. Sometimes Police seem to appear
almost out of thin air because things are going on in this “reality” which very few people (Except
the Magicians) understand.
When YOU give consent, and “Contract” or agree, to what is basically a “realm” or a “reality construct” that is being designed by those who worship in the Synagogue of Satan, (this is what we’re fighting against) you unfortunately enter into magic spells which follow you around all day, to make certain you keep up your end of the bargain!
Many believe that when they see things manifesting into reality that they don’t like, they need to fight it physically, (which is a mistake).
Thus, you get protests, and sit ins, and occupies, and marches, AND finally battles or wars!
Magic can’t be defeated this way. YOU already agreed to their terms IN CONTRACT. Rebelling against them has NO TEETH!
The ONLY way to win, is to use undo the magic of contract and the consent.
You do that by: DECLARATION
You DECLARE that all previous contracts and consent are now null and void, by the sacred power of your Non-revocable, and non-removable FREEWILL, which Prime Creator gave you, and thus NO being can ever remove.
The goal of the Magicians was always to limit, bind, and tie down your FREEWILL by using the two insidious dark magic spells called contract and consent.
The only way to break free of the spell is to UNDO it. You can’t fight magic spells with physical strength or by battles.
You CAN however arrest the magicians! But they are very clever, and hide behind multiple levels of puppets and actors who do their bidding. It is very hard to figure out who they really are.
A Declaration, is a very positive STATEMENT of your intent for what is your CHOICE NOW.
FREEWILL gives you the right to choose in any moment to change your mind, and take a new path.
That is why it is such a huge protection! It really is the greatest gift Prime Creator could have ever given ANY being in existence.
To give away freedom or FREEWILL is to throw away the universe!
To give away freedom or FREEWILL is to throw away the equivalent of a galaxy filled with unlimited fortunes directly into the trash!
Useless and Demonic Restrictions like: The Patriot Act, make the Magicians giddy with delight!
Anyone who believes in the patriot act, or supports it, is supporting base EVIL. However, the dark magicians love when unlimited Immortal Souls dump their biggest protection of FREEWILL into the trash, and hand if over so willingly.
The paltry and insignificant “protections” that they promise in exchange for our freedoms, are in fact monumental deceptions designed to bind you even further!
Break Free of the ALL MAGIC by declaration.
How did the people of the Colonies break free from England?
By Declaration! It was a Declaration of Independence!
It basically said: We Declare that all your Magic up to this point is now null and void! And by using our FREEWILL, we make a new choice.
That was a collective Declaration. However you can also make a Personal Declaration. It’s called:
Personal Declaration Of Independence of the Body, Mind and Soul!
This declaration, if designed correctly, is positive, and is designed to BREAK dark magic.
It is supported by both Cosmic Law, and the Universe!
Those who go against your Declaration CAN NOW be punished by Prime Creator!


2The Great CON of Man Empty Re: The Great CON of Man Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:23 am



I have written my own personal Declaration of Independence, which is approximately 25 pages long and removes “consent” for every contract or spell that I’ve ever unwittingly entered into in this one incarnation. It should be both written down very clearly, spoken out loud, and “recorded” within the SOUL level of the Cosmos (which you have to ask for).
Now, the flip side of being “Independent” means that I as a totally FREE SOUL MUST also take full responsibility for my life in every way: physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and most importantly Supernaturally.
I have to really understand the nature of the Cosmos, and of the Reality that we all live in, which is a Magnetic Hologram!
Bradley Loves: The Great CON of Man – Esoteric’s, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order – Part Five
In the original series of Star Trek, one of the episodes dealt with a certain beautiful planet that looked just like Earth. There appeared to be no people on it, and the crew was thinking of taking shore leave there until it was discovered that ANYTHING a person thought about was instantly created. The situation turned quite deadly very soon since whatever fear or scary thought a crew member might have immediately became reality along with any good or happy thoughts they had.
The captain finally ordered the small landing party to attention and told them to empty their minds and think of NOTHING.
It was at this point an elderly man appeared with a smile and told them to relax because nothing they were seeing was real.
He said they were actually on a “magical” planet that was aware of their thoughts and was creating all these experiences for their viewing pleasure.
All of the good and bad creations were only holograms and could only hurt them temporarily.
(Since if any damage occurred, like death, the planet would correct that).
In my e-book Science Marries Spirit, I have described a similar scenario here on Earth. Only on our
planet, reality is both individually and COLLECTIVELY created. Which is much closer to how our
Magnetic Hologram really works.
Now speculate, or imagine what would happen if a very nefarious band of space pirates (that no one
really liked) managed to find a planet like ours, and find out that the reality here could be
“changed” if ALL of the thoughts of the people living on the planet could be “directed”, or guided,
so that they were always thinking the same things, AND most importantly that what they were
usually thinking was far from positive, but instead was always quite negative.
Let’s speculate that these space pirates had a “god” complex, and liked to be worshipped. Let’s
further speculate that they discovered that the planet Earth, much like the planet in the Star Trek
Episode, really could be turned into any type of place they desired to create, and would magically
manifest any reality, either good or bad, as long as ENOUGH of the people living here held the
thoughts necessary to create it.
What do you suppose the first and most basic NEED for these pirates would become?
Let’s say that these space pirates were not just evil, but were masters at mind control, and well
known as dark Magicians throughout the galaxy.
Let’s also say that because of their antics, they were not very well liked anywhere they went. Let’s
also say that most of the galaxy was filled with human beings who were very mentally advanced
and were collectively able to punish these magical pirates whenever they came to town, and that
this happened often enough so that pirates developed a severe hatred for humans!
Now, let’s say that these pirates, while trying to hide, found a small planet way out in the middle of nowhere, with humans living on it who were actually quite young as a species and not very
mentally advanced. In addition, they were living on the very type of magical planet that I’ve
described above. It was truly a paradise, and far from the reality we see today.
Speculate for a moment about the type of Dr. Evil-thinking these space pirates would have gone
through when faced with the possibility of a Revenge on a scale they’d never thought possible!
