Change of pace: Crows exhibit advanced rational thinking on par with the globalists, apes and monkeys
at 01:00 Posted by Vatic MasterVatic Note: I decided that if we, the goyim, can be called "Cattle", then the least I can do is match it with crows. At least we recognize crows can do things without training, OR DRILLS OR WAR GAMES. LOL Crows also succeed in doing what they do best which is surviving. Not so of many other species, along with some humans as well.
Heck some humans make themselves so dangerous to the rest of humanity that they can become a target based on fear of them. Now how smart is that? Not very smart at all. Crows at least socialize with each other and keep their competitiveness at a civilized level. Thats more than some humans do. So much for downgrading the animal kingdom, when some humans act dumber than the birds do.
The bankers are so "Crow smart" that they have just lost Greece out of the Euro and the EU. Greece, according to their finance minister is dumping the fiat currency system, reclaiming their sovereignty and will be issuing debt free Greek currency. So maybe, the crows could stand in for these globalist NWO slave work force? Well, at least for those jobs that don't require muscle.
Good luck, Greece, check out our North Dakota state bank, free of fiat currency and see how very well they have done during these bleak times. They beat out every Rothschild international bank in profitability and growth within the state through their lending decisions. Even the WSJ has expressed cudos for the banks' performance during these down times.
Crows exhibit advanced rational thinking on par with humans, apes and monkeys
by Jennifer Lilley, The Unhived Mind, January 3, 2015
Plenty of information exists demonstrating the intelligence of humans, apes and monkeys. From people’s technological inventions to apes that have learned sign language, it’s clear that the ability to think on advanced levels exists across a variety of species. Now, researchers have a new animal to add to the list of rational thinkers: crows.
That’s right. Crows.
While the large black birds are often thought of as creatures with a caw on par with nails on a chalkboard, capable of not doing much more than picking at roadkill and piercing the insides of trash bags, it turns out that there’s much more to these animals’ brain power.
Crows’ analogical ability surprises, impresses researchers.
Researchers from the Department of Biology at Lomonosov Moscow State University in Moscow, Russia, tested two hooded crows, assessing their ability to engage in IMTS (identity matching-to-sample) tests. After initially being trained using a food-based reward system to identify and match certain shapes, numbers or colors, they were then tested on their relational-to-matching sample (RTMS) behavior. This part of the study involved arrangement of shapes so that neither test pairs matched the sample pair in the middle.
For example, if the sample card showed two same-sized squares, the crows would have to select two same-sized circles instead of two different-sized circles. Not only were the crows able to accurately choose the correct card, but — and this is the part that most impressed the researchers — they did so without explicit training.(1)
Ed Wasserman, a psychology professor at the University of Iowa and corresponding author of the study, expressed the significance behind the fact that the crows chose the correct card without training. “That is the crux of the discovery,” he said. “Honestly, if it was only by brute force that the crows showed this learning, then it would have been an impressive result. But this feat was spontaneous.”(1)
The study, appropriately titled, “Crows Spontaneously Exhibit Analogical Reasoning,” was published in Current Biology. It was also authored by the Russian researchers, who provided in-depth details and conclusions regarding the finding. That article states:
Many theorists deem analogical thinking to be uniquely human and to be foundational to categorization, creative problem solving, and scientific discovery. Comparative psychologists have long been interested in the species generality of analogical reasoning, but they initially found it difficult to obtain empirical support for such thinking in nonhuman animals.(2)
In its summary, it concludes:
Initial evidence suggested that only humans and apes can successfully learn RMTS with pairs of sample and test items; however, monkeys have subsequently done so. Here, we report that crows too exhibit relational matching behavior. Even more importantly, crows spontaneously display relational responding without ever having been trained on RMTS; they had only been trained on identity matching-to-sample (IMTS). Such robust and uninstructed relational matching behavior represents the most convincing evidence yet of analogical reasoning in a nonprimate species, as apes alone have spontaneously exhibited RMTS behavior after only IMTS training.(2)
Findings demonstrate the need to stop “human arrogance” that ignores animals’ wisdom
“For decades such reasoning has been thought to be limited to humans and some great apes. The apparent spontaneity of this finding makes it all the more remarkable,” said Anthony Wright, neurobiology and anatomy professor at the University of Texas-Houston Medical School. He hones in on the fact that many humans tend think that they are superior, hardly even considering that other animals think in ways they do.(1) (VN: hmm, sounds like the globalists)
“We have always sold animals short,” Wasserman said. “That human arrogance still permeates contemporary cognitive science.”(1)
In other studies, ravens — a kind of large-bodied crow — has been shown to alter their social interaction outcomes in order to obtain food and protection.
Furthermore, pigs have been able to move computer cursors around on a screen in experiments that proved their ability to differentiate between scribbles they recognized and ones they did not.(3)
The list goes on.
Elephants have been able to demonstrate self-awareness by recognizing themselves in mirrors, while squirrels exhibit behaviors which indicate that they are able to interpret the behavior of others.(3)
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Thanks to Vatic Master at: