and this from Lisa.....
From My Dreamtime: Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Rainiers Release Potential.
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What an odd night in sleep time last night. I felt like I was in the midst of the CNN news alert all night long, to the point of having woke up several times, once to go potty and several other times because the news alerts were overwhelming me and falling right back into the same dream state over and over, as if I had to remember the details of what I was seeing. Now, it is unforgettable.
In my dream, I was sitting on my couch (current time) watching a CNN news alert (haven’t done that in years) with the scrolling ticker at the bottom of the screen announcing seismic activity happening at Mount St. Helen and the looming eruption they were all watching and waiting to happen. Then, they got all flustered because a new report came in that was talking about new activity at Lake Rainier or beneath a lake near Mount Rainier and that area was put on alert for potential volcanic eruption.
I am not a dreamer at all, never have been. But I have got to pay vivid attention to a series of alerts in my dream time, that happened all night long. Even when I woke up for the day, the push on my energy field was to talk about this dream…. so here I am.
Of course, I also had to google lake or mount Rainier, I am familiar with Mt. St. Helens, but never heard of the other, so I was astounded that it too, is in the state of Washington.
In one of the news segments in my dream, Wolf Blitzer was talking about the last time any sort of eruption happened or had the potential of happening was 17 years ago, which would be 1998. I vividly remember the 17 in the ticker scroll I cannot remember which one he was talking about, I am pretty sure it was Mt St. Helens tho. So back to handy-dandy google to see what happened in 1998 and I found a national geographic story talking about Mt. St. Helens and a quote I will put here from that time line:
“We had magma come up to shallow levels in 1998, but it didn’t reach the surface,” Pierson said.We all know as earth shifted and released tremendous dormant energy for all of us to use in this time thru May, I have a feeling there are people, probably many groups of people trying to stabilize or stop the seismic activity because they truly don’t understand its incredible value. But if we can look at it like a human body, if we had to fart really bad and someone kept plugging up the release valve, chances are we are going to start vomiting like crazy… out one exit or the other. Either way, this energy MUST come topside. It is vital to the evolution of life and the well-being of our mother, even if it appears opposite.
After I completely woke up, got my coffee and sat here at my laptop, I was starting to change my mind about sharing this. I like the happy, exciting things shared, not… well, what could end up being devastating and completely out of our control to talk about. But I was reminded quite vividly about several meditations I have had in the past, not seeing the connection or value in those moments… coming out of a meditation with 3rd degree burns on my right foot and ankle only to find out hours later a volcano erupted in the Congo or being in meditation feeling like I am in the middle of an earthquake only to find one happened in Iran and other times too I have forgotten the outside connection, these two are etched in my memory banks tho.
So when my team uses my entire sleep time like a CNN news alert… gotta pay attention and share. So… consider this dreamtime news alert, shared. Ok I gotta giggle tho… Wolf Blitzer… really??? lol
I am going to leave this here with something I am hearing from spirit… “Destruction and Creation are one and the same energy.” Think about actual child birth… holy heavens the destruction of the vagina (Yes, I can say it loud and proud, but I LOVE the sing-song phrase of the va-jay-jay ;-) just sayin’.) The blood, the mucus, the tearing of the vaginal walls, the stretching OMG the stretching and new life comes thru.
Honor thy mother, please don’t plug her up or try to send the energy back.
This has been a public service announcement! (smile)
Big big (((HUGZ)))) of Life ever emerging!!!
Lisa Gawlas
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