They were faced with ideas about not only “taking” this special planet, because it WAS MAGICAL,
but also enslaving these humans which represented everything they hated.
If any of this makes sense, you’ve now described in your mind EXACTLY what’s happening here
on our Earth! [two words added]
The pirates realized that the reality of the Earth can [change can to could] be changed if enough of
the people living on it believe in the new reality. So they thought up a very controlling and dark
reality called the New World Order, and thought up a very long-term plan, actively trying to get all
humans living on the planet to “accept” the “program” so that by their own participation of
believing in its necessity, it would get MANIFESTED as the reality of Earth.
They’ve also quarantined the planet, and are keeping any rescue attempts from other more advanced
humans from succeeding. They’ve claimed Earth as theirs and say they “stole” it fair and square
from the stupid humans living here — whenever challenged by other beings.
Earth was designed to be a paradise! And just like the planet Kirk and crew visited it was
beautiful, happy and lovely, until they introduced very bad thoughts into the holographic
This is possible because the Earth itself is a Magnetic Hologram, and works differently than other
Here is a link to that episode on YouTube. It is called simply: Shoreleave.
To see how the space pirates have been controlling our thoughts and changing over time not only
history, but the reality of Earth, one only needs to look at what they are doing today, and have been
doing for some time.
As I’ve told you, these pirates are called Anunnaki, and are Reptilian/Human hybrids that no one
really likes. They are masters at mind control, and are Dark Magicians.
After the fall of Atlantis, and the severe genetic alteration of the Earth human, all they needed to do was mind control the stupid human animal into doing everything they wished.
This did not happen as easily as expected because on this planet, humans were used to their reality
being a very dream-like one, and thus kept trying to wake up from the dream if it got too ugly and
Not to be defeated, the pirates set up a much more long term goal to TRAIN the populations to get
used to a very ugly and nasty reality around them, and to thus accept the dream that they were
trying to install as the permanent Earth reality.
They (the Magicians) did this covertly, secretly, over very long periods of time. They cast their
magic slowly, and got people USED to it. They got people used to having less and less freedoms,
and having less and less choices, all the while distracting them with the “gladiator games” of the
modern day.
They also did this through corrupted Music, Television, Pornography, Gambling, and Perversions of
every kind. They used incorrect teachings in school and religion. They created WARS which were
designed by the bankers to create financial wealth for their members, while the people who frought
the wars died. They created modern day “gladiator games” which distracted and kept the peoples
attention off of other important things. These games called football, baseball, basketball, soccer,
hockey, etc…., are all controlled and owned by members of the ruling elite, and used as
distractions, to keep the people on Earth both endlessly occupied and incredibly stupid.
It has taken the Synagogue of Satan (Space Pirates) almost 200 years just to take down the Republic
Of America. Why?
They needed to “energetically” defile it first, (the American Republic), and then defile every human
soul living here, which took an awful long time to achieve. They did this in order to remove Prime
Creator’s Cosmic Protection to what used to be one of the most loving and free areas of the planet.
However, before you start praising the pilgrims for this, It was NOT the white man who had blessed
the lands of North America, and thus created Prime Creator’s “cosmic” protection over this sacred
soil, but it was the Native Americans who did so over many thousands of years of living in harmony
with both nature and spirit. If not for their “right living”, the “energy” of the North American lands would have been defiled far sooner. And the Dark Magicians would have succeeded far more
The idea of freedom as a reality, is now only hanging on by a thread. And very FEW living beings
can say they did nothing to ADD to their own enslavement, and add to the enslavement of others by
their incorrect choices and most importantly their incorrect THINKING.
What they [use we instead of they?] need to know is that it is their [our?] “thinking” that is
creating the Reality around them. However, since the satanist/magicians took such a very, very long
time to install these ugly, nasty thoughts into the population, very few if any wish to willingly think differently any longer. And thus their New World Order reality is at the very verge of its Satanic Birth.
The ONLY “protection” America has left at the moment is Prime Creator’s emissaries – the Star
Seeds, the ones he has sent directly into physical incarnation (from outside the quarantine) to save
the planet. Only, unlike in the time of Jesus, where only one man showed up, this time hundreds of
thousands all over the planet are now here, living all over the planet. They are all very much
Freedom Lovers, who like the fabled Paul Revere, are riding the keys of the internet like a very
faithful steed, and screaming at the masses with the written word that “the Magicians and the
Satanists (Globalists) are coming!”
Much to their amazement and sadness too few are even listening. No one wants to believe they are
living on a prison planet in quarantine. Or that their Earth Reality has been hijacked.
Be also aware that these loving souls (sent by Prime Creator) are being horribly tormented by the
Magicians. They are the Prime Targets of the Satanists. Their great LOVE for humanity (which is
why they came) is being used against them at every moment because they have been the ONLY
ones who continuously refuse to “sellout” into hurting their fellow man, and follow the NWO
agenda. They live cleanly, and purely. They DO NO HARM upon the Earth, and speak truth wherever they go. They are, however, also horribly maligned by the ignorant masses that they came to wake up, being told daily to: shut up, quit rocking the boat, and stop trying to change things.
Be assured, however, that their reward is beyond imagining, and those who tormented them will
endlessly reap the sorrows of what they did. The Universe will see to it.
For those who go to church, and claim that they “pray”, for the good of the world, BUT DO NOTHING to educate themselves as to what is really and truly happening around them, sadly they are mostly the blind, being led by the blind. To put it bluntly…, YOU will not find truth inside any Church!
They may be good people at heart, but they are being horribly lied to by their pastors, and all the
others who have no idea what’s really going on in those higher frequency levels that are being used
by the Dark Magicians and the Satanists.
At this time, there is only one answer left. Use your power of Consent, and STOP consenting to the
world as it is. This reality is the one the space pirates want for us. They NEED our collective
agreement. Only our collective NON-CONSENT will stop them.
If we do not come together as a planet and kick them off, they will win, because they are so very
close to succeeding.
Bradley Loves: The Great CON of Man – Esoteric’s, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order – Part Six
Why will ONLY “non consent” work for us any longer? Isn’t there a way to fight the Satanists even at this late point in time?
Over the last fifty years, with the help of the Dark Magicians, and other negatively oriented space beings, the worlds leaders, (the controlling puppets) have developed technologies so advanced that fighting them is impossible.
Anti-gravity drive craft, teleportation, plasma beam weapons, large inter-galactic space ships, as well as colonies on the Moon, Mars, and other places, leave them pretty much in charge of any battle we may wish to wage.
However, the biggest weapon they use against us constantly is called Quantum Access or time travel. They have been gathering information on future events and bringing that information back to the past since the early 1970s.
Far more nefarious than most who work in these black budget programs could ever possibly understand, they (who work in these programs) are helping to enslave the planet with their efforts at collecting and transporting future data.
The reason for this is that the Satanists/Dark Magicians realize that Prime Creator has sent Star Seed Souls into the Earth Plane to liberate it. So much of their quantum activities (even though they profusely DENY it), is aimed at IDENTIFYING these souls almost at birth, and then maliciously and savagely targeting these helpless children and their families by literally declaring WAR on them!
Sadly, those who work in these secret programs are not being told the truth. They are told that these humans (little children) that they are targeting are future terrorists, or communists, or serial killers, and that they are the vanguard of some sort of real version of Tom Cruises “future crime division”, where they target and arrest people before they’ve done anything wrong.
“The LIE is different at every level”, is a phrase I believe was coined by a man named Richard Hoagland. He has put out dozens of videos saying that due to compartmentalizations (a mind control tactic) the lie being told is different at every level for those who work in black projects. Men and women are told only enough truth and just enough lies, to get them to do what they are told.
I would like to add my own phrase here that has not gotten so much attention as Hoaglands “the lie is different at every level”
That phrase is this: IF THEY CAN DO IT, THEY ARE DOING IT!
Many military and government officials who are still on the good side believe, (falsely) that there is a limit beyond which dark projects, and experiments will never pass. They believe that when something hideous and depraved is suggested as a project, and that 95 out of 100 generals refuse to do it, the issues is dropped!
Wrong! The 5 generals who will do it are sequestered, transferred and given access to unlimited money while the cover story for everyone else is that “We are not doing that” because it is too evil.
The thing to remember here for the military, is that just because YOU or 94 other people out of 100 would never think of doing hideous things, there are always 5 who will. (Usually for promise of advancement, position, or money).
Compartmentalizations takes away your ability to know for sure, and thus the Dark Magicians are still able to do things even the military has no knowledge of.
What the military really needs to know is this: If it can be done, it is being done! Right under their noses and they’ve lost control. All due to secrecy!
The most powerful weapon Magician and Satanists use against us as a planet and people is SECRECY. Those average humans who support secrecy, thinking we need it, are unknowingly supporting the basest EVIL known to man.
There are many who have talked about the use of teleportation, and time travel within the military.
No one has come forward (except off the record) to talk about the “Targeting” of loving souls trying to help the planet.
Few, if any realize that the secret military has access to what are called Astral Implants, which are not even physical, and can be literally implanted within a person’s Astral Body.
Just like in the Movie the Matrix, where NEO was implanted with a device he thought was only part of a dream, innocent beings really are being implanted with similar devices which operate on a level that can’t even be seen or accessed physically.
Welcome to the world of the Break-Away Civilization! Where things like Zero Point Energy, Holographic Computers, and Astral Implants are common place.
Deep under ground, there are over a hundred secret military bases called: DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases). According to a man named Phil Schneider, (who actually built some of these bases) the technology that they have is far beyond what’s available on the surface. Yet, it is all secret, and more importantly ALL still under the control of the military.
Not knowing about this, does not save the planet from enslavement. It only hastens the day when and if the New World Order can succeed.
The choice however is still up for grabs, but time is growing very short.
You may say what can you do? Please Write Your Own Personal Declaration of Independence and Non Consent. Undo every spell or contract you’ve ever given consent to!
The Dark Magicians need our consent in order not to take a very hard hit and be punished by Prime Creator. Stealing a planet and enslaving the people living on it is AGAINST COSMIC LAW! It brings huge punishment with it. This is why they must get us to want this of our own free will.
Secrecy is the only way they’ve been able to move forward. Stop allowing this secrecy! Stop believing that we need this secrecy! Stop thinking that its good to have secret bases, and secret weapons! These things do not benefit us, because all too soon, they will be used against the very people they were developed to protect and save.
As stated before, Quantum access is being used to target good people in ways most can’t imagine. There are agents being sent back in time, who will actually interact with, and then try to corrupt loving beings in any way possible.
A lovely lady by the name of Laura Magdelane Eisenhower, (President Dwight Eisenhower’s own great granddaughter), is just one such person, who has come forward telling her own story, where her boyfriend tuned out to be a CIA agent who was actually “assigned to her” and supposed to get her to move to Mars, and join the Mars Colony Project.
She was told that she had been identified through the use of “quantum access”, and that a certain group of people were desperate to get her to “join up with an alternative agenda”.
Don’t you wonder what that alternative agenda was, and more importantly WHAT she had done in the future (a future they had already seen, by using quantum access), and were desperately now trying to change.
What she was not told was that (most likely), those who were directing the CIA agent that was working with her, were in fact themselves coming from other parts of time and space.
I highly recommend everyone seeking out her story on YouTube and in other places, since it proves my point in just one case. [Alfred Webre has done two long interviews with Laura that you can view HERE. and HERE ~J]
(note: Lisa Harrison also interviewed Laura in 2012, which can be viewed here)
So why will simply removing “consent” by declaration work then?
Remember that these beings KNOW, they KNOW, they must have your consent on record because not getting it, is breaking your free will. The punishment for that is truly severe. What stops most people from thinking something that simple has teeth, is that they don’t understand the supernatural side to this.
