How do we know this isn't just another scam? I remember the idea of an alien invasion was to be expected and it was fake and not to be fooled. I don't know what to believe anymore.
WE don't know. We follow our gut. I place Alfred in the Caution section for a reason. There is a lot of bad press on him. Also he aligns himself with people that he then turns on like Annett for example.
I know someone that tried to get his help on a huge story and he slammed the door in her face.Then later he tried to back pedal and pretend to lend advise.
I have personally had my own experience with him. He was asking for help on Exopolitics for an admin. I applied and did do some work for him for a short time. What they expected was unreasonable given the fact that this was a volunteer position. They required at least a minimum of 2 hours of your time daily posting their articles all over the internet. Though I am a member on many many sites it was not something that took hours per day. But I am sure that others were more dedicated than I to furthering his agenda.
The very fact that you are questioning this leads me to believe that you are a level headed person with great instincts. And those instincts are telling you that this might be more of Alfreds bs.
Just so you know..... The reason that I do post some of his things is so that people DO question it. So hat tip to you am. :) Thanks...
Here is a perfect example of how Alfred works. His latest is attacking Michael Tellinger. If we go back and research I will bet that at one point he pushed Tellingers info. He waffles back and forth. Which is okay but maybe he needs to investigate these people first before he hooks his horse to their cart to begin with. He discredits himself in not doing his due diligence at the start from my perspective.
Michaels responce:
Michael Tellingers response to Webre and Credo Mutwa: My vision is peace in the world. I blame myself for Michael Tellinger & Zulu Planet’s malfeasance on their contract
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This editor is working diligently at holding a sacred neutral point of observation during all the mudslinging that began in December between highly influential personalitys we’ve all become quite familiar with over the last few years. As all of this chaos unfolds in our community it’s also mirroring the geopolitical arena’s, as well as very dramatic Earth changes. Upheaval is virtually everywhere we look. Knowing that 3D reality has illusionary properties where “things aren’t always as they seem”, IMHO at this stage in the game it’s best to sit back, get comfortable and wait for the Finale curtain when all the players take to the stage and hold hands for a bow. The End. Great show, everyone played their role as scripted by Prime Creator ~ no judgement on our behalf. We ALL Graduate….it is already done!
Michael Tellinger’s letter to Alfred Webre posted on Facebook January 9, 2015
It has come to my attention that I, and my integrity have come under attack by Alfred Lambremont Webre, whom I believed to be my friend and ally in the global movement of higher consciousness. The email below is what I responded in my defence and is a pre-emptive response to Alfred’s slanderous attack on me and the UBUNTU Movement – for those that may stumble upon it on the internet. Dear Alfred Webre and friends I write this email with great sadness in my heart because I do believe that we are friends and share a common passion for truth, integrity, uniting humanity in the face of severe division. I am deeply saddened about the fact that you did not take the time to call me personally, since you have my personal cell phone number, or at least email me, to verify the slanderous attacks against me and UBUNTU – but instead you simply jumped right in and publicly promoted this false and libellous information that you received without verifying its legitimacy and accuracy. Louise and I received several emails from UBUNTU members around the world bringing to our attention your remarks and comments about our integrity, accusing us of all kinds of things that are all lies and half truths – demanding that we declare our integrity and explain our actions. This is obviously a huge shock to us as we pride ourselves of doing everything above board and displaying the highest level of honour and integrity in EVERYTHING we do. I was stunned when I watched your latest YouTube interview posted 6 Jan 2015, which confirmed your public attacks on me, implicating me and UBUNTU in all kinds of dirty activity. For the record: You were one of several hundred people who received emails from a man called Mike van Niekerk, who has developed a personal vendetta against me and started a public smearing and defamation campaign against me – claiming to destroy me and UBUNTU. For your benefit and others, I put it on record to you and everyone else who may come across this information in cyberspace in future. I state here in full honour and integrity that all the information distributed by this venomous individual is a compilation of malicious lies, half-truths and distorted facts to suit his personal agenda against me. You Alfred, together with a number of well known people, have spent time with me at my home in Waterval Boven, we spent time going to the ruins, the museum and Adam’s Calendar – you know the lay of the land and you have a good idea of who we are, where we live and what we do. I was therefore horrified to see that you simply took this unconfirmed attack on me and started spreading this slanderous information to those who follow your work and have a high regard for your own integrity. I do expect you to do the right thing to dissolve this situation. Here are some simple facts about the attacks on me and Mike van Miekerk: Mike van Niekerk is NOT the vice president of UBUNTU Party as he claims – if he was, his name would have been on the ballot in the elections in South Africa on the 7th of May 2014 – so this is very easy for anyone to verify and make quick determination that he is a liar. He has no current connection to UBUNTU in any way other than being my friend in the past. My relationship with Credo Mutwa is very healthy and many have tried to drive a wedge between us since 2009 