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Kevin Annett Brouhaha

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1Kevin Annett Brouhaha Empty Kevin Annett Brouhaha Sat Dec 27, 2014 1:33 pm



Kevin Annett Brouhaha

Posted on December 27, 2014 by David Robinson
Posted By: Arleigh
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
I have a hard time believing Kevin Annett is some kind of operative.
The sort of black ops that Mr. Annett is accused of being a part of are always run by the RCMP in Canada and I can’t see them being allowed for any reason whatsoever to release the kind of information that Annett has publicized, namely that the so-called lone serial killer Robert Picton was actually a member of a group of Satanic worshipers associated with the upper echelons of the Hells Angels and provincial movers and shakers. The involvement of the Hells Angels was completely scrubbed from this story by the MSM under repeated publication bans until the public simply forgot about this element of the story.
And discussion of Canadian pedophile rings? No way, Jose, that is never allowed to be discussed publicly in any way, shape or form. Certainly not as a black op that would simply encourage more victims to come forward.
I’m not convinced

Thanks to: http://mainerepublicemailalert.com

2Kevin Annett Brouhaha Empty Re: Kevin Annett Brouhaha Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:13 pm



Kevin Annett Exposed as Controlled Opposition? [video]

I have not yet been able to watch the video above. I got 13 minutes in.
While I prefer to refrain from badmouthing Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, it’s not looking good for Kevin Annett.
It’s not only Alfred Webre who is airing these charges, either.
Our Lightworker29501, Patrick, was supposedly on the jury for an ITCCS case in Toronto awhile back, and he said nothing became of his application.
Annett wouldn’t return his calls/emails, Annett only had one phone number for this so-called ITCCS group who were going after the murdering child molesters, and he believed Annett was a fraud.
Annett had been working with the lawyer, Bowman, and that alliance ended quickly and abruptly.
I didn’t get the feeling Annett was anything but what he claimed, and watched to see what would happen, if anything, of all the talk, arrest warrants, etc., and despite what he has written about, apparently nothing has.
Others have shared similar experiences, and I don’t believe at this point that there is anything that can wrest Kevin from the vat of festering evidence against him and the spectral ITCCS.
What does this mean for the liberation movement?
I certainly have a lot of questions.
For example… where did the court transcripts shared from Brussels come from? Are they pure fantasy?
Does this mean the people arrested after trying to share the ITCCS information were deliberately targeted—routed out from the many activists who seek to expose this morbid truth?
Were the incidents in Montreal where officials claimed to have arrested those involved in the planned child sacrifices a sham?
What REALLY happened with the situation in Ireland?
What about the common law court situation and the Republic of Kanata that Annett claims to be spearheading?
Is EVERYTHING we’ve been told about the activities of the ITCCS a lie?
And was this whole thing a plan to make us complacent; believing “authorities” were taking care of the problem?
Where does the lie begin and the truth end?
Something to think about.  ~ BP

Thanks to: http://starshipearththebigpicture.com

3Kevin Annett Brouhaha Empty Re: Kevin Annett Brouhaha Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:33 pm



One thing was a lie, and I said so here on this very forum.

No one was going to be allowed to get anywhere near "the person of the Monarch" in London...the arrest of Lizzy2 was a complete made up piece of nonsense.

As for the rest?, if one piece of the puzzle is fake.....

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