When I wrote my Formal Declaration of Independence and spoke it out loud, nullifying and voiding every contract I’d ever signed. I could not sleep that night because several invisible Energy Beings were in my room begging me to “sign a new contract” immediately.
Over and over again they asked for my “consent”, and signature, which I refused to give. Even though I was talking to blank space, I was not imagining it, and could easily hear these things speaking. Each time I refused, they got angrier and angrier. Finally I started to laugh at them. What is so damn important about having my signature on Cosmic Record I asked, and then they finally left!
The next day, (per my Declaration) other beings, (I could not see them, only hear them) began showing up and begging for forgiveness for what they had done to me all my life.
There was a certain clause within the 25 pages, where I wrote that if any being who had severely harmed me, came to ask for forgiveness, I would not ask Prime Creator to punish them.
Boy did they come! Finally I stopped because I was totally unsure of what these beings had done, or who they were. I finally resolved to take care of this in my Ascended State, in order to more clearly understand what was happening, who these beings were, and what they had done.
What I learned however, is that Every Being living on Earth, from the time they are born, is fooled into consenting to contracts which bind them.
If not by religion, then by government. If not by government, then in some other way. Even the Buddhists, and the Hindus are not immune to contracts in their religions.
Guru’s only take on students by Consent and by verbal contract!
The Catholic Church has always claimed that Baptism was a magical and mysterious rite! An agreement with their god.
It’s magical alright!
You see, even there they did not lie, they tell you that you are entering into a soul agreement with the Church, which (wink, wink, nod, nod) you want, don’t you?
Without that contract in place, far less torment can come to you from the magical realms.
Read what Kevin Annett has written about the last several Popes! Does this institution resemble anything spiritual? Who IS the god of this church anyway?
Here’s another thought. Many who enjoy Christianity, believe that their church has nothing to do with the Vatican. Well that’s blatantly WRONG!
Here’s the proof you can’t ignore! Each year Easter Sunday is celebrated on a different day. It can be anywhere from late February, to middle April. Why the huge distance between possible days?
The Vatican has huge Astronomy Telescopes (a few of them) allowing them to watch the movement of the heavens, which they claim is necessary to calculate the correct date each year.
However, if this were true, the date would only vary by a day or so each way, not by a month. Time does work by skipping back and forth several weeks each year.
What they are looking for, is a certain alignment of planets and planetary bodies which will allow for the most beneficial casting of dark spells for that year.
And, when they decide what day that is – (get ready for it) – Every other Christian Religion takes the day that the Catholics decide on, and then Celebrate it as Easter Sunday as well!
Why don’t they pick their own day?
All the other Christian denominations just do as their told!
Even the Mormon Church celebrates Easter on the very day the Vatican specifies. So, as I’ve said, the Vatican is trying to run the world, and no matter what religion you say is yours, at the top, they take orders from the Vatican.
What am I missing here? It it just me who notices this stuff?
Bradley Loves: The Great CON of Man – Esoteric’s, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order – Part Seven
The fact of the matter is, I could keep writing until the cows come home, since there is now enough evidence everywhere to prove what I’m saying is the truth.
Sure, it’s not all in one place yet, and, yes, we do have to look for it. Just because the information gathering process is NOT EASY, however, does not excuse us as a group from having to do that kind of work. This is why we are here! Those who are supportive of the Satanic New World Order have made it very difficult to figure things out and HIDDEN almost all of the truthful and correct information, while at the same time spreading like proverbial “wildfire” countless untruthful, false, article of “dis”- information.
(Do you think they are terrified that their plans will be exposed?).
The payrolls for internet trolls, fake writers, hacks, and NWO computer geeks has swelled to the extent that it probably rivals the GDP of small countries at this point. THEY are not backing down; nor should we!
Congress passed an emergency law last year giving the CIA permission to LIE in print without having to fear personal prosecution for spreading constant lies. This is just another law we needed for our security??
Let’s expose one of the biggest secrets of our day. The NWO is always talking about terrorists. They were talking about the need to get the terrorists back at 9/11 for the fake Trade Center fiasco, when they passed the Patriot Act to help get those terrorists.
If you look, however, at who they are targeting with these laws, you’ll find that the ones they are the most afraid of ARE TRUTH-TELLERS!
You’ll also remember they’ve been using “time travel” to gather future data, and bring all that information back in time. So naturally, long about 1995 or so, they would have seen the exposure of all of their dastardly plans coming about after 2012.
They needed to immediately pass laws to eavesdrop on everyone in the whole world to get those Terrorists. But in 1995, even the Congress could not see a need for such dastardly laws.
(They weren’t privy to the same time traveled information and data, to which the select few who wanted these laws passed were privy.)
So the real Terrorists, who were “terrifying” them the most, were truth tellers who were going to expose them. Yikes!!! So all of these “world leaders” were actually not lying to us when they told us on television that they were terrified, they just skipped over telling us that what they really were terrified of was the truth coming out!
Now you know why they told all of us that terrorists were everywhere. All of these so called AL Qaida, or ISIS, or any other “fake group” that they are fighting (ones who they claim are terrorists), are in fact their own selves in disguise (CIA dressed in costumes) so that they can JUSTIFY all those very dastardly laws that they passed (Patriot Act) to get to the real terrorists — the truth tellers!
Again BAIT and SWITCH, the ancient CON, used once more because it always works so well.
Thus, you have Edward Snowden, a terrorist, and Julian Assange, a terrorist, because those men don’t like secrecy and exposed the truth. Many internet journalists are now being shut down, hacked, spied upon, and some are even arrested. Some have even been murdered.
Yet the Patriot Act gives the Government the right to kill them because they are telling the truth and they are terrorists.
Now getting back to their “counter the terrorists plan”. We’ve seen it developing over the last 10 years or so. It has been the complete infiltration and hijacking of not only the “Internet Truth Movement”, but the “New AGE Spiritual Movement”, and the “Channeled Message Movement” so that they have dis-info agents, plants and hacks everywhere trying to control and contain, and redirect the message.
How can they possibly do this and get it right? Isn’t it all too big?
