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Ying Yang

  • Empowerment
  • Esoterica

by Iam Saums -  Mar 6, 2015
7 43

Ying Yang........ Ying-Yang

Iam Saums
Contributor, ZenGardner.com
“Most will take and few will give.  Most die daily while few truly live.”

A Shadow of Power

Society is rife with human beings whom are raised, conditioned and educated into selfishness.  It is a game in which there is always one winner and the rest are losers.  Yet, there are no winners in this game.  There is only envy, division, competition, greed and unfulfilled desire.  This is and has been the design of social existence since before there was human awareness enough to identify and quantify it.  Where once we stepped up to help another in need or extend our listening beyond base necessity, now we find it challenging just to show up for our own life.  Apathy, denial and cynicism have distorted the heart of human nature.
The dynamic of society is built upon the standards, wants, perceptions and strategies of the few at the cost of the many.  This insidious model stands as a monument to our daily enslavement.  It is a system that not only seizes our time and the best experiences of our youth and middle age; it claims our creative expression and life force.  The agendas of the few are most often relative to the sociopathic lunacy endemic in business, politics, finance and entertainment.  These are the societal domains that have become ordinary distractions promoting opposition, greed and artificial fulfillment.
There is one thing that the few have in common. They all embezzle power from others.  They are parasites that feed upon a host.  Unfortunately, we are the host.  As dependent as we may believe we are of corporations, governments, banking institutions and the media, the few are even more reliant of our participation in their diabolical rackets.  They alter the very nature of the reality in which we live to support their means to this end.  Without our involvement, their structures of control and manipulation would vanish amidst the brilliance of the critical mass, global consciousness that is growing evermore with every minute of every day.

Solar and Lunar Beings

Most human beings in the world are “lunar” in character, meaning they rely upon external influences for motivation, acceptance, purpose and reference.  They are the passive force of humanity, the wallflower who watches the world go by.  Lunar Beings cheer for their favorite actor, politician, athlete or personality and subconsciously live vicariously through them.  They are the effect, the echo and habitually the victim.  Lunar Beings qualities are most often defined from without and their footprints in the sand disappear long before they are made.  Like the moon, they rely upon the light of others to be illuminated.
Solar Beings are at the source of their lives.  They are naturally radiant with positive energy, inspiration and intention.  Their first inclination is to share, relate with and empower others.  They are transcendent yet grounded into their physical life.  Solar beings sense and live all possibility.  They realize that fear is simply a raw energy to be transformed into an expression of love.  They are mostly left and right-brained balanced with a solid connection to their intuition.  Their macrocosmic understanding and multi-dimensional lifestyle aligns them with something much greater than themselves.  The life of a Solar Being is one of service for the sake of all.
Solar Beings are often targeted, demeaned and ridiculed.  They are the lone candle in a dark room, easily seen, envied and chastised for their outgoing, confident and beaming spirit.  Where Lunar Beings tend to influence things in subtle, covert and gradual ways, their counter parts thrive in the radiance of their unbridled expression and their need to be related with all.  Much like the Moon with the Sun, Lunar Beings place themselves in opportune positions to reflect the vibrant and empowering energy of Solar Beings.  The only difference between a Solar Being and a Lunar Being is one’s choice to be the cause of their fullest potential.

The Eternal Dance

Our society is imprisoned in a three-dimensional reality manufactured for the sole purpose of distracting, hypnotizing, entertaining and terrorizing its victims into a walking, thinking and working slumber.  While we are idly competing and fighting for our survival and those of our families, the commercial, political and financial screws are tightened continually beyond their threshold.  We are pitted against each other in an ancient, secret, exclusive and costly game of thrones.  With casualties that far outweigh the spoils of this war we call “life.”
The design of our daily existence is a vicious cycle of selfishness embodied in our pursuits of status, wealth, possession, instant gratification and archaic, empty achievements.  Everyday, we willingly sacrifice our visions, dreams, creativity, energy, personal power and integrity to an elusive vortex that hides behind the tapestry of our contemporary societal structures.  We are segregated from all that is true, just, righteous and possible to sustain a reality of disease, lack, illusion, obsolescence, monetary acquisition and simulated control and power.  Our life is not given to us to live; it is taken from us to serve the few at the gravest cost, our soul’s expression.

Lion Heart

The world is becoming conscious of the inequality, inhumanity, hostility and the horrific and elaborate networks of financial, corporate and political influence the few hold over the many.  In the wake of these realizations, it is almost impossible to maintain our balance, optimism, sensibility, peace and possibility.  What is more vital than our awareness of these enduring issues is how we respond to them.  It is almost inevitable that conscious people will have an instinctual reaction of anger, upset, frustration, hopelessness, helplessness and resignation.  After all, these are the very states of being the few need from the many to divide, conquer and rule.
The powers of dark and light shift to and fro unseen and un-sensed by the many.  The social undercurrents we feel and often contest with our distractions, denial and right-brain intelligence gather gravity and potency to enable this age-old, ill begotten chess match for false power.  Few will rise to face and many will yield to fall for the grandest illusion ever devised in the history of humanity, the fear of fear.  For it is not the engineered reality we should dread.  It is our unidentified, un-manifested and unexpressed truth, purpose and destiny that are the greatest tragedies the world will ever know.
We are all both Solar and Lunar beings.  Whichever one we are primarily is based upon our choices, our passion, our intention and our lifestyle.  Global transformation calls for lion hearted people to stand and speak amidst so many whom are kneeling and silent.   It is our common life path to encourage and empower others simply by whom we are being. When our response is taken with rage, arrogance and agenda, we will continue to enable our enslavement. When our stand is made with creativity, amity, ahimsa, happiness and love, our freedom is fulfilled.
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