I am a 60 year old, first waver, that was and still is an active participant in what is now referred to as the 60's Revolution. For months we passed out flyers on street corners, concerts, schools, etc. to invite people to join us in peaceful protest at the Chicago Democratic Convention. Turned out to be an impressive showing. Imagine what could be accomplished with today's technology and instant social media reach! The time has come for all of you "awakened" indigo's and Gen x'ers to stand up and do your part. The time has come for the military and police forces to question those that demand they kill their fellow humans in cold blood. The time has come to demand that our water, food, air and meds STOP being poisoned. The time has come to join the daily global protests against the US war agenda and the Rothschild war machine. We are not aware by accident. We are here to herald the new age. WWIII is not going to stop itself. It is up to ALL of us to participate in the GLOBAL DEMAND for PEACE! The TIME HAS COME TODAY and it is ticking down to the annihilation of over half the world population! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!
I am a 60 year old, first waver, that was and still is an active participant in what is now referred to as the 60's Revolution. For months we passed out flyers on street corners, concerts, schools, etc. to invite people to join us in peaceful protest at the Chicago Democratic Convention. Turned out to be an impressive showing. Imagine what could be accomplished with today's technology and instant social media reach! The time has come for all of you "awakened" indigo's and Gen x'ers to stand up and do your part. The time has come for the military and police forces to question those that demand they kill their fellow humans in cold blood. The time has come to demand that our water, food, air and meds STOP being poisoned. The time has come to join the daily global protests against the US war agenda and the Rothschild war machine. We are not aware by accident. We are here to herald the new age. WWIII is not going to stop itself. It is up to ALL of us to participate in the GLOBAL DEMAND for PEACE! The TIME HAS COME TODAY and it is ticking down to the annihilation of over half the world population! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!