– TIME TRAVEL -Quantum Access –
They have been bringing back future data for 50 years. They know the message, who’s presenting it, and who to look for. They also have formulated a way to co-opt the message, redirect it and use it to try to stay in power. The Satanists are using every dirty trick in the book to win!
There are those so called “New Agers” or “Light Workers” who have sat (doing nothing) and listening to Channeled Messages for 30 years or more, not realizing that the Satanists knew very well (from time traveled data) that these messages were problematic. Thus, they devised a very high tech work around, by placing a network of Secret Towers all across the World that were broadcasting VLF and ULF waves to obstruct legitimate channeling and to insert their OWN messages into the channeled stream!
Enter the GWEN TOWERS!
Here is a link to a description PLEASE STOP and read this.
I was told by a former CIA asset personally, face to face, that THIS was the biggest threat the world faces.
Please read the “second sentence” just below the map! This is so very important that I’ll write it here:
– They are also used to send synthetic telepathy disguised as infrasound to those victims of US government mind-control implants. –
Due to the chem-trailing, and the nano-particles in the air, and the food we buy, most humans now have workable implants in them.
Most Channelers, (not all, but most) are receiving synthetic telepathy disguised as infra-sound meaning their so called Spiritual messages are now compromised. This technology is part of the break-away civilizations tool box, along with zero point energy, holographic computers, and Astral Implants
I will not list the many, many channelers that I no longer trust, but I will name one for your benefit, that I think is still on target, and that one is Veronica Keen! The proof that her message is on target, is how blatantly the satanists are attacking her.
The channels that claim that the NWO is gone, is already defeated, that there are no bad ET’s out there, only good ones — are all “compromised” channels. The worst part of that is, they are taking many lighted souls out of service and out action, which of course the Satanists want.
Bradley Loves: The Great CON of Man – Esoteric’s, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order – Part Eight
Posted on October 30, 2014

– Everything we are seeing in the world today HAS to be seen and understood from the point of view that TIME has been compromised! –

One night, I sat watching a video of a lecture being given in a Washington D.C. hotel. The speaker was Phil Corso Jr., the son of the late Colonel Philip Corso, the Army Intelligence Officer who wrote the Book: The Day After Roswell.
Not only was Colonel Corso a highly decorated officer, but he also worked in the White House under Eisenhower and in the Pentagon under Kennedy. He was the first man, as far as I knew, to claim in print (in his book) that there were bases on the Moon, and also on Mars.
His son was giving a lecture on advanced technology and time travel.
“UFO’s are NOT the big secret” he was saying. “In fact, the Government would have come clean with that years ago if not for one thing….”
I watched the younger Corso pause for effect….
“The one thing that the government cannot ever admit to at ANY cost is that TIME HAS BEEN COMPROMISED…This was the one thing that would get anyone, anywhere, killed instantly a few years ago if they disclosed it…”
“At this point,” he continued, “There are some who are more willing to let this kind of thing out now, and I am always told,” he added, “what I can and cannot say in these lectures. Yes, I’ve sold out, but I’m protecting my family,” he finished, frowning sadly.
In the rest of the lecture Corso said that the reason UFOs were secret is that the technology they used in intergalactic flight was, in fact, a type of time travel, and that almost ALL of the conventional physics taught in regular Universities was total bunk. If they talked about UFOs and where they came from, conventional physics would not support travel from that distance. That type of technology itself BY DEFAULT made UFOs a necessary secret.
Later, I remember watching a rerun of the older Corso being interviewed by a late night talk show host when his book first came out. (approx 1991). The question was: How can you even be saying all this stuff and get away with it? I mean there is no one out there in the military backing you up. No one!
I watched the elder Corso smile, as he said, “And have you noticed that all they DO ever say [the military] is: We Have No comment On The Book.”
“Why is that?” The host asked.
“Because I am a Retired Colonel from the US Army in good standing, and any military person anywhere who calls me a liar either in print or on television, I could have thrown into the brig for smearing an officer. My rank still stands.” He added.
“My commanding officer passed away recently, and I am the last officer in charge of the particular intelligence that we were keeping secret.” Since I am the last one living, the decision, whether or not to reveal it falls to me. I choose to tell. There isn’t anyone else who can tell me not to, since this intelligence was not theirs to keep — even a General couldn’t, because he was not read into it.”
After watching that interview, I determined to find out everything about Time Travel, the Moon Base, the Mars Base, and the rest. I went to lectures and watched videos. I got a real break in late 2009 when Andy Basaigo did his first Coast to Coast interview with George Noory, and spilled the beans about Teleportation and Project Pegasus.
It was through Andy that I was able to meet, and talk with his friend Brett Stillings. The man was living near Pasadena, California, and I called him and set up a meeting one day just to talk. He was very happy to meet with me.
He was an interesting man, who, like Andy had told me, was very bright, but after working with the CIA for many years had had his mind severely messed with. Still, he was fun and interesting to chat with, and was very forthcoming in a lot of ways.
We were sitting outside a nice coffee shop, having really great coffee.
“Were you really on Mars?” I asked him, getting right to the point.
He simply nodded affirmatively. “I worked a lot for the CIA afterwards,” he said, and he began to tell me about working with the Grays, certain advanced weapons that the government had gotten from the Grays, and about his life and his Dad’s life, working for the company.
Talking about hand held weapons, “They are literally electro pulse guns,” he said. “Three settings — the first one stuns, the second setting kills, and the third setting will vaporize anything.”
“Sounds like Star Gate stuff to me.” I sighed.
“Yea, but these guns really exist!” he said emphatically.
“Have you ever had it done to you?” I asked him.
“Everybody gets it done to them at least once—on the stun setting — just to see what it feels like, unless you have a weak heart; in that case, even the stun setting might kill you,” he added.
“And they got these from . . . ?” I asked.
“The Grays” he repeated.
We talked for several hours and ended up driving to a very nice park.
“I was almost broke and living on the streets many times,” he said sadly. “That’s what they do to you if you don’t like to play their game— their way. They mess your life up.” He added. “I never liked working for these guys, they can be really abusive.”
I simply stared at him.
“One time I was, actually sleeping on the street with no money, and no place to live, and a guy appeared out of nowhere, and gave me money and a job. I think my Dad sent him from the past.”
“Your Dad?” I asked.
“It must have been time travel” he said, “because the guy who was helping me said they had found out that I was being punished for talking too much, and he was going to save me.”
“Really,” I said intrigued. “Who were you talking to when you said too much?” I asked.
“I don’t know. All I know is that they said I was seen sitting in a park near JPL at a picnic table talking to some guy.”
(We were at a picnic table in a park.)
“Which park were you in?” I asked. “This one,” he said.
Well, what table were you at?” The one we are sitting at,” he smiled.
“What???” I blurted.
He laughed. “I don’t know if you’re the guy or not—maybe not, but even if you are, I’ve already paid for it, so don’t worry.”
Later he showed me his Google Earth page littered with hundreds of dropped pins on every Monument, Military Base, and other locations, as well — with lines of distance, and angles of degrees, written in, making a crazy spiderweb pattern on the globe that appeared on his computer screen.
He said, “these guys are wacko into Magic! There isn’t a Base, a Metropolitan area, a monument, or a church, that isn’t an exact number of distance in miles, or special degree of angle from the next important thing. The whole planet is set up like some wacked out Satanic chess board.” He added. “It’s all magic!”
I left him, thinking that this magic thing needed to be looked into far more deeply.
It was a few months later, after making many contacts on Social Networking Sites that I was contacted by a man I didn’t know. He claimed to also know about Mars, and a few people who had been there.
“I don’t know what you’ve heard, but the Humans from Earth aren’t the only people there.” he wrote.
“Who else lives there?” I wrote back.
“Native Martian humans, and other native Martians, some Grays, but there is also a colony of Anunnaki,” he wrote.
“As I understand it, the Anunnaki are gone!” I shot back him.
“Well that’s not true,” he wrote. “They are still very much around. In fact they think they own the Earth.”
“From what I was told, they abdicated the Earth in the Early 1990s.”
“Nope, still here, at least as far as I know—and on Mars, as of 2004, which came from one of the guys I know who was there.”
“Well, I did happen to see a video of Kerry Cassidy interviewing Bob Dean who sort of ‘halfway’ alluded to the idea that the Anunnaki were still around.”
“They are!” The man said. “In fact, MARDUK, spends a lot of his time in Vegas.”
“THEE Marduk? The jerk who tried to take over the Earth from his family, and enslave everyone living here? That guy is an absolute BRAT!” I wrote back.
There was a very long pause.
“I’ve never heard anyone talk about him like that. Most people are scared of him. You’ve got some cahones saying that in print.” He wrote finally.
“Well, IF he exists, he must be what? 5,000, 10,000, 100,000 years old?”
I wrote.
“He looks about 40,” the man wrote, “Very good looking, and likes to sit at gambling tables all by himself.”
“Well they DONT OWN the Earth!” I wrote angrily. “And they don’t own me!” I added.
“You’re sure brave,” he wrote finally.
“Listen,” I wrote to him, “I am an immortal soul, infinite and eternal. I have Prime Creator backing me up! Only HE is the creator of souls. No other being deserves my respect or awe. I don’t care HOW OLD Marduk is, he will die eventually, and he will pay for any misdeeds like every other soul.”
“Don’t get me wrong,” the guy wrote, “I agree with you, it’s just that the US Military seems to be working with these guys, so we have to be careful.”
“Well that figures .” I wrote back.
“Every time a new alien race comes along, the Military believes everything they say.”
“When will these Military-types turn spiritual, and realize that we are ALL equal souls in the eyes of Prime Creator, AND that no other races out there are more special than the others,—just more advanced.” I said.
The guy then thanked me and left the site that we were on.
That was weird I thought, which finally set me thinking back on my entire life. I spent days going over each year of my life, and my memories of it, and suddenly concluded that very strangely, most of the people I knew, or did work for, or seemed to just pop into my life, were ALL MILITARY!
Some worked for the Navy, Some for the Marines, while others were former assets for the CIA, and other agencies.
Since I’m in construction, and build things for a living, I don’t know how many jobs I was called to do for countless ‘military types.’ It was then that I began to wonder if I, too, was being tracked through time!
Bradley Loves: The Great CON of Man – Esoteric’s, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order – Part Nine
Posted on October 31, 2014
– The LOVE that we have within ourselves is all we need to defeat the dark. Never, Never think that you are powerless-
True Love has always has been the way forward. This is because our REALITY is a collectively created magnetic hologram.
It can be changed through “right action”, and “right thinking”, which is why there is such a dark thing as Mind Control in the first place.
Think logically: Why would the dark NEED to control our thoughts, if they didn’t need us to help them create the dark reality that they dream of.
This is a REAL problem for them. They just can’t take over — they just can’t install what they want on this Earth! At least on some level, they must get our agreement.
Why do they spend billions and trillions of dollars telling us lies on the TV news, trying yet once again to “get our agreement” to go to war ? Or, for any of the other things they want?
It is because on a “supernatural” level they are restricted from creating anything into reality that the masses DONT WANT, or don’t agree to.
So this proves it. They need our agreement, which is another way to say they need our consent!
Just skip over the idea for the moment that they are lying to get it. (Many people are having a very difficult time with that part of the equation.)
Just notice that if MOST of the population is vehemently opposed to something they want, it does NOT happen.
The magicians will tell us if something they want doesn’t get achieved that it wasn’t the right time, or that they changed their mind,. BUNK! They wanted it bad, only they NEED the consent of the masses to get any dark thing to manifest here. That’s the way it works on Earth.
Think of the ENTIRE Earth as if it were a “Wishing Booth” where all you have to do is go in, and make a wish, and your wish comes true.
Only, because there are so many people on the planet, the wish can only comes true when a critical amount of us – let’s just say 20 to 30 percent – all agree on the same thing.
