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Sentinels 22 June 2012

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Sentinels 22 June 2012

Channel: Karen Doonan

 Sentinels 22 June 2012 Truth

We come to guide those who are now moving closer and closer to TRUTH in their hearts.
From the outside the planet earth may appear to be in chaos but inside of YOU there is a
restructuring that is being done from cellular level outwards. We are the Sentinels and we
come to guide as more and more prepare to move to the new world that has been born.
Our role is one of guide and not of leader, for that serves no one. We sit on the outer
edge of your vision, guiding, whispering and nudging for we can SEE in ways that YOU
are now only beginning to imagine. For those who are now restructuring SELF this is a
challenging time but it is also an expansion of SELF, it is a growing, a reconnecting and a
SOUL growth.
We sit as gatekeepers to the portals of new worlds, our role is one of emissary, we are
not here to make rules and regulations to prevent the entering of the new world, on the
contrary we are here to help you shed that which no longer serves in order to gain access
to the new world.
As the humans on planet earth now shed their distortions, embrace the new energies and
begin to harmonise with all of the universe the change in their energy signature is vast.
Those who are now moving in elevation can FEEL this elevation, a lightness in their step,
a lightness in their BEing as they begin to remember who they ARE. For the movement to
a new planet is the movement that is dreamed of and those dreams are now unfolding for
many across planet earth.
The energies that now sweep across the planet are cleansing and they are clearing, this
is done at all levels through all dimensions and all timelines. This cleansing and clearing
is down to as we have guided cellular level, it is not possible to enter a new world with the
programming of the old world existing within your very structure. For you are the world,
the world is you, you contain the frequencies of the planet that you exist on and that
planet is now restructuring from the inside out.
The frequency of mother earth is now shifting and expanding, the ability to increase the
energy that flows through you is now being shown to you and we guide for all to be aware
and to embrace this new energy. Allow the frequencies to begin to shift and allow the
heightening of the senses that occurs when this happens. The abilities that you have as
human BEings are now expanding, that which is your natural state of BEing is being
shown to you at ever deepening levels.
We are here for you at all times and we guide for you to journey to meet us. By allowing
the dreamtime to open a gateway to our energies we guide we will meet you and show
you that which has to be allowed to dissolve in order to move and expand. It is vital that
you begin to allow this process that is starting on planet earth to begin, many are holding
back, trying to build more walls deep within to keep the pain at bay. We guide strongly
dear ones that the pain is the distortion. It is not a natural human state to hold pain deep
inside. It is a distortion that you have been TAUGHT how to do and it works against you
on all levels.
Distortion in the form of human emotional pain leads to a filter that is applied that screens
out the beauty in the world around you, many are now unable to see the beauty of the
new world for they use the eyes that have been taught NOT to see. Do our words
resonate dear ones? We are here to help you gain clarity of vision for whilst you walk in
the dark then the pain may seem as a giant that is now about to overbear you but shining
the light YOU ARE on the pain will show it for the distortion that it is in TRUTH.
So much has been kept from the human race that there is no way to enter the new world
without a measure of some discomfort. Know that any sign of discomfort is merely the
dislodging of a teaching of distortion. The energies of the new earth do not support that
which is not TRUTH, many are aware of this but unable to absorb the full depth of this
phrase. Anything you have built your life upon that is borne out of the teachings of
distortion will now begin to dissolve.
It may be a challenging time for many as you have been taught to preserve the teachings
of distortion and hand them down to successive generations. Many of the children born
onto the planet earth are alerted to this and will reject the teachings of distortion
immediately. This will prove to be further challenging for those who have incarnated on
planet earth and who have borne the teachings and not questioned them. The default
teaching of distortion that has been taught is to defend the “status quo”. This is a huge
distortion for energy is always moving, to try to preserve the “status quo” is pouring huge
amounts of energy into trying to stand still dear ones. There is no expansion and growth
for the SOUL if you try to stand still, it is not possible to stand still for energy moves
We guide strongly that if you are at this moment trying to preserve that which you have at
all costs then you walk in the teachings of distortion. Many are holding on tightly to jobs,
to relationships and ways of BEing, fully believing it is TRUTH but we guide the universe
only supports TRUTH and not the reflections of a teaching of distortion that may attempt
to appear as TRUTH but does not have the energetic imprint that all TRUTH has. Does
this resonate dear ones?
More and more humans across and within planet earth will now see their energy
signatures begin to move and to shift. The note that YOU are is changing as mother earth
is changing, the universal signature of the planet you have incarnated upon is now
shifting, it makes no sense for the BEings who are hosted on the planet to stay in the old
energies and therefore not shift with the planet. Does this resonate dear ones? Many