already. Kerry Cassidy was at the centre of this initial attack back then and she can verify my integrity in this. It can also be verified by Mel V, a South African journalist living in Holland, who has since apologised to me for causing me so much harm and stress by being one of the original distributors of those false allegations. In about 2009 – an anonymous caller told Credo that he had deposited a large sum of money for him – but he deposited it into my account apparently. He asked Credo if I had given the money to him – to which Credo obviously replied that he had not receive any money from me, via this anonymous caller. After I invited this criminal to expose himself and declare into which account he made the so-called deposit, he simply vanished, leaving a lot of debris in the wake. This allegation has long been cleared and you can read the full story on the Project Camelot website. I am exhausted defending myself against this allegation. I respect and honour Credo for what he has contributed to humanity and I make my feelings known publicly all the time. I do not owe Credo any money and I have not dishonoured any contracts with him whatsoever. This is just a continuation of previous attacks and malicious lies that have simply resurfaced. I do have an agreement with Credo for the sales of his DVD for which all the money has been paid to him. ARREST: There is a warrant of arrest for Mike van Niekerk issued by the SAPS (South African Police Services) on the 22nd December 2014, which will be executed today because of his continued public smearing campaign and personal attacks against me and UBUNTU. A copy of this warrant of arrest is attached for all to see. Kevin Annett – I do not know much about Kevin Annett and I certainly have not made any public statements about my support for him. I have no knowledge about his legitimacy or any alleged transgression he may have committed or any claims against him by Alfred Webre and others. I posted one video clip of Annett on my FB page – since the information in his video was interesting and could hold some benefit for the people of Canada. That is my entire connection to Kevin Annett. In closing – I do recognise that I will be under severe energetic attack because of the work that we do with the UBUNTU movement and our personal lives. Many of you will resonate with this simple reality we face right now. So I ask all those that follow our work to be discerning and not to believe every gossip story you hear or read on the internet, or so-called evidence that is presented in support of some unverified activity. Do your own homework, and research and be vigilant against architects of division – because that is the antithesis of what the UBUNTU Movement promotes. I trust that this response is sufficient to put all this stuff to rest and allow us to continue uniting people around the world. In pure truth and unity Michael Tellinger
January 13, 2015 By Alfred Lambremont Webre 1 Comment
Credo Mutwa: My vision is peace in the world. I blame myself for Michael Tellinger & Zulu Planet’s malfeasance on their contract
By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON YOU TUBE
KURUMAN, SOUTH AFRICA – On a sofa in his home in rural Kuruman, South Africa Credo Mutwa, South African Zulu sangoma or traditional healer, author, and prophet, sits next to Virginia Mutwa whom he calls his sister wife. Africa as humanity’s birthplace Credo first touches on themes of Africa as the birthplace of humanity and how his discovery through an early mentor Prof. Raymond Dart that Africa was the birthplace of humanity had led to his work to bring together African and Native American communities after discovering that the Inuit and Zulu words for dwelling were similar (Igloo and Iglu). As an author, Credo Mutwa is credited with co-writing “The Reptilian Agenda” series with David Icke. “What I did not know was the viciousness of people seeking the same things I was” “My grandfather said never blame other people, you have yourself to blame,” Credo said when asked of the current controversy as to whether publisher Michael Tellinger of Zulu Planet has honored his March 27, 2010 contract with Credo Mutwa to produce and distribute a DVD of a September 2008 video-recorded talk between Credo Mutwa and Tellinger and “pay Credo Mutwa 50% of all NETT profit from the sales of the DVD/interview.” [Ed. Note – See Contract below Appendix I] Asked if he had ever received any money from Tellinger under the contract for sales of the DVD, Credo Mutwa looked at Virginia and both stated emphatically, “No.” Credo & Virginia Mutwa’s response that Michael Tellinger and Zulu Planet Publishers have never provided them a proper accounting or payment under the contract is confirmed in this interview. Michael Tellinger’s statements that not a single DVD was sold in the almost five year term of Credo & Virginia’s contract is not credible absent a proper accounting, as was done in the case of Planet Zulu author Johan Engelbrecht, the author of the book, Kaffertjie published by Zulu Planet.
Investigations with CCN’s Mel Ve: Interview with Credo & Virginia Mutwa regarding Michael Tellinger
Credo Mutwa’s books include:
Indaba, My Children (1964). ISBN 0-8021-3604-4, 1st American edition (March 1999)
Zulu Shaman: Dreams, Prophecies, and Mysteries. ISBN 0-89281-129-3, 2nd edition (10 October 2003)
Songs of the Stars. ISBN 1-886449-01-5, 1st edition (May 2000)
Africa Is My Witness, Johannesburg: Blue Crane Books, 1966. ISBN unknown
The Reptilian Agenda with David Icke and Credo Mutwa – the complete series.
My People, the Writings of a Zulu Witch-Doctor (Penguin Books, 1977)[1] ISBN 0-14-003210-X
Recommended Reading ETs perform Love-Christ-Islam symbols over Jimmy Carter UFO friend Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness – An Editorial Positive timeline: Positive 2016 US President, contrary to Matrix time travel pre-identification? by Alfred Lambremont Webre VIDEO: Alfred Webre: Positive timeline transforms planned 2015 U$dollar collapse into Sovereignty, BRICS Golden Age Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News Tips: [1] Alfred Lambremont Webre, Articles on the 2010 BP Oil Spill,
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