Now you know why it is in the best interest of the Illuminati to OWN all of the media!
If they can sway public opinion in their direction, by repeating over and over again the NEED for something they want, IT REMOVES THE MAGICAL RESTRICTION, against doing something very bad on the planet once they get enough of us to agree (CONSENT).
Because a critical number of us agreed to their plan! That’s ALL they need.
We don’t even have to vote on it, that’s not necessary. The Universe knows our thoughts! Every second of every day, the collective thoughts of the entire planet are recorded and tabulated by the Universe.
If the Cosmic Intelligence sees that half of the USA thinks we need to bomb Syria, then all magical restrictions are removed from stopping the CABAL from doing so. (Since there was collective agreement to do a bad thing).
The sad flip-side to this, however, is that the Karmic lesson for taking such a brutal action gets spread out to all of the souls that agreed to that action, which then made it possible. So those souls take a hit.
Oh Yes! The CABAL knows this. (They are Dark Magicians) They are Satanists. Of course they know this. Do you think they care about any Karmic baggage you will get as a result of believing their lie?
YES, they are lying, fabricating, and misleading us. But the Universe does not care about that. The Earth Reality is like a magical wishing booth, and whatever most of the participants here are wishing for — is EXACTLY what the Earth gets.
Yes, this is a very magical reality. It can do anything. It is a magnetic hologram, which is why the Satanists want it so badly. Their desires and dreams are dark. They want to be a Kings and Queens and rule on high, with nothing but slaves and serfs under them! They want to be able to do anything, without having to ask for, or ever answer for it.
Now how could they ever get there, if they need we the people to agree?
Have you ever read a book, or seen a movie where certain people get so beat down, and so despairing, AND so helpless, that they just accept their fate?
This is HOW it CAN happen. If enough of the living souls on Earth, just roll over and accept what they get, then the Universe will have NO CHOICE but to give them this very hard lesson for their own good.
Still, there is great love for the Earth, AND for those souls who are trapped here! Prime Creator sees everything happening here!
Much to the chagrin of the Dark Magicians, Prime Creator keeps “sending” more and more KIND and loving souls into the mix, which has the effect of stifling and slowing down their progress towards a DARK reality.
NOW can you imagine why the CABAL hates light workers and truth tellers so much? We are standing in their way. We are blocking the path to their New World Order Dream! They can’t “manifest” it unless a critical amount of people on the planet on some level agree to it and ASK for it. They would do this by simply giving up, and giving in!
So, never mind that the CABAL have lied through their teeth, robbed, pillaged and stolen to get us where we now are. As I’ve already said. The Universe does NOT CARE that they are lying to us, it only cares if we “”agree” to what they want.
That’s where the endless mind control, deception, magic, bribes, black mail, murder, and the rest come in. Their idea is to get our agreement through BRUTE FORCE!
So for the masses to be suddenly waking up — and knowing the truth — is their worst nightmare!! They need to SILENCE the truth tellers.
The truth that they are most terrified of is that We can STOP them by removing our CONSENT. It’s the magical key!
We live in a Supernatural reality! They know this! Never mind that they’ve never told us this. YOU know it NOW!
Now is when you can make a new choice! Now is the only time that we have. We must use it to come together in UNITY!
LOVE is the power behind our collective WILL to change our course.
The CABAL wants a dark reality on this planet. What do YOU WANT?
Your vote counts, and is BEING counted as we speak, every moment of every day! The universe sees it, the Cosmic Intelligence knows. Remove your consent to what the CABAL wants for the world.
Use the Declaration Jean Provided!
We can defeat them magically, we can defeat them supernaturally! We can defeat them by playing the same game they are.
They are playing chess, we cannot play checkers and beat them at chess. We have to play chess as well.
Bradley Loves: The Great CON of Man – Esoteric’s, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order – Part Ten
Posted on November 1, 2014
— Every word that we use is part of the Great CON —
A Con that has been going on for a very long time —
Ideas are how we as a species communicate. Words are simply tools that facilitate in that communication. What if at some point in time, in a place in history we no longer remember, our language was actually hi-jacked and re-formulated so that words we are presently using DO NOT MEAN what we think they mean.
The Illuminati prides itself on being smarter than the average “useless eater” living in the world. They use signs and symbols to identify both ideas, and other members within their ranks. Our seeming ignorance is a big JOKE to them, which is why they thought our awakening was next to impossible.
Remember how I wrote in the 1st installment of this series that the very word Con is a negative. Perhaps it’s time to look at a few more words then.
Here’s one: Convict.
A convict, is a “conned” victim, or, a victim of a CON. Remember how I wrote that NO one goes to jail unless their consent is ‘tricked’ out of them first. So our “rulers” have given us this word, to laugh at us right directly into our face, and then they wink-wink to themselves.
Men and women “they” send to prison are “convicts”, or victims of the CON.
Have you noticed that no matter how many of “us” they send to jail, NONE of “them” EVER end up behind bars — or even in a courtroom?
The crimes they commit are both legendary and Cosmic, however — wink, wink, “they” run things, so the law does not APPLY to them.
Another Word: Concept.
A concept is a “conned” thought. It is the idea brought forth as the result of a Con. In this word “cept”, means to “take in”, or to “seize”. In slang, when a person has been conned, we say that he has been “taken”, or he was “taken in” by another’s lies.
All major universities teach our children “concepts”, which here again, is the illuminati’s way of laughing at our so-called education, because we are “taken in” by their lies.
Our species was given a language that has Double Meanings, and Hidden Meanings. The words we are forced to use, do not mean what we THINK they mean. Those who are the Dark Magicians USE this “word magic” against us, knowing all the while we are at a severe disadvantage when we use them.
Again, they think they are so much better and smarter than the common man that they don’t even care.
Getting back to Judge Dale, just one example that he pointed out is that when ANY JUDGE asks you — do you understand these charges I’ve read to you —
They are NOT asking if you comprehend them!
With word magic, “because they are magicians” they believe that words can be both backwards and forwards, thus, they love words which can be read exactly the same backwards and forwards.