believe the teachings of distortion that create the notion that the new earth is a physically
different world and we ask for you to detach from this teaching. This was taught to cause
confusion and to scatter energies. ALL is energy, the different versions of SELF and
dimensions are energetic dear ones, it is YOUr perception that will change, your eyesight
become clearer and YOU will be able to access that which may appear hidden to you at
the vibration you resonate to at this moment. Heightening your vibration will reveal the
secrets that you have been shielded from.
Those who sought to control this planet knew that the change in frequency would alter
everything and this is what they sought to control. ALL is energy dear ones, we guide for
you to let go of the human logical brain and to allow the senses that show you TRUTH to
begin to reactivate. That which is TRUTH is not always logical for the human brain was
programmed to respond in certain ways. To move out of this way of BEing and of living is
therefore a challenge to many who cannot seem to move out of the original programming.
The removal of the stimulus of the old world is but the start dear ones.
Akin to a baby learning to walk the logistics of it make little sense to the baby who will not
be able to process them. The baby learns by actively attempting to walk. We would guide
for you to actively create dear ones, we would guide you actively begin to challenge that
which is taught as TRUTH, only by questioning and experiencing can you tell what is
TRUTH and what is not. Logic has no part in this. If you debate and debate then you will
not experience, we ask you why you would incarnate in human form on a planet to
experience if you would not then use the body to experience?
Many are trapped in the mind and we guide this has been taught. Many are very dormant
in that they do not use the human body that has been given to them. Dear ones if you
were here to sit and watch the planet you would not have been given a body that moves
around for what use would it be to you?
Experience has been adapted dear ones for your mind and we would draw your attention
to this, an experience is personal, it involves the exchange of energies with the realm in
which you are conversing. A walk in nature sees you experience and exchange energies
with the faerie realm, the tree realms, sprites etc. A walk in a computer generated
programme watched inside on a monitor is an exchange of negative energies for the
energies emitted from the programme do not harmonise with the human energies that
YOU are. Does this resonate?
It cannot be highlighted enough that YOU are nature. YOU are part of the planet on which
you have incarnated, the vehicle you have been given to move around on this planet is in
harmony with the planet herself. The SOUL can receive detailed information through this
human vehicle from the realms around it. YOU can connect with the energies that you are
and we guide this is the challenge. Many are leaving their physical bodies to do this, to
move out of the physical and to move into the etheric. This also has been taught and
conditioned into the human race. This is not the challenge dear ones, the challenge for
the new world is to experience all that YOU are in the physical. It is merging the physical
with the energy that YOU are to harmonise and to come into balance.
We guide this may trigger many who are oblivious to the means by which the human
body has been rigidly controlled over the aeons and that this is what is breaking down.
The ability to walk in human form and converse and SEE your galactic family and all
realms is the ability to move the physical into harmony with SELF. For the SELF that YOU
ARE , the divine part of SELF that IS all come together in the human vehicle. There are
humans on planet earth who have honed this skill and they are near to achieving the
challenge that IS, to harmonise the human body with ALL that IS.
We guide for you to begin to TRUST SELF, for the deep part of SELF is aware of this
need in this timeline and will show YOU how to achieve this. It is not done through the
interaction of the teachings of distortion for they were created to lower vibration. To
achieve harmony with the human vehicle and the SELF involves raising the human
That which is being shown to you as dissolving is what is stopping you from achieving this
higher vibration, frustration is the first signal to the body that there is a frequency that is
not in harmony with the rest of the body. This is the route to the new dear ones, seek out
the teachings that are hiding below the guise of LOVE, seek out the distortions and then
dissolve them, the lightness of BEing from this will elevate leading to more TRUTH and
dissolving of more distortion.
The world will now begin to make little sense for most of the population. The balance that
appeared as “status quo” is not TRUTH and will now break down. How YOU react dear
ones is entirely up to YOU for YOU are the only one experiencing this at this moment. We
guide for you to rely on SELF, to TRUST SELF and learn to use the internal navigation
system that is SELF. This will allow you to process TRUTH and to find the illuminated
path that lies at your feet.
The smoke and mirrors of the teachings of distortion may attempt to trigger deep feelings
within you for that was their purpose. Like mini bombs of destruction, they trigger to lower
vibration and shield YOU from TRUTH. We guide for YOU to seek them out and to
dissolve them with the LOVE that IS to allow TRUTH to flow through you and around you
for it is YOU, at a deep level YOU ARE TRUTH.
We are the Sentinels and we come to guide and support as the human race now begins
its preparations to enter a new world. We ask for you to remember to breathe during the
process for this will help YOU. We look forward to welcoming you to new world, for we
are YOU.

Channel: Karen Doonan

Article Link: http://www.galacticmessages.com/blog/2012/06/sentinels-22-june-2012/

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