Light = Element Number Zero
Posted on March 26, 2015 by Citizen Pariah Leave a comment“All systems of thought – bar the correct one – fail at the first hurdle … on what they assume to be true rather than what actually is true.
Science, expressed through chemistry, begins with the basic axiom, the core assumption, that the elements start at atomic number one and build up from there. No effort whatsoever is put into explaining why there is no element with atomic number 0. The question is not even considered. It’s regarded as self-evidently impossible and even ridiculous. Already, we are in the presence of the dogmatic, ideological, blinkered thinking that dominates science and is now proving fatal to science’s attempts to establish a grand unified theory of everything.
If scientists were open-minded, rational people, they would realise that the element with atomic number zero is in fact at the heart of science and is referenced all the time. Have you guessed what it is yet? If this element were put at position zero in the periodic table, ahead of hydrogen at position one, the whole of science would change overnight. This tiny change would usher in the ultimate paradigm shift and switch science away from the failed philosophy of empiricism and materialism to the correct philosophy of rationalism and idealism, defined by ontological mathematics. What do you know of from science that is massless and has no extension? Here’s a clue, it’s all around you, and it’s not air.
It is of course LIGHT. All particles of light (photons) qualify, i.e. photons of every conceivable frequency and wavelength. Since we can’t identify any photon as more fundamental than any other (i.e. they are all massless, dimensionless and travel at the same speed), the principle of sufficient reason states that we must consider them as a collective group. This means that the zero element is actually made of a complete and consistent set of ALL POSSIBLE PHOTONS. Such a set is also known as a mathematical monad, the basic unit of ontological mathematics. Monads are autonomous, unextended Cartesian minds. They are light beings … they are SOULS.
The first element is literally the mathematical monadic soul, made of light. If the soul were placed as the first element in the periodic table, science would be changed forever, and, for the first time ever, autonomous mind would appear in science.
Amazingly, even the ancient Greek Atomists spoke of “soul atoms”, although these were conceived in material terms (as perfectly smooth, spherical, bright, light, fire atoms). The Greeks, unlike modern Atomists, weren’t stupid enough to dispense with the soul.
We have provided the means to reinsert the soul into Atomic theory, and we have done so via massless, dimensionless LIGHT. A full set of photons constitutes a soul. What could be simpler?
The soul is outside space and time because photons are outside space and time. Photons are infinitely time dilated, meaning that time doesn’t pass for them, and they are infinitely length contracted, meaning that they have no extension. Exactly the same is true of souls.
The soul is massless and immaterial because photons are massless and immaterial. And thus souls, like the photons of which they are made, are immortal and indestructible, exactly as religion has always said. The zero element is light – THE ENTIRE LIGHT SPECTRUM – and the light spectrum is simply the mind/soul. There’s nothing weird, spooky or “woo woo” about the soul. It’s pure science, pure math!”
Light – Mathematical Monism
Mathmonism – Here’s the quick guide to modern philosophy. Modern philosophy began with Descartes, the first of the rationalist school. The other two major rationalists were Spinoza and Leibniz. The rationalist school was opposed by the Empiricist school led by Locke, Berkeley and Hume. Kant brought…
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