In that sense, according to Judge Dale, what the judge is really asking you is this: Do you “stand under” the charges I’ve read to you?”
Which means: are you willing to “agree” to these charges? Do you CONSENT to them? If you do, then let’s have a “trial” in a “court”!
So when you say “yes I understand”, they take that (and reverse it magically) to mean that you agree to “stand under” the charges — and their authority. All by your CONSENT!
Now, “no elite” would ever get caught this way. They understand language. They understand “word magic”. Remember how I said earlier that advanced races don’t even use words, they use telepathy to send ideas.
Our language was given to us by those who “wished us” to be enslaved under them.
So next time a judge asks you, do you understand the charges, say NO!
Once you’ve been fooled into consenting to “stand under” their authority (which you should never do), then you get to “play their game” — The great CON.
So now you go to “court” — All games are usually played on a court. Of course you as the victim are just getting bounced back and forth by the opposing lawyers who are “playing you” like a ball, in their “court.”
And when they are done “playing” with you, and have had enough, (and taken enough of your money) you become the ultimate victim of the CON, and are turned into a CONvict. (Wink, wink)
Nice of these elites to tell us it’s all just a game, a scam, a dog and pony show for the masses. It’s all about managing the useless eaters — and making money off of them.
Most prisons in America are now privately run, which means that they are FOR PROFIT Institutions. They need to make money for their owners and stockholders, which is why there are more people in jail in America than almost all other countries combined!
There are more rules, regulations, and limitations now than ever in the past.
Each new limitation helps in “conning” more people into consenting to the elites authority over them.
Why not, however, BE YOUR OWN AUTHORITY?
Here’s a novel idea. You as an infinite and immortal soul already are YOUR OWN AUTHORITY. Why pray tell, do you then need to be under anyone else’s?
When I said, its all magic, I was not joking! The Dark Magicians, or elites, have their OWN schools for their own children. Their children are taught VERY differently than the commoners’ children. The commoners do not “get” to learn anything of consequence because they are not “worth it” according to the elites.
Here is a great video lecture by Jordan Maxwell.
He is the original “symbologist”, and he understands word magic very well indeed.
The video is called: Magic Dominates The World.

This video is so very informative that I won’t say any more. Just Please watch it!
Bradley Loves: The Great CON of Man – Esoteric’s, the Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control, and the New World Order – Part Eleven
Personal Authority is a most empowering thing! Taking responsibility for one’s life changes completely the way that one thinks and acts.
Right now, many, many souls are greatly frustrated by the CABAL, and by its attempts to limit their freedoms. I’ve already told you how, and why they have no Authority to do that! If you take my advice and watch the Jordan Maxwell video, then you’ll understand that I was telling you the absolute truth.
So, what’s stopping you from taking your power back? Are you so trained to just do what you’re told, that you can’t go against their authority? (which is fictional anyway).
Is freedom THAT scary to you that you would rather NEVER take full responsibility for you own life, being, and existence? Will you always want someone else telling you what to do? This is why the elite think that the useless eaters are helpless without them!
My Brothers and Sisters, the Universe IS WATCHING. It’s counting and tabulating your daily — and your moment by moment — choices to either CHOOSE to be free, OR choose (by your FREEWILL) to keep allowing these psychopaths to tell you what to do, and how to do it.
I’m sorry to be so blatant, and to have to be so honest here, but there ARE ONLY TWO choices: FREEDOM or enslavement. No others, and no in-between.
Freedom will NOT be given to you, because it was never TAKEN from you, according to Prime Creator.
So according to Prime Creator, you must take it back, by your CHOICE.
WE are all his children! How does it help us, if HE indulges the silly notion that we are tiny and powerless, when he gave each of us unlimited power?
What does a parent do when he sees his perfectly healthy child rolling on the ground saying — I can’t walk, I can’t walk, when his legs are perfectly fine?
The parent smiles and says: your legs are fine, they are not broken, GET UP. (This is how simple it is.)
The people running this planet are psychopaths! So, don’t listen to any of them. Their laws “do not apply” to you anyway. If you wish, re-read this entire series to find out why. Watch the Jordan Maxwell video. He will tell you the same thing. Read chapter five of Judge Dales e-book, he will tell you the same thing! The cat is out of the bag. Will you choose to learn?
So, IF you are waiting for your personal freedom to be given back to you, THAT will never happen. Certainly the Dark Magicians are not going to show you where the key is to get out of their prison! They want you there!
IF THEY are not going to give you your freedom, then you must TAKE IT BACK!
You do this by CLAIMING IT. Use the Declaration Jean provided.
Then you refuse their authority over you. Watch the first 30 minutes of the Jordan Maxwell video again. He, by the way, has dozens and dozens of videos on YouTube, each one very important! Spend two or three days watching only him! Learn what he knows!
Click Here to view all youtube videos by Jordan Maxwell.
All of our lives, we’ve been lied to, so we need to take time to learn the truth. If, after all of this, you do not re-claim your freedom, then you will remain a slave by your own choice.
Since the dark, is not showing you the key, I, and many others like me, are willing to show you where it is. It is in your very own courage to BE Free by choice.
As I’ve said, Prime Creator cannot give you back your Freedom, because it is NOT gone! He did not take it, YOU GAVE IT UP TO OTHERS.
And, by now you can see that those to whom you gave it are all totally insane, so why would you waste one more second following their rules or their authority?
FREEWILL is the greatest gift any man or woman can have. To throw it away is a mistake. But, if you do, then, by your own choice, you will learn the very hard lesson of what REAL enslavement is all about.
Learn, learn, learn the magic by which they trick you. Read Judge Dales e-book. Yes, you were lied to, but please get over that and move on to freeing yourself.
I offer this in the most profound love and respect to my living family.

Thanks to: http://the-one-network.org

3The Great CON of Man Empty Re: The Great CON of Man Sun Nov 16, 2014 4:55 pm


A friend of mine sent me a list of books to read from this site


I think they are what this post is about.

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