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Earth Releasing Long Dormant Energies BECAUSE You Are Ready to Receive!!!!

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Earth Releasing Long Dormant Energies BECAUSE You Are Ready to Receive!!!!

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Earth Releasing Long Dormant Energies BECAUSE You Are Ready to Receive!!!! Quantum-energy-releasing-recieving
The one thing I am sure of… something huge happened in our sleep time last night.  What??  I have no freakin clue, but something did, I know it.  I was put down to sleep at 9pm.  Meaning, I couldn’t keep my eyes open to save my life.  Also, my cell phone went to sleep with me with a fully charged battery.  This morning I woke up shocked that I slept for a solid 8 hours (that hasn’t happened in a while) at 5am and my cell phones battery was completely dead while my inner battery felt completely charged.  YAY??  I now have a morning ritual of saying “hello” to myself to see if I can hear myself lol, Linda Blair is back!!!  YAY!!  For the last two days, any sort of audio attempt was akin to gargling on glass shards and barely produced a whisper.  So when I tried again this morning and that eerie exorcist sound came out… OMG I never felt so happy!!!  Monday my team told me to clear my schedule thru Wednesday, which I did…. here’s hoping I am back in the game tomorrow!!!  I am still being quiet today, I learned my lesson from Sunday!!  lol
It’s kinda funny really, as I sit here pondering what to share…  my team as me on lock down with a lot of things I am learning thru this May Course group and trust me, there is sooooooo much I want to share… I suddenly see the energy of the ocean and a massive geyser erupting out from the depths of the ocean.  Now given all the earth events happening this month… am I seeing what is coming or what is happening??  Maybe both!!
The ocean, the depth of spirit, the depth of pure emotion, always in movement, always in motion.  Like each one of us, whether we realize it or not, always affected by the motion of the moon, the wind the air the sun… all elements gather together to form the ebb and flow of Life.  But what happens when a geyser erupts?  A massive opening of long dormant energies being released to the elements of the air to travel far and wide to all that are ready and open to receive.
With that thought, I am given much more clarity with something that moved thru me last evening that I shared on my super powers exchange on facebook.  I can share that here… actually must share that here for everyone to really feel with and deeply understand:
There is a massive responsibility we have the more we open to all that we are. The first and biggest responsibility is to remove all judgement (emotional charge against anything.) Everything in this world, no matter what it is, is made up of energy. All energy is God/Creator/Source energy. Humans have been given the gift, the responsibility as their frequency increases, to maintain that energy, that purity in all things within themselves. In purity, nothing can harm anything. Should we have a negative feeling about something, that creates a negative charge within that something and becomes destructive because we changed its purity to what we judged it to be.
Very few individual people have the power/energy, to change something so drastically. This is usually done via a collective, a group of people who hold that thought, that judgement.  However, as you raise your frequency, your light and… you become your own collective of energy and you change things immediately. If you are judging anything, something good for you or bad for you, better for you or worse for you, go inside and neutralize it all. See the Light it is and honor its place in creation. It is more important than you may realize.
So this geyser that I am seeing is serving to release, completely clear and cleanse any remaining judgement for those open and ready to go higher!!! Equally, it is completely realigning the core (within the humans ready to zoom beyond imagination) to profound understandings and applications.
Earth, all versions of earth, is changing.  Humans are changing.  There is a massive shift in power underway.  It is all happening thru YOU and because of YOU.  Even if all you perceive yourself as doing is dealing with your inner chaos/issues/ stuff… change ALL-WAYS must start there.  You can never change the world if you never start with yourself.  The moment you change yourself for the better, the world around you cannot help but change.  Which creates changes beyond your personal world.  OMG, suddenly and for the first time…. so freakin clearly… I see the gyroscope.  I have seen gyroscopes in readings off and on thru the last several years, but until today, never realized the magnitude of it all.  I have found a brilliant website that can really give us a simple to understand/apply correlation to you (the rotor, center of the gyroscope) and the changing life we are neck deep within.  Please click here to read the site.  But let me share one of their artworks with explanation here:
Earth Releasing Long Dormant Energies BECAUSE You Are Ready to Receive!!!! Gyro
Lets look at their handy dandy information and go a bit metaphysical with it all.  The first alignment any and all humans had to make was the alignment I am going to call the first trinity “body, mind and soul.”  Once that alignment was/is in place, everything changes… and creates the super powered alignment of the full trinity of “Source, Soul, Physicality.”  This second phase is what spirit means by becoming your own collective.  You become a super power source of Change, or wonder!!!
It also gives light to hitting critical mass in the “Shambhala” life field… and this is the reason so much is happening on earth (quakes, volcanoes and stuff.)
The age of enlightenment was an energy system getting us to here… The Age of Enlightened Ones is now Here and the earth and sun and everything in between, is spewing their sacred energy, long held deep inside… for use and even dare I say, celebration.
I have a feeling… we are going to see and experience amazing things together.  I know I will be back in reading land tomorrow and I cannot wait to see what we have done thru this massive shift called May/You.  (Without You who changed your gyroscopes, May would be a very different field of energy.)
My team is asking me to share one more very important tidbit that came for the group and applies to all of you as well:
Special Note: As you develop, get stronger in your “super power” abilities, I promise you, the universe is going to start bringing challenges to your doorstep. Not to kick you in the ass, but to have you start using what you are discovering within, in real time, to change that challenge into accomplishment. If you do not use it to change what is happening in your own personal world… well, lets just say the use of it is always applied direct in your own world first. For the first 8 years of bringing more of my abilities out to the fore, it really looked like destruction over and over and over again… Creators and Destroyers… one in the same. Sitting around singing kumbaya is NOT gonna get you to where you have chosen to go!! So when any sort of adversity shows up, get excited, dig in and use your “super powers” to change it!!! That is how validation and KNOWING what you are discovering and using is REAL. I love you all so much and honor the bravery within for choosing this amazing, challenging, life changing path!!!
Thank you for all you do, have done, will do in the days and weeks to come!!  I love you more than my heart can bear sometimes and miss you like freakin crazy!!!
((((((((((HUGZ))))))))))))) of wonder, bliss and exploding JOY to ALL!!!!!
Lisa Gawlas      www.mysoulcenter.com/energy_readings.html
P.S.  The power is within you, lets tap in and bring it out for full on use!! LAST chance Super Powers Course starting in June, click here for details.  This course is limited to the first 12 people who sign up, (2 seats left.)

Thanks to: https://lisagawlas.wordpress.com

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